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Zenglodon - Spice

Guest Stormbringer

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Guest Stormbringer

Zenglodon - Spice


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Artist: Zenglodon

Title: Spice

Label: Baluns

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. Melange

02. Precious Substance




My first contact with the Polish trance-scene was the track "Corki Lota"

made by the Bigwigs (Roehr, Przezdziécki & Magnuszewski) and I had it at

position 22 on my top 50-list of the best psy-tracks from 2000. If I had

the chance to make a new list with the best tracks from that year it

would most certainley be a top ten track now because it´s still an

awesome track! Then I got a copy of the Tromesa (Roehr & Magnuszewski)

ep "Owig Weg" from the Spiral Trax International label... and I didn´t

like it at all (then!). Some time passed and then this year a

Tromesa-album was released, 2 Praecox-ep´s (Prezdzierki) and a Bigwigs

ep... I LIKED THEM ALL!!! And I really like this ep made by Zenglodon

(Roehr & Przezdziecki) too!!! I know I´ve used the term "warm groove"

several times when I´ve reviewed other records but now it´s time to use

the new term "cold groove" :-D This ep is very monotonous ,as most

Baluns-records, but it has some of that cold industrial flavour that the

Praecox ep´s got too. This ep isn´t nearly as aggressive as the Praecox

ep´s but it´s still pretty nasty if you ask me. "Melange" (8/10) sounds

very similar to several tracks from the Tromesa-album so if you like

that sound this 12" won´t disappoint you. It´s minimal but industrial

and chilly too. Monotounous as hell but what did you expect? "Precious

Substance" (7/10) got more of a tech-house feeling to it, but the kind

of frosen house that makes your tongue stick if you dare to stick it

out?. Monotonous? Answer: YES! Grinding? Answer: YES! Cold Groove?

Answer: YES!!! If you´ve liked the other releases from these three

Polish guys then you´ll just have to get this one too! So many different

projects but it´s only three people making this kind of music. I want

more!!! Give me more!!!

Guest Nois[at]techmedia.poznan[dot]pl

They'll certainly give you more ;) I'am a quite close friend to the guys, I've

heard their recent live'acts and I know that the next years will be full of

the great music from Poland. To Stormbringer: Check 'Kino Oko' on hadshot.

This is a solo project from Magnuszewski, and I think You may like it also.


And the Zenglodon itself is veeery good ;)

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