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Ticon - Space Worm vs Spacecat

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Guest baboon

Ticon - Space Worm vs Spacecat


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Artist: Ticon

Title: Space Worm vs Spacecat

Label: Hadshot Haheizar

Date: 2000


Track listing:


01. 07'26" Space Worm vs Spacecat

02. 08'04" Goodnight Mr Snorkelman




An early release from Ticon, this EP is not like the other Ticon releases we're

used to hear... maybe becouse it's older? =P anyway... first track "Space Worm

vs. Spacecat" is extremly aggresive, with a fast kicking beat, rhythmic

percussions, a proggresive beat-melody along with some squirling effects. A

real machine-gun track for the dancefloor. Second track "Goodnight Mr.

Snorkelman" sounds a bit more like the Ticon we know today... starts with a

kicking beat and some quirky effects, continiues with some real fast and

beating hihats and a typical "roaring" Ticon melody (wich is the best part of

the track). It breaks in the middle to start building up and enveloping to a

maximum proggressive killer track. I'm pretty impreassed with this release, as

said slightly diffrent from their other releases, and I like that a lot! Two

real good tracks for the psychedelic dance scene.


I agree, I think this is far better than other Ticon work in general.

Ass-tronaut EP is also quite good (though very different and much slower), but

this takes the cake. Fast and very gnorly basslines combined with swirling and

extremely rhythmic hihats guarantee very groovy dancefloor experience,

recommended, 9/10

Guest Stormbringer

You can´t really compare this ep with the majority of the Ticon-releases

because it sounds pretty different from what we may be used to, but it´s very

good so if you happen to stumble over it... buy it!

Guest Defbydelta...

good swedish material as usual =)


Guest Mescalinium

Solid EP from our friends Ticon here. I'm fairly certain (though not entirely)

that this was their debut release as Ticon. 7/10.

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