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Guest olahaf[at]lgkjakfa[dot]com

simon and raja has really succeeded in making something new and different that

everybody likes. not everybody can do that. these 2 masterminds collaborate in

a perfect way and make the most amazing peaces of music to please us


you can feel the hallucinogen style in this album mixed with lovely oriental

and latin sounds. it cant be better than this.. 7423678628746263/10 !

Guest ltahka[at]kotus[dot]fi

What the hell is this, I`m sure It wasn`t easy to make a new album after such a

bullseye... but in any case utter crapola, elevator music, and "jennifer

lopez" -style south american influences plastic music...bllaah

Guest jonaz[at]web[dot]de

a Masterpiece.

Great !

Guest [Anonymous]

female vocals are boring and guitar solos sux but everything else is great

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

elevator music? i want to visit the mall where they play this in elevators! :)

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest pringles

This album is amazing, I absolutely love it!! Gives me goosebumps in fact with

all those sounds everywhere. My advice to whoever doesnt like this: Listen to

it with headphones on and pay attention to everything thats going on. First

time I heard this album I just put it on in the background and didnt pay much

attention to it. Of course after that I thought it sucked. But next time I

heard it I was blown away!! 11/10

Guest [Anonymous]

The best album made till now. I love you Simon.


Personali i liked there last album better, but this is not a bad relase

Guest [Anonymous]

Contrary to most of the negative posts, I love the female vocals. They are

completely entrancing and completely... shpongle.

I d i g this album sooo much. I actually liked it more than the first

shpongle when I first heard it, but I don't really like to compare the two

since they are sooo different.


Beautiful music, though.

And here's a tip, smoke a gram of kind (legal, of course :D), put this on

surround, and lay back in a massaging recliner. To quote pink floyd, "there's

no sensation to compare with this, suspended animation, a state of bliss..."


b e a u t i f u l. . .

s h p o n g l e. . .


Most of the negative posts seem to be from people who only seem to be hearing

this music switch back and forth from electronic to "instrumental" music.....

They're not noticing the electronic sounds woven in with almost every

instrument. Some of these high-trebles really tap-taptap-tap me the right

way... -=-Matt/Strumpling-=- again

Guest Defbydelta...

this is so wicked!!

so cool, funny and soft!

i like this chill stuff alot!


Guest [Anonymous]

I keep going back and forth about this alblum. I like different tracks

depending on my mood, which I guess is a good thing even if it does make

listening to the alblum streight through less the thing to do. I really

respect the idea of expanding the genere include as many different sounds as

possible. One day I was smoking and listening to this alblum and I realized

that this is the music of globalization. One thing that sometimes bothers me

is that some of the elements seem cliche, espcially track 5 and 8.

Nevertheless these are sometimes my favorite tracks. I wish they encorperated

more of the orchestral string instruments and flute. The Latin rhythmn started

to sound cheesy after many listenings. I give this track a 10/10 for concept

but a 6.5/10 for implementation, for all the cool idea it just barely manages

to fit together.

I actually liked track 4 a lot. The intro is thick and funky and ethnic

sounding. I really like the timbre of the female vocals in this track. The

swirly xylophone sounds are also cool. I found this track to fit together very


Track 6 is almost to poppy/rock sounding, buts so beutiful and female

vocalists voice is so beautiful that I can't resist it.

Track 1 is good, especially near the end

Track 2 is cool too, especially the flute!

Track 3 I really like the way the vocal samples are integrated, but I find that

vocal samples get old after a while.


The elves are getting famous. Next thing you know theres going to be a news

special on them.

Guest S.Luda[at]mail[dot]ru

Leaving from life in space eternity...

  • 1 month later...
Guest [Anonymous]

once upon a sea of blissful awareness is a masterpiece of humankind

Guest Dj Seawead

I feel Sphongled...

Do You?

~*Sailing away on the sea of blissful awareness in a tea daze*~

Guest DiDZiTaL

Shpongle isn't music - It is a state of mind.


Pretty good album, but only musically, voices get a bit too much especially in

AROUND THE WORLD IN A TEA DAZE...Album is extremely experimental, tribal,

journey...It is mixture of different cultures and ethnic collages...This two

guys are seriously crazy..Heheh...I don't like 3 songs but the rest is simply



  • 3 weeks later...
Guest ashrama

I find it strange that so many people dig this sphongle stuff... or at least

they say they do. Maybe they are all the same person trying to get at least

some money out of this project

Guest [Anonymous]

postmodernic masterpiece.. or is this step to a new era?

  • 1 month later...
Guest didugethepicture

love Shpongle....

and so does my father...he collects Posford stuff...hehe...can u see a 50 year

old man listen and dig to TIP stuff...

peace to u all friends

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest continuum[at]lineone[dot]net

I'd have to agree with the concensus here - if you're looking for the next

hallucinogen trance album you're going to be disappointed. If you're expecting

it to continue neatly from the first Shpongle album, it's not that either.

HOWEVER if you've followed Simon Posfords musical development from the early

psytrance stuff, and are prepared to be challenged and entranced by sounds

which are beyond the limited genres you might expect, then you are in for a

rare treat. This album marks a milestone in the Simon's musical development

and displays a rare maturity and restraint. Not a bad track on it IMHO, a

beautifully trippy, psychedelic journey around the world by a most unexpected

route. Album of the year for me.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jeff.davies[at]somerset.ac[dot]u

The DMT track is incredible of course, and it's all stunningly produced, but

.... well, I'm getting on a bit perhaps, but so much of it sounds horribly

"prog-rock" to me, a bit noodling if you know what I mean.

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