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The Delta - Standby / Fade / MJ Error

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Guest Stormbringer

The Delta - Standby / Fade / MJ Error


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Artist: The Delta

Title: Standby / Fade / MJ Error

Label: D-Drum

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. Standby

02. Fade

03. MJ Error




"Standby" (10/10) is my favourite track from "Send In...Send Back". I´ve

said it before, that I only give out a (10/10) remark if it´s a true

killer, but on this album by the Delta you can find several awesome

tracks. To be really honest... you have to look really hard to find any

bad tracks at all. They´re almost all (10/10) material!!! I won´t be

surprised by myself if I let this album rise to the top on my all-time

album chart. It´s at number four now! "Standby" is the track that most

resemble "Thing" from their last album, and as some of you might know by

now that´s one of my alltime-favourites. The combination between a

grinding beat that will turn even diamonds to dust and an atmospehere

that makes you cry... what else can you possibly want to experience?

This track will be number three on my list of the best tracks from 2001.

It´s a KILLER!!! "Fade" (5/10) is together with "A + B" (4/10) the least

good tracks from the album and I can´t see the reason why those tracks

were put on the album. They only spoil the impression of an otherwise

perfect album. "Fade" is just a techno-loop with some strings on top.

Compared to the rest of the album this is crap!!! "MJ. Error" (10/10)

must be one of the best techno-tracks ever made. It´s so damn hard and

massive that I don´t even dare to play it at all in my flat. I have

several friend who think most of the music I listen to sounds like some

machine in some industrial process. I usually just laugh to those

comments but when it comes to "MJ. Error" that laugh get stuck in my

throat. This is so damn nasty that even I think it´s pretty brutal. I´ve

been listening to that track three times in a row now and that´s almost

as much I can stand. My head feels like it´s about to crack wide open

and a cerebral hemorrage might not be that far away ;-) Aaaaaaaaaarghhh!

Guest stuntman[at]grecian[dot]net

One of the best albums of all time for sure!

Mj. Error destroys buildings and so does Lost & Found(OMG!!!).Extra

hard-extra groovy!!!We need more delta and spirallianz-patchfinder-like

tracks!!! =:

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