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hard pumping bass and kick, maybe for the morning set, i like it but not as

hell....u can have it or not, but better if u do....

pay attention to the first track, it has some weird hypnotic bassline that

speeds and slows...ill say that u get it while doing ur work better than

paying much attention.......just.nice album

  • 1 month later...
Guest eyehate[at]hotmail[dot]com

Yeah it definately has that Headcleaner feel to it .Its pretty good. Maybe a

little darker than Atmos . I recommend it .

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest mthole[at]home[dot]nl

I heard there liveset at a Digital Structures label party in hamburg once. They

came together with Sonkite.What an Incredibly distinctive phat sound ! My

favs. are : You can have my Fraggels, We Are The Mammoth Hunters, And rattle

snake (wich is not on this album).

Guest diablo_mxmn[at]hotmail[dot]com

very clean sounds from ticon, which is one of my favorites in minimalistic

trance, very smooth tracks...and in all, an exellent production

sound like logic bomb a bit


you can have my fraggies: very smooth melody - 9.6/10

gurk burk: i dont like this melody so much, but the rythem works is good as

always with ticon - 3.2/10

wank the skank: needs a good remix - 4.1/10

2 steps forward and 1 to the left: nothing special here, but nothing bad too -


the cozy cactus: this track is more likely to be played in mtv which is NOT A

GOOD THING!!! - -3.1/10

we are the mammoth hunters: LOVE THE BRAKES!!! - 8.4/10

super model girlfriend: great construction as always but still nothing really

grabs me here... - 6.5/10

play my boy: cute - 8.1/10

mona bone: great bassline, great percussions - 9.2/10


the whole cd: plain old sweden trance, what can i say, nothing new here really,

great for listening to while doing things (driving, working, etc.) but it will

not drive the tribe insane.... :-) in parties you can use it to stretch the

time a bit, buy it if you want some "easy listening" - 7.1/10

psychedelic teacher/psy-t

Guest Defbydelta...

Ticon is good the cd is a little slow i think but many tracks are listenabel on

this on i like mammuth hunters alot and super model girlfriend, gurk burk and

mona bone is very good to


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Fluo_Samsara[at]hotmail[dot]com


This is definetly a good cd, Necton definetly have the quality, their music is

very well produced, all samples are really well chosen, but I have to say that

it definetly doesn't work for me, I don't know, but i found it a bit boring.

I love every type of psy trance, I'm a big fan of minimal stuff, specially for

listening at home, but Necton doesn't get me tripping and out of this reality

like Atmos and Cosma do.

Has i said, I find it has a lot of quality inside, but it doesnt take me in any

wonderous journey, so in the end I have to say It doesn't do its job.

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest narnbak[at]yahoo[dot]com

I saw these guys live on an amazing beach in Mexico for a new years party. I

had never heard of them and I thought I would never hear of them again. After

a few days I went to a party on an even more amazing beach and there they

played a kicking live set again! Excellent :-)


First thing I did when I came home to Amsterdam was getting this album.

Everytime I listen to it, I can feel that white sand between my toes. This

album is so groovy and chilled out at the same time, that I need beach nor

hammock, to make me feel like I'm on a trip. Favorites: 2 steps and mammoth

hunters. I give it an 8/10, but I wonder if this album would do the same to

somebody who hasn't seen them live two times on a paradise beach...

Guest party[at]the-djungle[dot]nu

this makes the party! it perfect for the dancefloor! 9/10!

Guest halelellulija[at]snöigt[dot]nu

the more i listen the more i love it! its the moste brutal and grooviest of its

kind! it makes gåshud! 10/10

  • 1 month later...
Guest axolotl[at]traumlabor[dot]net

We Are The Mammuth Hunterswhere can i order that???someone will give me info of

a german label°oO°PLEASE°Oo°@(~y~)@°oO°P.L.U.R.°Oo°

  • 1 month later...

I LOVE those laughts at the end of Super Model Girlfriend. There is one guy

talking there, does any one know what the hell does he says?

For the rest of the album, this is good minimal, some tracks could have a

little more spice in them or something that would distinguish them better.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

he says: damn, this was really wicked/crazy...


track 1 is unbelievably outstanding.

track 1 is unbelievably outstanding.

it is so outstanding i had to say it twice.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest PzionIc[at]postmark[dot]net

Really progressive...really boring. However, if you DO like progressive trance

you'll probably like this one.

  • 1 month later...

Not a trance album but pretty good tech/funk psychedelic albums and it is

definately not better than TRIPTICON...That was trance act, this is techno and

as trance act they proved themselves as musch...This album has some really

mellow, stunning song, filled with some positive, funky vibe : YOU CAN HAVE MY

FRAGGLES, GURK BURK, THE COZY CACTUS ( ! ) and some more progressive songs : 2


GIRLFRIEND...rest is not that interesting ....7/10

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Damian

Where the hell is the melody? I Remember people that the base of music is

melody; Armony, rhythm, background and effects are just accesories that

enforce the power of the melody, but this guys just made everything backwards

(and in my opinion wrong) forgetting the essential part of a music piece. Even

a Kindergarden Do-Re-Mi has more feeling than 8 minutes of senseless and

undirected boom-chis-boom-chis-boom-chis. I can just find it plain & arid.

Come on guys all-time-world-famous-musicians (Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, etc...)

became famous because of their melodies & not because of boring rhythms &

that's the way it should keep. Or........ try to humble any of the tracks of

this CD..... Impossible!!! 3.5/10

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