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Space Buddha - Stigmata

Guest astral69[at]poczta[dot]onet[dot]

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Guest astral69[at]poczta[dot]onet[dot]

Space Buddha - Stigmata


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Artist: Space Buddha

Title: Stigmata

Label: Agitato

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. 08'34" Pademonium

02. 06'39" Granulate Fungi

03. 09'19" Extreme Azure

04. 08'01" Azimuth

05. 07'56" Vacuum Mass

06. 07'20" Dynamic Cell

07. 09'51" Gravitation

08. 08'33" Space Floating




This is new album from Space Buddha -Stigmata-. Very good CD. Very good CD with

many good traccks. I don't

want go into the details but you juzt have to hear tracks 1,3,4,5,7 and 8 The

best track is overall 3 and 8

. Nice and dark samples in track 3 and speed also dark minimalist trance in

8.But I think all the songs are very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great jobs guys. In my opinion 9.5 out of 10

Guest Dj Reptile

i think this album is big big very big killer album from space buddha!!! very

nice full on stuff on this cd.

there is only on thing to tell you :

B U Y - I T !!!!!!!!!!!


Guest astral69[at]poczta[dot]onet[dot]


  • 3 weeks later...
Guest wakojako[at]nonyour[dot]biz

for the dudes that wondering:




and good one too.

Guest psychedelic_BR


PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE!!! This is a killer release, with lots of good music and i

mean music, not just noise... u can hear lots of flutes, crazy sinths and

stuff like that all the way up and down!!! hehehe what good stuff! If u just

cant stand this boring progressive cold shit, buy this... very good music. 9/10

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Slidingtrancer

First listen to it, most songs don't have a real climax and just go on and on

for minutes. I had great expectations of this one, but it really dissapointed

me. There are great parts of music on this cd, but on the whole it's just

average because the artist doesn't do climaxes...

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

i might as well flushed 20$ down the toilet when i bought this cd. a waste of

money and a waste of time listening to it. crap indeed

  • 1 month later...
Guest jenniks[at]interia[dot]pl

IMHO very good and melodic psy-stuff. I give 9/10


Alright, I just got this album in the mail today and here are my first

impressions: This album is dark, psychedelic, and energetic stuff that is for

night time only! The first track is good, very fast and crazy. It has these

crazy random sounds and noises, that start off remeniscent of Infected

Mushroom, followed by a very cool wave of bass. Then the melody and cop sirens

come and things get nuts! Also, track 2 is great, very melodic with the voice

of a woman humming (it flows really well) and the guitar riffs work real well

too. Track 2 is a great and powerful dark track if you like fast, melodic

psytrance with guitar. The guitar is used quick and hard, simular to Sun

Project and Dark Soho. Also, the last track I heard tonight was track 3. Track

3 once again is a very cool track with fast flow and cool rhythm. So far, this

album rocks and appears to be a sleeper hit. Over all, this album does have

melody, but it is not full of layers of melody, rather dark riffs and

psychedelic flow (noises, bass, beats) with cool voice samples. This album is

not minimal, but some people might classify it as minimal if they compare it

to Infected Mushroom, AP, Twisted, etc... This stuff is not minimal, but it is

not very complex and deep either. It is cool and fun to listen to, and really

good to dance to. Think of it that way. My only gripe is that the production

in sound quality (recording) seems as if it could have been better. Some

sounds appear to be too hard, harsh, or unclear. I remember Dark Soho's first

release, and you could tell that the music was awesome, but the sound quality

was not clear enough, and it had to be re-mastered and fixed up. My point is

that the recording here isn't bad, so don't be turned off by what I just said,

but it could have been better. Regardless, what I heard so far is great stuff!

It has good music shifts and rhythm, there is build-up, climatic moments, and

lots of cool, unexpected voice samples in just about every track to keep

things interesting. This album is really good if you like fast, pumped-up,

dark-night psytrance with guitar and melody. It is not that complex, but it is

not minimal. I will briefly review the other 5 tracks right below when I

finish listening to this album.


I finished listening to the last five tracks. Here is a solid conclusive

review. Track 4....."Azimuth" kicks ass! The rhythm, simply put - is

excellent. Track 5 is where the album takes a dip with "Vacuum Mass," which is

the only mixed bag on this album. The sounds are too goofy, cheesy, and weird

to appreciate. Track 5 sounds like it should not be on this album, period.

Track 6....."Dynamic Cell" is okay. It is very hard, noisy, and thick with

psychedelic sounds and beats. Dynamic Cell gets too repetitive and harsh for

me. I do not care for it, but it is alright. Track 7....."Gravitation" is

fucking great!!! This album may take a dip with track 5, but it is quickly

revived by the excellent track 7. This track is just fucking great and is full

of deep voice bits that are mixed to maintain a very cool, unique melody with

the consistent kick ass rhythm, before the rhythm changes. Track 8....."Space

Floating" is HOT! What a way to end this album! At first it sounds okay, with

some samples that start off like Star Wars, but then things get darker. There

is a sample of a lady screaming as if she is being raped or in extreme danger!

From there on forward, things really heat up, getting more adrenaline pumping,

dark, and wild! In conclusion, this is a great album and the rhythm is almost

always heavy, full-on, dark, and KICK ASS! Great mixing and powerful, catchy

rhythm melody make this album a great accomplishment! The rhythm is just

fucking excellent!

  • 4 months later...
Guest [Anonymous]

Very Good. Something between GMS and Infected Mushroom


  • 2 months later...

Pretty strange album...NOt that good in fact...It is dark but he didn't manage

to get enough dark or even enough bright....It vary in styles but he uses the

same sounds...That's way it didn't work...Although there are some interesting



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