Guest Acidhive Posted September 18, 2000 Posted September 18, 2000 V/A - Pulse 9 Artist: Various Title: Pulse 9 Label: Sub Terranean Date: 2000 Track listing: CD 1 01. 07'55" Genetic : Gala 02. 08'05" The Rootsman Meets The Gab : Friday The 13th 03. 07'30" SBK : Treibsand 04. 06'25" Spirallianz : Shaolin Shuffle 05. 09'14" Massimo Vivona : Over 06. 09'18" Feuerhake : 3 Tage, 4 Nachte 07. 07'05" Disco Slickers : It's A Feel 08. 08'16" Masun : Masun 09. 06'44" Synchro : Next Stop : Oblivion (Y2k Rmx) CD 2 01. 06'23" Menis : Hamburger 02. 09'48" Element : Jesus 03. 08'28" Koxbox : Geomancer 04. 06'30" MOS : My Baby 05. 08'47" Johann Bley : Dream 06. 10'50" Hallucinogen : Mi Loony Um 07. 06'14" Morphem : Hypnotone (Cydonia's Remake) 08. 10'16" Noma : Soon 09. 07'48" Tarsis : Melt (Imagination - Instrumental Version) Review: Another Pulse comp. hits the stores and again it is filled with the fairly minimalistic style we've come to be used to of european Goa Trance. CD1 starts with a rather old song from Genetic called Gala. I like it, although this is more electric trance than Goa in my opinion. Next up is Gabriel Le Mar with a dark and atmospheric kinda track which flows along really good. After that we dive into the minimalistic and really dark visions of Sebastian Kruger, a man who gets around these days. (he's one half of tarsis and stars in many more cooperations like Disco Slickers) This song is really good if you like this style. It's dark and it rocks along real good. Some more minimalism with Spirallianz who produce a track here which is a little different. Not so dark as their usual offerings. This track is perhaps too minimalistic and it certainly won't be everyone's cup of tea. After that we get treated by another one of those great Massimo Vivona tracks. He always uses hard kickdrums ! and strings most of the time, to produce his well known hypnotic effect. No different here and this is one of the best tracks on this CD. Feuerhake is next, with his great non-minimalistic style which serves as a breather here. After that you get pounded again by Disco Slickers. Hard bass and great hihats and some blips. Only thing that's not so cool is the voice sample which does not belong in a goa track in my opinion. But, it's not a bad offering. Next is Masun with a really minimalistic track. You have to play this in a big soundsystem with lots of bass, or put on your headphones and try to sink in. When you do, it surprisingly works really well. To round CD 1 off, there's the GREAT remix from Next Stop Oblivion. Synchro works a miracle with this old track here. CD 2 starts really good with the weird track Hamburger from Menis. Really hypnotizing this... I like it!! The funky track Jesus from Element is next. Element rocks as usual. They are one of the best new Goa acts in! my opinion. Koxbox twists your brain with Geomancer and this track is just the style Koxbox does best. Next up is a really dark track from MOS., which has a great sample from some sort of horror movie. Excellent production here. Johann Bley follows with one of his better tracks, called Dream. The title of this track is good, because you can really dream when listening to this. More reminiscent of the old style goa, and I like that...Hallucinogen is next with a GREAT track!! This is what Hallucinogen is all about! You have to listen this to understand it fully. Next up is a great (and more melodic as well!) version of Morphem's well known track Hypnotone. Cydonia rebuilt this by leaving out all the samples and producing a more mysterious version. Great work! Noma is next with a really ambient minded track. Great work here, it consists of the same melody over and over, and still it doesn't get boring! CD 2 ends with the great instrumental version of Tarsis' track Melt. You co! uldn't round of a compilation better in my opinion. Overall, DJ Alex supplies us with a whole lot of great tracks again. Be warned however, if you don't like progressive Goa, skip this one and get one of the older Pulse volumes instead. (I reccomend number 5.. that's a great one as well!!) I like progressive as well, so I give this 8/10 Quote
Guest sk8walk[at]hotmail[dot]com Posted September 18, 2000 Posted September 18, 2000 That track by MOS [my baby] , contains such a scary sample... its even becoming more scaryer when it is revered [dome reverb echo] , damn its freaking scary!... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!... cd 1 is pure crap (except track.2) cd 2 has some reasonable tracks, but i dislike minimal progressive goa... i prefer the older pulse i give this 4/10 Quote
Guest Mascok Posted September 18, 2000 Posted September 18, 2000 really bad one though some good tracks here on cd2 and disco slickers - its a feel with bob marly talking samples. so does noma - soon and mos - my baby and menis - hamburger ofcourse .. pulse 8 was way better!. u can do it better Sub Terranean... 3/10/ Quote
Guest doesDJalexeverreadthis? Posted November 13, 2000 Posted November 13, 2000 wow great marketing at novatekk, they included a FREE(!) frisbee!... (disc 1) cool keep it up like this 'DJ Alex' (NOT!!!!!) Quote
Guest [Anonymous] Posted June 16, 2001 Posted June 16, 2001 oh my god this cd sucks so hard i feel a draft every time a open the cdbox. There is no inspiration no evolution, no nothing. There's just lame beats,lame beats and lame beats and after that you get kicked in the face with some more completly lame beats. Quote
Guest Le Lotus Bleu Posted August 29, 2001 Posted August 29, 2001 for me, it's worth buying this volume only for the cd2. cd 1 is decevant because tracks are very irregular in their qualities. good job from gala and gab+rootsman with tracks quite cool and melodic. boring minimal tribal track from sbk. quite interesting music from spirallianz even if it's not what i prefer in trance. quite good over of vivona but surely not his best track,better listen to SECRET or older IMIJ,DROP. always good sounds from feuerhake,it's the case with 3tage 4nachte. Disco slickers and Masun in a minimal style which isn't what i prefer. Synchro in his special and rconizable style , quite good track. On cd 2 , nice energic jesus from element, same thing with geomancer of koxbox (i prefer The Great Unknow in the same style a little bit funky which appears on tantrance 9). MOS definitively not for me. Excellent music begins now from johan bley till tarsis. dream is a track which hold well his name. Very funny , some celtic tradionnal music influences at the beginning then evolution in most normal postford style. awezome remix by cydonia of morphem. the two last tracks are very trance ambient kindy and very appreciable. Quote
Guest zyrkon[at]caramail[dot]com Posted October 13, 2001 Posted October 13, 2001 cd1 have minimal and some progressive tracks, so the tracklist doesn't have a logic following. what a pity. rating cd1:4,5/10 Cd2 have a better tracklist construction, tracks are more melodic, some are progressive (on the end),more psychedelic on start.all tittles are very good here except MOS, Menis is just a bit weak. rating cd2: 8/10 rating compilation :6,5/10 Quote
lysergic Posted December 18, 2001 Posted December 18, 2001 quite dissapointed. very very minimal 1st CD. and not very good at that.. best track Disco slickers - its a feel. most of this stuff i wouldnt even call psychedelic trance! 2nd CD - nearly as bad, but Johann Bley - Dream, is alright.. quite 'dreamy' sounding hehe. and Hallucinogen - Miloonium is a fun track.. with a very weird beginning, and some nice twisted effects. Morphem - Hypnotone(rmx), isnt as good as the original, but still a good track. overall 4/10 Quote
Guest Dj Portugal Posted March 10, 2002 Posted March 10, 2002 it´s a nice compilation, But it could be better! My favourite tracks are in CD1 (t6 and t9) in CD2 (t7) t2, t5, t6(it´s funny, but i hear better from simon posford), are also good but are not so good like 7. I give 7.5/10 Quote
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