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V/A - Raja Ram's Stash Bag

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Guest Flying Kundalini

V/A - Raja Ram's Stash Bag


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Artist: Various

Title: Raja Ram's Stash Bag

Label: TIP World

Date: 2002


Track listing:


01. The Infinity Project : Telepathy

02. E-Rection : Out Here We Are Stoned (X-Dream Rmx)

03. Talamasca : Time Simulation

04. Bio Tonic : The Third Link

05. Logic Bomb : The Third Revelation

06. Alien Project : Midnight Sun (GMS Rmx)

07. 1300 Mics : Salvia Divinorum

08. GMS And 1300 Mics : The Fourth Revelation

09. The Infinity Project : Binary Neuronaut

10. Space Tribe And Electric Universe : The Acid Test

11. GMS : Halloween

12. Hallucinogen : Shamanix (Rmx)

13. Shpongle : Around The World In A Tea Daze

14. The Antidote : Transylvania

15. Shpongle : The Sixth Revelation

16. Zorba And Chicago : The Rush




This "Mix" CD starts with Telepathy from TIP an old

classic given an extra twist with some humourous

samples from South Park such as "who has the marijuana

now" a nice twist which gives this "Mix" an oh such

promising beginning ( things get worse from here on in

), next is the X-dream rmx of another old classic and

there is not much "tweaked" about this one, next is an

offering from DJ Lestat - a nice moring tune from his

recent album, next is a very danceable track from

Biotonic, I like this alot, has female voices saying "

I like it" throughout. By now the listener has a smile

on his face which soon fades as we get a pathetic 2min

Logic Bomb track followed by a 3min Midnight sun

followed by a 1m28s!! Salvia Divinorum followed by two

more 3min tracks! - this is now turning into a badly

mixed TipWorld Sampler!! AARRGGHH!! ---:-((((-----

..lets pick up on the Space Tribe track which is a

very good track with a powerful psychedelic groove and

samples saying "..and the chap who freaks out just

hasn't passed the acid test", next is a corker from

GMS - this is how we like it!! followed by a Shamanix

remix I haven't heard before it's good if clearly

old.. next another 3min shpongle track followed by

another sample ridden Transylvania ( same samples as

the first track - DOH! )next 2m20s of Shpongle and an

uplifting Zorba toune to finish of the "Mix".

You might have noticed how I've put "Mix" in inverted

comma's througout this review, there is a reason for

this!! The "mixing" on this CD ranges from fairly

decent to downright childs play to downright poor..

if this was done on a computer then it's time someone

invested in a new one - its a shame. I only bought

this because I have every other TipWorld release and I

sorta collect them now - but If you have most of these

tracks DO NOT bother with this!! You'll be much better

of getting "Crystal Skulls" and "Assassinations" -

MUCH BETTER as you'll get more than a quarter of a

track! All in all this is a fun CD with many tracks

most of you will have with some cringe-worthy mixing

thrown in for good measure.

My Verdict : Pass

My Rating : 6.5/10


I've been listening to this release alot the last week, and if you take it for what it is: A funny,

psychedlic mix, it's actually quite satisfying!... 8/10


Also - kickass cover-artwork as always with TIP ... Btw the frontcover is made

by Doof! :o) ... Nice liner-notes too...

Guest Ehsanur

Looks the fucking DREAM TEAM! plus Raja Rams hands on it! Well, haven't

listened to it. Must sample it.But I heard that Raja Rams mixing sucks?


2 Mins. of a track, 3 of another??? Sounds like a Gatecrasher CD (So they tell

me!!!) I'd be interested in hearing the Shamanix remix IN FULL!!! Roll on

Logic Bomb


Gatecrasher Cd?? Maybe but the music is 10 times fatter than the owner of

Gatecrasher's wallet ever will be. think of this as Raja Ram's live set.

This disk is just like any outdoor party live set from your favourite DJ,

rather than a colloection of favourite tracks put out by some label. raja ram

gives you a taste of things to come when he play small samples of other

songs, and makes you think, play that song, i love that one, then kicks in

with a different song, just as good. Music ranges from absolutely aurally

pounding trance, to 'take a couple of deep breaths for a second because it's

gonna get full on again' It finishes with a bang leaving you wondering what

the hell just went on. This has to be the best Dj set put out that I have

heard, with classics made new, your old favourites and hot new ones, all

played in a new way. Well recommended 8.5/10

Guest Soyouth

Nothing new, tracks are justapoxed to each other and not really mixed that's

clear but this C is just pleasure when enjoying it and having fun. It may look

too much like a "Best of" but anyway I had very good trips with it and that's

what matters ! (even though i find that putting 3 crystal skulls on it is a

bit too easy...)

I kind of agree with the fact that Raja Ram is a musical journey designer more

than a DJ but that's why I like him and this is the spirit of the mystery of

the yeti &...

My opinion 8/10

Guest Lifeform

Well, i just got this in the mail today. And my first comments are that the

art work is incredible which i guess is done by Doof himself, atleast the

cover. This is a decent mix... Though i can't really take it serious at some

points... With the south park samples and all... I had most of the tracks

already, but i thought i'd give it a try. Not a bad mix, dont get me wrong.

Raj has some good taste! 8/10

Guest joel[at]shpongle[dot]com

RAJA is PSY! He started it all and I respect him so highly for that. This mix

is a classic, Especially to hear tracks in it that I bought 5 years ago. Well

done, a must for every collection, the best bits of 16 tracks presented raja

style. Enjoy 8.5/10

Guest kuranbazdave[at]yahoo[dot]com

Time Simulation is a real trip. See you in South Africa

Guest n0n[at]gmx[dot]net

just listen to it right now, and i mot say, WTF?!

i mean, thos freestyle mixes are a REAL SWeet!, never see this coming... the

freestyle 5 trks, logic bomb and talamasca, the house movement, it can be

pathetic, but its not, after 5 mints, it's gone! the open trk i dont really

like, over load with samples, to many pepole talking about stuff, Who has the

marijuana :) it's a killer, but what it has to do with life on other planet,

no wait, just got it, yep, but stil, not related, overloaded, but the other

stuff, its just getting better and i havnt heard it all, cool musical journy,

Guest effron

Kick ass compilation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Le Lotus Bleu

There's nothing to deny about the tracklisting ,a good melt between oldies but

goodies and some rare new stuff (solstice tracks from the antidote and 3rd

link for example). If you already have crystal skulls ,assassi nations and

others old tip stuff this mix cd isn't very interesting for you. In the

opposite ,don't wait go buy it.

Last words to say that you'll find full version of 3rd Link 'biotonic' ,GMS

'Halloween' and Talamasca 'Time Stimulation' in the vynil edition of raja

ram's stash bag sampler.

Guest [Anonymous]

lets take off the hat for the real master

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

I heard Raja in a live set in the TLV in israel last month and the little white

haired olddie is one of the best!

Guest Philip Xmen

Ok, maybe it's just me, but Raja Ram's mixing style seems very boring. I've

been mixing some of the same tracks, and been accidently more creative that

those breaks Raja offers on this CD. Though, he has a great taste... 6/10

  • 1 month later...
Guest aquamental

This is a wonderful party-cd!!! Think of this like a 1 hour 11 minute

soundtrack to a best party of your life, where everybody's dancing with smile

on their faces and the morning approaches but nobody can even think of being

tired. This is funny and enjoyable cd, and there is no boring moment, so what

could be wrong?! Forget everything else and let yourself go to the beat of

psytrance! Raja Ram is your trusted captain :)


Very good compilation....Yes, 2 and 3 minutes songs really do kills you first

listen cause you like some songs and some you start to like and he immediately

mix into another but dosen't matter cause this is concept mix CD by Raja

Ram...Only first 3 songs misbeatmatch but others are absolutely perfectly

blended...raja knows how to keep pace right...All songs are fast, bouncey,

crazy with some added twists and tweaks....There aren't best songs cause they

are all cut and whole thing works as a whole...SHAMANIX RMX is very good, same

like for 1300 mics and GmS stuff that are beston album..9/10

Guest skr13

Simply one of the greatest albums I've ever heard before. Raja knows how to

make your body move with his unique way of playing the tracks. I really,

really enjoyed this album. My rating 9/10

  • 1 month later...
Guest inhiding[at]thevortex[dot]com

The first half of the album mixes the highpoints of the track only two or three

minutes a lot of the time. A lot of the hits not many you would expect to

secretly come from raja rams stash bag at a high point at the voov. Good

tracks that weve all heard. Alot of remeshed samples spread over the tracks

that he added.

Track 1...Attention Grabber, overkill on the vocal samples through the track.

Begins with bells in the background that remind me of a strange glamor trip.

It is possible that life exists on other planets isn`t it??

Track two...Out here we`s stoned. Hard bassline hits smoothly. Groving track

slowly evolving.

Track three...Bouncing Bass. Cricket like synth. Close to seven minutes of

play time. Great talamasca track could have mixed this one down shorter same

short melody loops begining to end drags a bit though the track rocks.

Track four..Let me fix this. Starts right off with a smoth monotonous

bassline. A couple kicken breaks that pull you in and around. around three

and a half minutes in a kind of jazzy sample comes in that sounds like a

tromesa track.

Track Five..Starts of with a very nice pulsing high frequency during. Vocal

sample behind "high up in the sky" "they are called sky gods or something"

short track at about two minutes.

Track Six The gms remix of midnight sun. I like the original more than the

remix but the rmx definetly has much more power. The first alien project was

more raw. Great track anyway. Starts right of with were the rmx comes in

leaving the original intro out. Standard gms bass, hihats, and synth with

alien project loops.

Track seven..The diviners mint. Starts out with a synth that sounds like fuzz

bouncing through your head.

woo haa. Synth rises into the following track.

Track 8..Very resonant high hat. Alternatin bass, bass drum. "Is any body

here." Fast pace track a minute in a very nice climax slow rising synth,

cuts out and doesn`t leave as much as I want. Never satisfied I suppose.

Shpongle flute sample overlays for about 15 seconds. Ending with the same

resonant hihats as the begining.

Track 9. "Mind over matter, mind over energy." Spaced out track. Entering

atmosphere. Groving motion synth that holds and pulls. "Billions of stars

throughout the galaxy" Upper range synths that are smooth as hell. If hell

is smooth.

Track 10. "A new Psychoactive substance has been discovered....." Great

modulating filters on the introsynths. New sounds keep coming. Smooth

evolution through the track. Ollie Wisdom is one of the masters.

Great snare synths that sound more like gated wind. Layers of well blended

hard synth. Full on.

Track 11. Starts abruptly from The last song but strong and fast. Well named

and made track. Ghostlike synth. Mr mackie comes back in during this track

Good sample but doesn`t fit well here. Ecoes into the next track.

Track 12. "Not all drugs are good, Some of em are Great"

George W. Sample I Think. Circular synths create a nice vortex to spin you

mind in. Vocal Tribal sounds bounce from some of the synths 3 min on. Nice

production here.

Changes quickly keeping your brainwaves flying.

Track 13. Great shpongle track. Beautiful Psycadelic melodys. This song is a

few different styles shpongle uses and is a good song to introduce people to a

the varying ways shpongle can make you fly. Intense Violins Vocals,Bass,

wonderful peace. String climaxs in to the next track creating a beautiful mis

that settles you on for the next ride.

Track 14..Quick short synth bursts. Bubbling water samples. Some Wacked out

Vocals. One and a half minutes in a pulsing synth.wow. Mr. Mackie comes back

in talking about Mary Jane. Spongle Vocal sample. Great synth Over kill on

the added samples.

Track 15.Two minute Spongle Track fullon psy with a vocalist coming in towards

the end.

Track 16. Softer melody comes followed by some bongo`s, impress that the this

is the journey`s last. Then it folds into it. High hat one and a half

minutes in is hard. Nice Drums. Very Gentle end. "flying High into the sky."

Good Album A lot of hitz, but still good. Not much overlap between tracks more

sliced and edited than mixed. Some tracks just switched on the breaks. The

slightly rmx songs could be used because they aren`t overlaped. Very short

though. A lot of Raja Rams extra samples are quit trippy while trippin.

Great Stuff.

I like Less common stuff more but still suprised me. Rating 8/10

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