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Space Tribe - Shapeshifter


Artist: Space Tribe

Title: Shapeshifter

Label: Spirit Zone

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. 07'51" Out Of Control

02. 07'07" Echoes In Eternity

03. 06'52" Kickin Up Some Dust (Rmx)

04. 08'26" Raking A Risk

05. 07'46" Live And Let Live

06. 06'04" The Elixier Of Life

07. 08'09" Think-k-k

08. 07'41" Secrets Of The Universe

09. 07'44" what Is Conciousness




Wow! Olli Wisdom rolls up his sleeves and presents us with this masterpiece!

From the beginning to the end you are totaly sucked into a spinning vortex, not

knowing when a track ends and starts. Personally I think this is the finest

Space Tribe

album yet, a must have! He may have overdone it with the voice samples, but

with music

of this quality it is of little consern. 9/10 !! :-)

Guest iNFiNiTi_1996

Mr.Wisdom shows his true colors with his best album to date and his sincere

love for a genre in peril. In fact, this is so Old-Skool that after listening

the splitup of GNoTR seems less painful than before. An adequate reference

probably since Olli has a similar chaotic and varied vibe as Coldrick, Trevor

and co. Spirit Zone promised progressive elements but apart from some subtle

use of DnB this is mainly an excellent exercise in flashbacking. I hope Olli

was in a sarcastic mood when he implanted the samples cause repeating the name

of the track several times is hilarious and fluffy at best but certainly not

annoying enough to spoil the near magical Fluro party ... And 1996 did came

back! 9/10


Heard the Kicking up the dust single & agree that it's some of the best from

SpaceTribe - looking forward to getting this album ...

Guest trancer27[at]fcmail[dot]com

same stuff as 4 years ago nothing evolved in his music at all! :((

Guest son goku

i'd rather 'the same stuff as 4 years ago' then what's happened to 90% of the

other bands who were kicking ass 4 years ago...

Guest Slidingtrancer

I think Olli surprised us all with this release, its simply wonderful and I

surprised myself buying it. Big difference with the cheezy/simplistic stuff we

know Olli of....


I really recommend a listen to this cd to anyone...

Guest Slidingtrancer

I don't see why people have to whine about 'same as 4 years ago'. Olli evolved

and if you don't hear it, you should reconsider buying new ears. This is

simply wonderful 'oldschoolish' trancemusic with less irritating voice

samples, more layers, better production and great songs. If anyone considers

listening to a Space Tribe album, listen to this, it's his best 9/10

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest rx7style

Best part of the album, last two minutes of Kickin Up Some Dust [Remix]. The

only other good tracks on this CD are Out Of Control, and the chill-out track

What Is Conciousness. The rest of the album is average at best, and I'm

usually quite favorable in my reviews. Nothing earth-shattering here at all,

just another release in my opinion. This album sounds kind of "old" to me for

some reason... 5.5/10

Guest Lifeform

This has to be my favorite release of the year. Besides the really dumb sample

in kickin up some dust, which sounds like big gay all from south park, it's

really good. Like ussual, mr. wisdom starts strong with the first 3 or 4

tracks then dies down alittle and the last track is always good, kinda

chill/ambient. The first 3 tracks and the last one are my favs. Echos of

eternity track 2 is my ultimate fav if i had to pick though. 9/10 my fav

space tribe release so far.

Guest Philip Xmen

At first I thought that Space Tribe's latest album here was kinda to easy made,

and there is also some few bad samples. But having played it a few times now,

I like the power and fullon-spirit it has. And it's so easy to mix with. So

I'll give old Oli Wisdom 9/10 for this great album!

Guest Diepeveen

Very nice album from Olli... No bad tracks, and there are some KILLERS here...

Nice to see melodic albums in this time of "darkness" =) - 8.5/10

Guest Quorthon

Well I used to like Olli's stuff a lot, but I think after like more than 5 full

length CD's it's about time his style changes/matures a bit. Sounds like he

died in 98 and someone's just keeping on releasing stuff for him... And plz

plz lay off the samples a bit... when you overuse the power of samples it

sounds really annoying...

Guest SjÖgGe

well,, this album gives me the ultimate kick, this isnt like 2000od or his

other album ,this is good oldschool goa, and i love to here this stuff ones

again, i think track 1,2,3, and 5 is the best,

keep up the good style!!!

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Pagan_Gods brainwashed[at]pochta

Wisdom Do IT again and again!!! Maybe this album is not best album of Space

Tribe, but some tracks on this stuff really good! The best track is #4. 9/10!

Really psychedelic and amazing track! Weird, full of psychedelic sounds, and

absolutely NOT minimal. Sometimes it reminds me sounding of AP, sometimes ?

Neoromotor?s new album (I can?t understand why, I just feel it)? The greatest

thing, that I like in tracks like this, is the DIFFERENCE, not monotonous

minimal bum-bum without weirdness and (or) melodies? Sometimes I really want

add to some minimal Yumade/Paps/DiscoSlickers tracks a little bit of Infected

Mushroom/Space Tribe/GMS/Talamasca sounding & samples? maybe after that it

becomes more interesting? OK, let go back to album? For me ?in the winners

are? also tracks#2,5&7! The sample ?think-k-k? in T#7 is really kix ass! I

like it! Last track is rather good ambient, but not so powerful & innovative?

for all? 8/10.

  • 3 weeks later...

I think that this is best of all Space Tribe albums to date. It's simply more

deeper and powerfull, nice grinding sawlines and basses. One thing I dislike

about this record though is the packaging, I hate that pyramid - sure, it's

cool trick, but in practice it's very fragile cause digipaks themselves tend

to get in bad condition too easily, not to mention this kind of complex

cardboard pyramids... 9/10 for the album though. Recommended buy!!!

Guest Swede Indeed

I think I must listen to it again cause I obviously missed something, or not.

This is not good. Ok it's better than other kinds of music.

Track 1 is...ok. It's the most ok track here.

Track 2 is horrible (Crowd sounds?)

Track 3 is...ok at 4:46 in a few seconds.

Track 4 is ok. Cool beats and better towards the end.

Track 5 is...barley ok, ok it's not ok.

Track 6 is...is...What is worse than horrible? That bass eh tripping at 2:50?

Track 7...I am getting tired of reviewing now. All tracks suffer from the same


1. Cheap production

2. Cheesy samples (And I am tolerant with cheese and samples, love psysex as an


3. Tracks that don't go anywere. Buildups with no breakdowns

4. Boring synths. No melodies, just the same wining 303:s or whatever.

5. The tracks are similar sounding. Ok he has his own style but a little

progress wouldn't hurt. And if this is "Old School" ,or what you call it, it

is bad Old School.

Ok back to review:

Track 8 is like the other tracks

Track 9 is a horrible (that is a word I use alot...hmm)try to downtempo or

ambient or something. Sounds like bad production or is that the point?

I can't put a high grade on this one. It sounded cool at psyshop's 44 second ra

samples but in reality it is different. The cover is cool, though not very

practical. It now constantly reminds me of this moneywaste. Is Spacetribe an

artist who has a clothing-collection or is it the other way? Cause then I

suggest that Olli sticks to the clothing cause those clothes are really cool,

I ware them almost every day :-) To Olli's defence I must say that "Dance

like nobody's watching" is a very good track though, but this is shit.

2/10 for Track 1 and 4 and that little part on track 2

Guest cabalistic1313[at]hotmail[dot]co

Oh yessssss . thats it!!!

Finally after waiting so long i can now hear some old - goa trance stuff .

thats a BIG message to all these people who think that goa trance is over .

tracks : 1,3,5,9 best .


Guest Goa Spirit

Guys i saw some negative reviews and since i have been listening to space tribe

for a while and since i haven't reviewed this album, i thought i would clear

the misunderstandings up... ollie makes very different kind of music, in that

he tries to build an atmosphere with his music rather than go into

technicalities of sound.. this album is one of his better productions, but

once again his crazy side strikes and you get wierd ass sound samples... this

album was quite melodious but at the same time i wouldn't call it 96 style

trance, since it has a touch of 3d vision influence according to me

(especially in the basslines)... anyway a good album in ollie's typical olsd

school but at the same time; mad style. 6.5/10

Guest diablo_mxmn[at]hotmail[dot]com

i think every artist should do something like space tribe - i mean they should

stop being worried about the sound quality and go OLD-SCHOOL - get FREAKY with

the melodies and everything else (but i mean only one release like this per

artist....) and then everyone can return to they're routin (after we get to

enjoy some goatrance and pretend that it's not dead...) (oh and hope for

revival...) but dont get me wrong... i love the new sounds of trance and its

evolution..... now - onto the review for spacetribe's "shapeshifter":

out of control: weird opening but except that, a great track - 9.1/10

echoes in eternity: even a better track - 9.4/10

kickin' up some dust remix: very nice 303's in here - 9.7/10

taking a risk: dont like this opening, butthe rest is not bad - 8.8/10

live and let live: 8.6/10

the elixir of life: love the melodies in here!!! - 10.5/10

think-k-k: same as above... I LOVE THOSE SLIDING MELODIES!!! - 10.6/10

secrets of the universe: great melodies and construction - 10.3/10

what is conciousness: very relaxing... (i hope to hear a remix of this one in

better sound queality)


the wholde cd: a greaat journey into the lands of melody with your favorite

tour guide - olli wisdom - 9.4/10

olli - you are a role model!!! yours truely - psychedelic teacher/psy-t


I didn't listen to other Space Trive releases so far, but this one is wonderful.

Guest goastomp9

i think it's one of the coolest covers i've ever seen, the music is ok but i

can't get past all the voice samples...why??? is there a point...im sorry but

its just annoying!!! im sorry but sometimes you just have to let the music

speak for itself. 8/10 if released w/o samples... 4/10 with. so there it

is...i want my money back...but can i keep the cool cover???

  • 1 month later...
Guest Freaky Bob

as published in march/april issue of upfront magazine:


Charged with the purest psychedelic energy, Shapeshifter is unrelenting in its

quest to rip open the subconscious mind. Once again Space Tribe take us on a

chaotic, spiralling and melodic journey where, once you have bought your

intergalactic ticket, there is no getting off until they decide its time. My

advice? Fasten your seat belt and hold on. freaky bob

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest aqua mental

This is very happy and energetic dance music... I can't sit still while

listening to this. I love that sound in Echoes in Eternity - like somebody

throwing axe or something... makes me always crazy! And I LOVE creatively used

vocal samples!!

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