Guest [Anonymous] Posted July 13, 2001 Posted July 13, 2001 This album is very good. It has a very dark progressive feel to it. My favorite tracks are Beton Band and the always Owig Weg. I find this album hard to listen to from start to finish, it just gets boring after four or five tracks. Nevertheless 8/10. Quote
Guest Andy Posted July 13, 2001 Posted July 13, 2001 Well its not as good as i thought it would be... I expected too much after the great Owig Weg singel...But it still have some good trax.. but some are too experimental Quote
Guest Mescalinium Posted July 13, 2001 Posted July 13, 2001 This is one of my favorite albums of late. Owig Weg was already a great single, but the real highlights (for me at least) are the more experimental outings, particularly beton band with the great horn samples and muchomory with its jazzy drumline. The whole thing has a very groovy vibe if a bit harsh-sounding at times. Excellent work as always from Spiral Trax. Check out some other singles by Bigwigs and Praecox, since they are made up of members from Tromesa. 8/10 Quote
Guest Pit-UFO Posted July 14, 2001 Posted July 14, 2001 Tromesa - Pseudomental Artist: Tromesa Title: Pseudomental Label: Spiral Trax Date: 2001 Track listing: 01. 07'39" Beton Band 02. 07'58" Papierowe Sny 03. 07'54" Muchomory 04. 06'59" Raymond 05. 07'37" Owig-Weg 06. 07'33" Odwrot Treciego 07. 07'45" Brama 08. 07'24" Granula Masy 09. 07'17" Grousa Machina Review: From Poland comes Tromesa with a very serious album. a release that goes forward with style combining minimal techno and space jazz with progressive scandosaundz. When I say serious I mean, no fluffy stuff, no hands in the air explosions, funny samples, dreamy moments etc. This one is really dark, hypnotic, experimental and sometimes even scary (take the techno oriented Odwrot Treciego for an example). The best tracks are the danceable Granula Masy, Beton Band with its electric impulses & the groovy Owig-Weg. A good album to travel at night in quirky landscapes. 8/10. Quote
Guest ir0nm0nk3y Posted July 14, 2001 Posted July 14, 2001 I love this album. Raymond, Owig-weg and Brama standout for me but, the whole disc is good. It is hard, dark, strong energy. Pop this in for full on night time psytrance. 9/10 Quote
freak51 Posted July 15, 2001 Posted July 15, 2001 Not bad, but I prefer a rounder sound. This outfit has lots of talent; the next one should be a killer once they find their sound. 7.5/10 Quote
Guest Dandoo Forest Posted July 15, 2001 Posted July 15, 2001 AMAZING , OUTSTANDING , A BLAST , GENIUS Quote
Guest MG Posted July 15, 2001 Posted July 15, 2001 Better than S-Range, which I bought at the same time. I love this album, probably the best spiral trax album yet. I don't know it that well, but I know it rocks. I played it at a house party last weekend to a positive response. To Freak 51, they've found their sound, in fact, they know exactly what they want, being the Big Wigs, Praecox, Zenglodon & Tromesa. They are capable of many different sounds & guises, God bless 'em Quote
Guest a_ozi Posted July 16, 2001 Posted July 16, 2001 Yes this is great stuff. I even wonder if they could have taken the jazz influences further... but not to detract from the album... especially Bet on Band, Much omory, O wig Weg and Grouse Machine. The percussion is fresh and its both minimal and maximal. There are so many similar sounding styles that it is positive to hear some quirky different soundscapes. 85. Quote
Guest Antic Posted July 18, 2001 Posted July 18, 2001 Definite BUY recomendation! One of the best (if not the best) minimal releases so far. Frankly, it gives "minimal-trance" a new meaning, since it's not only hard banging over steady 4/4 kick. It blends some jazz and funky stuff, lots of live-like instruments and great drums work. Most of the tracks are dark, but not harsh. What is also important, they have clear buildups, direction and certain flow unlike many other tech-trance releases nowadays. Tracks are various, with many fresh ideas and samples. For me the most funny thing is to hear a spoken samples (and the track's titles) in my own language Oh, and if somebody is intersted then I'll try to translate the track titles to english: 1. Concrete Band, 2. Paper Dreams, 3. Mushrooms, 4. Raymond*, 5. Owig-weg*, 6. The Third's Turnback (? or something like this - when somebody turns back on you...), 7. The Gate, 8. (I don't even know how to understand this in polish , 9. Grousa Machina*. The track titles with * don't mean nothing in polish... I'll give this one strong 8/10 (and I don't like most minimal stuff...) Quote
Guest Antic Posted July 18, 2001 Posted July 18, 2001 To Freak51 (and others interested) - they've found their sound long time ago ...and now decided to try something else. They already released two great albums ("Pasma Czasu" and "Gdyby...") but theye were only available in Poland. The music there was typical for it's time - melodic and arabian/indian influenced (first album) and very psychedelic, hard and fast with lots of acid tweaks (second one). Some of the tracks from this album you can find on audiogalaxy, but I'd rather like Dreddy & Magnes to put good-quality mp3's of it on their site ( Maybe someday they will - I mean their old stuff (especially "Gdyby...") is really worth getting! Sorry for this off-topic message Quote
Guest Pied Piper Paul Posted August 4, 2001 Posted August 4, 2001 Why does everybody think that minimal is the way forwards ? this cd Im sorry is really bland-there is nothing on this cd that is stimulating, dancy, trippy or hypnotic with the exception of track 5. Id really spend your money on something else unless minimal is your thing and even then I dont rank it s good minimal Quote
Guest Goa Spirit Posted October 3, 2001 Posted October 3, 2001 Didn't like all the tracks here, but there is definitely one standout... OWig Weg... very very nice track... love the way this one is produced... a nice drum in the back, like most minimal tracks, however this one is coupled with a very pleasing groove..... i love the way they keep on changing the groove once every 4 or 5 loops.,.. sounds like a big vehicle changing gears.... very interesting track this... usually i don't like most minimal artists , but once in a while they really catch my fancy.. eg- son kite, intact instinct -sfb, dimo etc.. this album doesn't take me there in most tracks, but owig weg is one of those minimal gems.. and considering how simple the audio programming for this track is, i am really impressed... i would give ow a 9 while the rest gets a 6... peace Quote
Guest duff99[at]wp[dot]pl Posted October 28, 2001 Posted October 28, 2001 Tromesa my love . I love all stuff made by those guys [Arabskie Noce (Arabian Nights) was first goa tune i had in my collection and i loved it [10/10 ]. Pasma Czasu LP rulez. Great 'ol-skool psy)). Pseudomental is really good [8/10] but IMHO not the best Dreddy can do. Tracks are very similiar [anyways Owig-Weg rule]. P.S. Greetz to all trance freaks all over the world. P.S2. Pozdroffienia dla goa-maniakuff z polandowa P.S.3 check out my tunes in contest - ] Injection [ Quote
Guest bug[at]bugbread[dot]com Posted November 10, 2001 Posted November 10, 2001 I hate minimal with a passion, yet I love this album. The sounds really draw you into it, and the jazz sections are pure genius. I could never dance to this, but it's awesome in a darkened room. Quote
Guest Jason - Los Angeles, CA Posted November 12, 2001 Posted November 12, 2001 A friend recommended this album to me after I listened to it a couple times in his store and wasn't impressed. He told me that if I just take the chance and really listen to it, I would really love Tromesa. I took the chance and cranked it in my car as loud as it would go. This CD almost blew out my speakers. My whole car was rattling. Not trying to brag or anything, but I think my car stereo can take a lot. I have to say this is the only CD that I was reluctant to crank, because I thought it was going to f... up my speakers. Everytime I listen to this album, I like it more and more. Thanks to Wyse at Interspace, I am a fan and hope to see them live one day. Tromesa. Quote
Guest strife[at]bezeqint[dot]net Posted January 3, 2002 Posted January 3, 2002 NEAT. Tromesa certainly does something for me in terms of music. hits me like no others do really, it has some sort of weird vibe going on that i pick up on and relate to often. though i dont think thats their intention....ive read numerous interviews with them saying not much about it. other than "its just what we do".....which is good. no use over analyzing it. anyway, tromesa's music makes me think how large and complex i am in comparison with the molecules and subatomic particles whose physical properties dictate nature of life in the universe this is most definitely existential muzik. Abstract expressionism. in Art we have painters such as Mondrian who's core aim is to escape completly from the "naturalist" world. Look at the sleeve work, confield in particular, then look at some early 20th century abstract art. when Listening to Confield ,if you allow yourself to slip into deeper concentration, seemingly naturalist sounds are revealed as totally synthetic noises that are totally engineered from simple electronic fuzz. Tromesa, keep on that great awesome job. Quote
Guest goastomp9 Posted January 11, 2002 Posted January 11, 2002 this is one of the strangest psy trance albums i've ever encountered... track 3 is incredible and track 5 just gives me chills...i'm always looking for something new or interesting and this album just did it for me...10/10 Quote
Guest Defbydelta... Posted January 18, 2002 Posted January 18, 2002 Tromesa Is very good. Pseudomental is a very good production. if u dont have it BY it NOW! or download it fuck it just get it... 7/10 Quote
Guest Psychedelic AllabertA Posted January 27, 2002 Posted January 27, 2002 This is certailny some new innovative stuff... I'd like to highlight one track especially. Muchomory - I haven't heard such a track in a long long time... It's so ingeniously constructed, fully, completely T-W-I-S-T-E-D and original! One of the best tracks I have ever heard!!! Papierowe Sny is also great... Very dark and twisted, like I'm in some dark bush full of bats and mushrooms Owig Weg is great as well, but the rest of the tracks seem to be somewhat dry, synthetic-sounding, to use that expression they aren't as "juicy" as the above mentioned ones... But, they are well made too. I like this Tromesa album. Greetz to the Polish psy trancers, u make us proud!!! Muchomory: 100/10 , the album as a whole 7/10... Quote
seraph Posted March 30, 2002 Posted March 30, 2002 HUH....well... this album becomes boring after a is very experimental and quality but it looses somewhere....some good mixes and choices of sounds but it really gets a bit too much at the times...too many doof, doof, doof, for nothing actually...yes, there is talent, but it is not well put together...Best tracks are : MUCHOMORY, OWIG - WEG, GRANULA MASY...6/10 Quote
Guest timothy yarret Posted April 19, 2002 Posted April 19, 2002 very weird and very cool, my favourites being beton band and owig weg.some of the stuff is not necessarily danceable, just intelligent trance to be listened to at home with a pipe and slippers though the afore mentioned tunes would have me wiggling like a manmade mad man if i heard them on soundsystem Quote
Guest the dank man Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 OH, IT'S SO GOOD! From 260 or so albums I have, this is definitely in top 5 Quote
Guest pacman[at][dot]pl Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 The best track from Tromesa called "Migot Komorek" is released only on EP before LP "Pseudomental". Im thinkin' is the best song and i dont know why Tromesa not released on LP. Try them! 10/10! Quote
Guest piokorot[at]poczta.onet[dot]pl Posted August 11, 2002 Posted August 11, 2002 TROMESA RULEZ if anybody would like to hear the sounds of tromesa, u can download it from me in dc, i got pasma czasu (the best, better than pseudomental), gdyby and pseudomental. you can listen to few tracks and then buy those albums, and i can assure you-- YOU WONT REGRET IT!!!! email me if you cant find the tracks elswhere. remember about one thing: only cd's can give you the best quality , mp3 are rather poor substitute. Quote
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