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Solar Fields - Reflective Frequencies

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Guest Zeus Class

Solar Fields - Reflective Frequencies


Artist: Solar Fields

Title: Reflective Frequencies

Label: Ultimae

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. 6.7

02. Floating Channels

03. Self Transforming Experience

04. Blue Light

05. Red Vortex

06. Echoing Spectrum

07. Inherit Velocity

08. Zero Rotation

09. Overlapping Particles

10. Self Transforming Experience

11. Zone 12

12. Nea 3

13. Outlined Surfaces

14. Breathing Neutron Empire




Well this is perhaps the best downtempo/ambient release i've got. Very spacy

soaring atmospheric soundscapes changing and morphing into breakbeats. This

is one very aumbiant and futuristic release, all tracks flow seamlessly into

eachother...the whole album taken togather as one dose. Listen and "dissolve

into a sea of energy" . This is simply a very unique album in my collection.

Constently changing and flowing. 1long tour through an 4-dimentional alien

utopia, right next door to ourself ... 10/10

Guest Psylent Buddhi

A fantastic album in the downtempo trance & ambient trip-hop genre. There is

not a single weak track on this disc. The effort is incredibly consistent,

changing and flowing in nature. After numerous listens it never fails to

surprise and move me. An essential release for anyone into floating, trancy

ambient with breakbeats. In my opinion this sounds more mature than Asura, but

anyone into Asura will probably like this one too! /PB

Guest russ

who is this and where did he come from? this album blew me away. it's like one

long track. nothing in my collection can compare to this, except for the 1st

shpongle album. it's a bit like if moksha were to write a trippy

ambient/downbeat album--similiar intensity and attention to detail. absolute

must buy. 10/10

Guest Acidhive

Finally this is reviewed here... regular visitors will have noticed this one in

my faves for some time now! And this is indeed a good album, full off somewhat

heavier ambient stuff with a real Space feeling about it.. And with space I

mean that literally.. like other planets, stars, nova's.. that's the feeling I

get when listening to this.. 9/10 here!! Really good!!

Guest wobblish[at]hotmail[dot]com

Absulolutely great chill out... long thunmping drones coming from afar and

passing over you, with sometimes slow hiphoppy breaks to set the pace. Indeed

it's an album that's best listened to as a whole, but my favorite tracks here

are Outlines surfaces (track 13) and Blue light - Red Vortex (track 4 & 5),

which are kinda like a twin track. This is absolutely cinematic stuff. 9/10

Guest amitabha

i didnt think it was anything special.. perhaps cuz im not into such "trancy"

ambient .. will have another listen..

Guest dionissiuss[at]yahoo.com[dot]mx

This is one of the best ambient-electronic albums i know. someone sent me one

file through a peer to peer plataform once and i loved the tune since first

listen. now, i´m looking for the cover art. but, really, is one of my

favourites ever!!! the composition quality is excellent, i think is a great

master piece of musical expression. dont wait to get it, buy it or download

it...christian strempler.

Guest Amitabha

hmm.. this is not my cup of tea.. after several listens.. I still find this cd

quite bad.. could be better with more organic feeling too it.. now i think

there was too much electronic"sounding" stuff to be spacing.. i like it more

smooth.. and some tracks have horrible distortion effects.. yuck. but i liked

some Reverb pads and such effects like that.. Stunning! very well made!! "Nea

3", and "Self Transforming Experience 1" tracks are excellent.. maybe the best

on the cd. If they made only more like this relaxing "ultra ambient" type of

sounds, i would be in love with them but i dislike their other hard electronic

Choise of sound. doesnt feel very chilled to me. and the overall sound of the

whole cd is a bit to chaotic for my tastes.. i like far out stuff, but this

sounds like out of control IMO :o)

  • 2 months later...
Guest light

Totally spaced out music, i LOVE this album !

One of the best album i have listen to.!

10 / 10.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

Pretty cool this - best played from start to finish as its like one endless mix

. Has a Future Sound Of London feel to it I must say. B+

  • 6 years later...
  • 3 weeks later...

As of 2009 this is still the best Solar Fields album.

really? i have to go listen to it again, back in that time, wasnt in love with psychill, maybe ill like it now

Well Movements is probably the best Solar Fields album but I really like this one because it's not gay sounding and lots of the tracks are really cool.

  • 4 years later...



Artist: Solar Fields

Title: Reflective Frequencies

Label: Ultimae Records

Date: 2001


01. 6.7
02. Floating Channels
03. Self Transforming Experience
04. Blue Light
05. Red Vortex
06. Echoing Spectrum
07. Inherit Velocity
08. Zero Rotation
09. Overlapping Particles
10. Self Transforming Experience
11. Zone 12
12. Nea 3
13. Outlined Surfaces
14. Breathing Neutron Empire



Magnus Birgersson's debut album is very electronic and at times noisy. It's partially mixed which allows good flow from track to track. It's much better when you listen to it all the way through which is easy because some of the tracks are very short, kinda like interludes within the greater story. The pads can be thick and warm while spacey effects and glitchy tones can make the overall album feel cold. Alien sounds intermingled with human voices gives a glimpse of what the mechanization of space might sound like on the horizon. Sometimes it can be dark and jumbled, but for me that just adds to the atmosphere. A soundtrack to floating in space reveals that the journey might not be as pristine as we thought.


Pretty good.



  • 6 months later...

While this is really good, it is the weakest of Solar Fields' (main) albums.

It is hard to be objective and review this without comparing it to him other albums.

It's a shame I do that because I think this is really good but it sounds best when I haven't recently heard any of his other albums.

It's spacey, atmospheric, quirky and a bit glitchy/mechanical.

  • 1 year later...

For something that was released 15! Years ago. This is absolutely amazing! While it'll always be tough to choose one album over other or even to compare SF's works. This is not a weak one.(sorry Abasio, I don't agree with you) This is more like raw, free and expressive if anything. ( Huh! All his works are like that.. )


I have to listen to all his albums one after another for a really long period of time to even come close to picking a favourite.


I wonder what kind of trip he wants to us envisage with those names & his great music!


I was surprised to find the 2001 release a 2 fold digipack with no booklet, unlike the current Ultimae regular 3(6?)fold digipack + booklet. Nonetheless it's a nice digipack.


This is highly recommended!

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