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V/A - Movers & Groovers At The Temple Of Dawn

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Guest Globalsteez

V/A - Movers & Groovers At The Temple Of Dawn


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Artist: Various

Title: Movers & Groovers At The Temple Of Dawn

Label: TIP World

Date: 2000


Track listing:


01. 07'73" Millenium Light : Millenium Light

02. 06'26" Zorba : The Deep

03. 05'52" Cyberbabas : Cyberbaba

04. 08'38" Tranan : Moody

05. 07'33" Ticon : Ass Tronaut

06. 06'50" PFN : Filter

07. 08'00" Total Eclipse : One World

08. 07'05" Qlap : Peu Ohm Peu

09. 08'31" Logic Bomb : Two Brains

10. 06'06" Tycho : Recluse




One of the problems that I find with some psy-trance albums is that like

scratch dj albums,

they can be too much to listen to in one go and that you usually have your

favourites that you

skip to time after time which if you've paid full price for the album can leave

you feeling

a bit short changed. This for me is not a problem with this here CD. I suppose

it must be what

TIP have been talking about when they say that our music deserves a new name be


New Form Music or whatever. They believe that in order for our scene to get the

recognition and

respect that it deserves and to allow it to expand and grow free and forward

into this new Millenium,

we should recognise that terms like 'Goa' trance only help to class us, for

some observing people,

along with rich hippies travelling on daddies money and disrespecting foreign

people's land and

who's music is full of generic repitition and pseudo-spirtual, drug referenced

hipocritical nonsense.

That sentence was far too long I know.!

We know better than this of course because we're properly into the music and

parties for all the

right reasons like most people actually are. Surely though if music is claiming

to be psychedelic

then it has to be multi layered and always changing and evolving. This album is

a great example of

how in fact that is what's happening and how it will always. I'm not going to

pick out any particular

favourites for me as I'm sure that they're all potential favs and it would

really be within the

ears/minds of the beholders as to which tracks shine out most. There's not a

weak track here for

my money and you should fuck anybody right off with this and the Shpongle album

who tries to say

that all trance sounds the same and is dead. Names will change but good music

never dies and this

is bloody good music. It's not all full on mind but it is very nice without

being chill out and

is definately psychedelic enough and you can shake your ass to it, so eh...9/10

TIP's found a nice balance!!!

ps. Has anyone actually seen Logic Bomb and are they any good live as I notice

they're playin at Boom.

I liked they're 'Two Brains' track on this album too.

Cheers troopers...

Guest goa_2000[at]mail[dot]ru

Perfect compilations. Even one of the best from T.I.P. rec. I especially like

the first track. It contains different kinds of sound. As for others, they are

very good too. 9,5/10

Guest Seb Mullaert

The Ticon track is my absolute favorite ... the rest ... hmmmmmmmmm maybe


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Pit-UFO

Amazing album, its hard to say but is even better then Hallucinations. This is

the kind of record you will enjoy for a long, long time if you really like

electronic music not only infected drums, wizzy noises or S.U.N. guitars.

There are more ideas and innovation in every track tan in most normal

psychedelic releases. Respect to psychedelic house music. Gracias Kid Robert!!


Guest octopotamus[at]hotmail[dot]com

Above they mention 'growth' and that's something a lot of goa-psy fans seem to

distaste...they like the one sound that drew them into this scene, even if

these psychedelic artists are ready to expand or try something new. Well,

this album is in a different direction, and in my opinion a very flagrant

House direction (I'm surprised no one made a fuss about that so far). That

being, I really don't like House music, but I very much like this album! This

is a great outdoor sound, morning sound, whatever you want to call it, but it

rings true and clear with a positive and refreshing vibe. I'm from America

where House is huge and Psy-trance is largely misunderstood or disrespected,

and this is a fantastic album to draw more fans into the scene...not because

these songs sell out, but because it's a solid compilation and it's accessable

to virgin ears. I think this album also has a bit of feminine flair to it, as

the ladies seem to enjoy it ;) Special props to Ticon, who really has their

sound down...they are releasing killer after killer, and "Ass-tronaut" is no

exception. Right on the mark! This comp is a "must-have" for your collection!

Guest Dead74

I know that a lot of people will dismiss this compilation because of its unique

sounds, but I think it's really fucking good! It's goa, but it's house at the

same time. It's a mix between trance and deep/progressive house. It has

organic drums, progressive melodies, and at times, funky grooves! When I

heard it a few months ago, I wasn't open minded enough to listen to it, but

now, I can't stop listening to it. Okay, so it's not "Divi-nations" and it

doesn't have full-on stormers, but the sounds are just so pleasant and the

groove is so easy and laid back. Almost all the tracks are high quality and

they all have unique characters. It's really good to see that the scene is

expanding its boundaries because you know, the trance beat is the beat of the

universe! Anyways, I recommend this for all the trancers out there 'cause I

know people need "chiller" trance albums, and this is it. Listen to it with

an open mind and don't shy away from "progressiv-ey" sounds 'cause they're not

cheesey...just really beautiful and ambient. Thanx to TIP...and oh, I really

hope that they start putting all their tracks on vinyl. Somewhere between 8.5

and 9/10 for this beautiful compilation.


This is the FIRST compilation which gave me the impression I was listening to

an ALBUM ! Indeed there's no Bad Track (hum maybe Track 3) and all have a

quite similar style, close to the one of " Total Eclipse : Violent Relaxation

: CD 2 " ! I think it well shows the QUALITY of this comp ... absolutely NOT

minimal trance like other current TIP comps ! THANKS T.I.P, I think this is

the BEST comp you have ever released ! My favourites are Tracks 2,4,5,6,7,9

(best ones are Tracks 7 & 4 : have you ever listened to a psychedelic " Secret

Of Monkey Island " music style ? That's very crazy on Track 4 ;-)) Rating :


  • 2 months later...
Guest Ehsanur

Beautiful compiliation with many groups that I've never heard of. Oki,

Cyberbabas (mit Raja Ram:killer)! The style is very refreshing and it is

definately worth a listening,because it doesn't fit into the ordinary

trance-label. This is just beautiful music for beautiful people.

Musically,some of the songs are housy. Not that its a bad thing,but it

spiritually takes me more to Ibiza than to Goa certain times.And I have always

rejected the Ibiza-hype (even though I know that Etnica/Pleiadians ,GMS and

other mindbuggers live there) However,a very sunny and warm atmosphere in the

tracks (track 2 was a bit cheesy) and the songs are well linked together. This

is not that ordinary minimalistic dark european trance,no this is the positive

music perfect for playing in the summer, in mid day,on a beach,in a country

far far away... Its not ambient,but groovy relaxed,vibrant psychedelic house.



Bom Shankar- Ehsanti Brahman

  • 1 month later...

One of the best ALBUMS this year. Simply beautiful!!!

What can I say? Buy it and let the sun shine in your cooked brain.

  • 2 months later...
Guest Psylent Buddhi

Yeah, I surrender, this compilation kicks some serious ass! Nice to hear that

T.I.P.World doesn't follow the trend in these dark ages. Light, uplifting

music for those mornings... :)

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Mescalinium

My first impression of this comp (in part from what I read above) is that most

everyone really digs it, but doesn't think anyone else will...

It is extremely different from everything else I hear coming out these days,

but therein lies its charm; freshness, imagination, and originality. The

"Psychedelic House" label applied to it is somewhat accurate, but there remain

key differencs from track to track. Some use housey beats and percussion,

some use more houselike synth and bass lines. In any case, the combination

definately works. This comp stands as the proverbial kick in the ass to more

conventional releases.

Respect to TIP for putting out this comp, and to all the artists who were

willing to experiment with psychedelic sounds and create such a quality


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Dr Rhythm

I surrender as well!! Didn't think much of it to begin with but realised that

it's been a regular in my CD player for months. Apart from the first track

(horrible) and the last (misguided) this is really excellent stuff. I'll give

it an 8/10

  • 2 months later...
Guest Diepeveen

Beutiful... Beutiful comp... U can't imagine my happines when i first listened

to this comp... Favourite tracks are: 2,4,5,8,9... Unfortunatly i had the

great Zorba track on the Tsunami comp... But it's still GREAT! - 8,5/10 for

the pure killers on this cd!

  • 2 months later...
Guest Zeitti

A really good compilation. All tracks fit on it nicely and they form a

wonderful listening experience. No bad tracks! My favourites are 1,4,6,7,9,10.

  • 1 month later...
Guest Slidingtrancer

I seem to be the only who thinks it's garbage. It's just too soft, no hard

kicks, nothing daring, nothing musically remotely interesting. I can't and

will not see why people consider this a classic. Nothing to get euphorical

about, mediocre stuff with bullshit house-sounds that half of the time don't

really fit in. Must be real TIP-lovers around here or something


  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Indigo spice

This is a damn good album! Quite different from all the other "Goa" albums i've


Don't expect any hardkicking "Psy-trance" though!

This is more soft and laid back.

A real uplifting album to listen to on a Sunday morning!

And that's a 8/10!


It's very rare that an album like this is released. Very up to the minute. Nice

to hear something new!! This album is definitely in a league of it's own. The

only thing close is Movers and Groovers 2. I just hope there's a third release.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest FinnHawk

I'll admit the first couple times that I listened to this CD, I wasn't overly

impressed, but the more I listen to it, the more it grows on me. Usually, I

prefer more full-on high energy music, especially when it comes to Goa/Psy

Trance. I think most of these tracks are especially attractive to DJs since

they are somewhat more "Intelligent" and "Progressive", than most Psy Trance

and could easily be used in a "Progressive" style Psychedelic DJ set. At

least as an aspiring DJ, that's what came to mind when I listened to this CD.

Most of these tracks are also easier to mix and actually beatmatch, unlike

most Goa/Psy Trance which is not very DJ friendly. One of my favourite tracks

is #6 PFN - Filter, which is quite Techy and would be killer at a party on a

HUGE sound system. I'll have to look into more Psy-Techno of that style...

Guest Tchankov I.V.

Me considers it like conventional MINIMAL trance layered on house core. No

offence is intended, but in my case the result is rather uninspiring, with

almost no staying power. Year ago I thought it was a gem, now only

disappointment it gives. It was a right time to release this "refreshing"

stuff then, but one of these days it turns out to be exhausted. And The Temple

Of Dawn is definitely located somewhere deep beneath the Divine land, attended

by Shpongled folks. This comp lacks complexity to my mind, I'd rather it being

something all about Cyberbaba's track style, but this is not the case here. I

also appreciate Logic Bomb influences (ts 4 & 9), but this is not enough.

Well, while this issue was needed to set the new trend, judging it closely,

one like me can find nothing really stunning here. That's only my opinion,

however. Tchankov I.V.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
Guest kadafi

Bloody?? nahh... I'd call it J.G.M. Jolly Good Music ;) I believe this is one

of those cd's where the cover says it all, and especially the title on it:

moverzz and grooverzz at the temple of dawn... couldn't have chosen a better

name for this compilation... favorites are Millenium Light with its nice

percussion, flutes and groovezz...mmmmm...and of course Ass-Tronaut

(definately thé best one here and also one of my favorite Ticon tracks:) Qlap

and Logic bomb are J.G.M too... so J.G.M: 5!,1,8,9...G.M.: 2,4... global

quotation 86%

  • 1 month later...
Guest Borken

Not my thing at all. Cheesy melodies, housey and not very psychedelic. Only buy

this if you like morning trance and even then give it a good listen first. The

PFN track is pretty good though.

  • 3 months later...
Guest BournianMel

I've had this album for a couple of years now, and I still give it a 9/10.


  • 4 months later...
Guest Tchankov I.V.

I've had this album for 2 years now too & I give it 5,5/10. Now only Ticon

track works for me - it's great, whereas all others just grate on my nerves,

in except maybe those 2 LB tracks which are still quite listenable, but

nothing special too... In other words, this vibe is simply not mine.

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