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Planet BEN - Silver

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Planet BEN - Silver


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Artist: Planet BEN

Title: Silver

Label: Flying Rhino

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. Heinz

02. Doppelkicker

03. Pulse

04. Hippy Tripper (Stinky Mix)

05. Master Blaster

06. Schleiffer

07. Space.com

08. Breakbeater

09. Reparaturbeduerftig




Planet Ben or Ben Wierzoch is very well known name in the psy trance genre. I

was never into his previous albums, but when I heard this being called minimal

progressive trance, I of course felt obligated to check it out, and so I did

and in result I was amazed. All the tracks in this album are very well build

up, with nice groovy and spacey sounds, centred around a hard minimal bass

with lots of trippy, yet not annoying sounds and sweet placed breaks. I find

the music in this album quite unique, never heard anything like it before.

It's a very nice mix between hard minimal and fluffy soft tunes. Very good

productions through out the whole album. My favourite tracks are

"Doppelkicker", "Pulse", "Master Blaster", "Space.Com". It's kind of like

Intact Instinct, just with a more progressive and welcoming sound, if you

aren't the die hard minimalist. Quite refreshing on dance floors of minimal

clubs. I give it 8/10. Being far from what I expected, yet it really surprised

me by being really great music not really placed in my current taste.


I gave it three listens already, and I find it pretty hard to take as a whole.

As the sounds really differ between each tracks, the style is pretty similer

in the entire album.

Unlike the first album, which, in my humblest opinion was a true masterpiece.

I liked Doppelkicker, Pulse, Schleiffer (!) and Breakbeater the most.

7.5/10, give it a shot. It might grow on me one day

Guest iNFiNiTi500

Slow building techno from Planet Ben here. Unfortunately it strictly follows

the persuasive minimal fashion but it is not such a tough pill to swallow as

other percussion based techno due to an occassional use of Atmos patented

'warm' synths. So its more 4/4 mono mayhem but a serious lack of original

twists cannot lift this one above the pile of releases lately. Swedish master

Ticon for example handled this genre more stylish and courageous IMO. Silver:

Necessary or Redundant? Well, neither, it is just a bit dull but has its

moments: 7/10. Add a point if your ear is purely floor orientated...

Guest artist-wannabe

Disapointment. 6/10.

Planet BEN's first album was a new genre back then. Now, just sounds the same

as everything else... sorry.

Guest gizmo

I'm sure that Ben will never be able produce tracks as good as "Ant Invasion"

or "Question Mark"


i love ben!!!!!!!! he is has a great productions

some weird stuff in album a lots of styles in it ...

but still very good!


Disapointed!! I was extremely excited when I got this record about a month ago,

and was expecting a Trippy Future Garden part 2... But this is a step back,

and Planet BEN's (Whatever happened to the '.'s between the letters?) new

style is not nearly as stunning as Trippy Future Garden which was a

masterpiece... IMHO there are much better minimal artists outhere... There ARE

good tracks on this album though... Just nothing out of the ordinary!

Guest col_klink3[at]hotmail[dot]com

I'll always have a soft spot for Planet BEN, him being one of the first gems I

collected at my local vinyl depot (that record being the AWESOME release with

Synchro off Naja: Vampire State Building).... Subsequently, I discovered

Organic Noise - Vacuum Tube and BEN's Triipy Future Garden - both of which I

loved as well.... I must say that this release hits my ears well, though I

don't think in the same way that his previous stuff did... Don't get me wrong

it's still great, I just think my love for his previous stuff was _also_ a

product of when it hit me in my musical explorations.... Anyway, You can

really hear a quality in this music, and it made me sit up and take notice -

especially with all the unoriginal and boring music swamping our scene

recently... Dopplekicker, Master Blaster are my faves.... Planet BEN keep on

titillating my senses!!!! 8/10


And to "psykick" above there, please man, open your eyes and your mind... you

and everyone else who posts shit like the above really go a long way towards

diminishing this site's feel.... We're on a freakin' PSYCHEDELIC trance page

man! PSYCHEDELIC!!!!! We're supposed to be enlightened, with open minds

that don't criticise according to superficialities like genre and artist...

We are lucky to have this music, and even luckier to love it the way we do...

It makes me sad to see comments like that on our page: it betrays your

immature and UNenlightened mindset just as it cheapens this page for everyone

else... hopefully one day you'll be able to see things from a perspective

where your stupidity becomes obvious, a perspective where hopefully many

_other_ things will also become obvious: our common existence, our common

beauty and our common loves.... such as our love for this music, minimal or

fullon melodic, it doesn't matter... it's all coming from the same source -

and if you had ever seen that source, then you wouldn't post comments that

insult our community, our music, and the artists we're so lucky to hear...


Fewf... that felt good....

Guest T.A.K

planet ben is dying,i mean is dead and so are his fans

Guest boomdevil

when trippy future garden came I knew alot who complained about it being to

monotonous etc.. planet ben is ahead of his time for sure. this is simply the

best you can get in progressive trance. 9/10

Guest goagabba[at]aol[dot]com

For me an absolute gem. Nice kick especially Doppelkicker which I think is a

monster track. A lot of stuff that has been released on previous Flying Rhino

comps, but the few new songs make up for it. Cannot be compared to trippy

future garden, just like Shiva's new stuff cannot be compared to their first

album. Progression is the name finding new bounderies to blow our minds away.

The disagreements between full on and prog, is the same as the battle between

goa and psy. At least we all listen to similar music, a little piece of

heaven in a disagreable world. Peace all.

Guest Spineless

Hey,kiddies....what are you expecting? the psychedelic scene is constantly

evolving and we are not supposed to hear the same tunes and soft melodies like

five years ago.so do not blame master ben for making crap music because his

new production is great and it follows the evolution of the new

psy-trance.i'll give "silver" 9 out of 10."Schleiffer" really rockz!!!!!!

Guest alexerator2000[at]yahoo[dot]com

Except "Schleiffer" already on Flying compil, the other tracks are realy boring.


It's not because the FUCKING TRENDS are too minimal techno that every artists

must release minimal stuff ! Originality is too make something different that

the fucking trends.

  • 2 weeks later...

I swore off Flying Rhino after the Live In Germany 2000 crapfest, but I

reckoned this release to be special, and made an exception. Don't get me

wrong, I still think Flying Rhino is doomed - has anyone checked out the

blatant cheesecake/porn on the cover of 'Something for the Weekend' (they

shaved the stylised 'Flying Rhino' emblem out of her pubic hair) - but this

release is excellent. Those who mourn the loss of Planet B.E.N., now replaced

with merely Planet Ben, do have a point: the personality is gone. It's

'only' very good psy-techno. Gone is the quirky 'Ants Invasion' feel, but it

takes nothing away from the superb production. At least one English artist is

learning from the Germans rather than just going through the motions and

producing a neon pink Trocadero-worthy abomination of saccharine and rave

kitcsh. Take notes. 9/10.

  • 2 weeks later...

quit pigeonholing all these new albums under the name "minimal". there's as

much variety in the minimal-tech style as there is in the full-on style I'm

inclined to think (duality detected there). You have to let your musical

perception mutate like it did when you first started listening to this sort of

stuff. Your mind expanded once, let it expand again.

Guest [Anonymous]

Well said msb. However, I must say that when I first started listening to "this

sort of stuff" the "mutation" was effortless and hit me like a sudden

realization. (insert picture of young lad on mushrooms listening to 'a voyage

into trance mixed by danny rampling' here) These days I listen to some of the

new stuff coming out and I have to work, I mean really work to appreciate it.

Is that me or the music? A bit of both I suspect. Anyway, I have heard some

tracks off this album and they sound good . Give it a chance I say.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest this is without noisy goa cheese

RESPECT to the pioneer of modern psychedelic Techno-Trance sound. Good stuff!!


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest saikkadelia

This is not a techno site. Why did you even release this album Ben? You've done

awsome cuts in the past but this.. you cannot describe this. "Silver" sounds

horrible, what a boring sound, what a monotonous sound.. techno died ten years

ago. Blaahh I've listened to this album for four times now (open-mindedly of

course) but I can't find the innovative, psychedelic shit Ben used to be

about? Is this the end of Ben? Seems so :(

Guest Sirekavi

Liked Space.com; the Synth drone in it or whatever that was...

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest understood

this is HIGH QUALITY mind expanding psychedelic tech-trance 8/10

Guest where are those days?

sad sad sad sad...

Ant invasion...

  • 1 month later...

This album is a killer. If you're searching for tripping sound then buy it.

Hippy Tripper (Stinky Mix) is a song I heard in a mix (Skywarp 604 mix) and

I've search for that amazing song for 3 months. It was hiding there . I knew

it had to be planet ben as I heard some of his stuff. This man makes ambient

minimalistic tripping goa like noone. Reminds me some track of MOS and X-dream

with a nice touch of ... originality ..

8/10 for that one (and 10/10 for track 4 :) .

Guest rx7style

Good for trippy minimalistic music, but I would have to say that Saafi Brothers

does it better. Mediocre album, worth a listen.

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Xymaths

Apalling cd-way too much bad monotonous techno repetition. Your living a lie if

you call this good however on a more upbeat I got hold of a copy of future

trippy garden-now that is worth talking about! Silver 3/10-there are a couple

of decent tracks on it.

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