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Logic Bomb - The Pawn (Rmx) / Time Travelling ET's

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Logic Bomb - The Pawn (Rmx) / Time Travelling ET's


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Artist: Logic Bomb

Title: The Pawn (Rmx) / Time Travelling ET's

Label: TIP World

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. The Pawn (Rmx)

02. Time Travelling ET's




Logic Bomb´s first release on the TIP World label and it´s completely

mindblowing! Atleast the first track (The Pawn RMX) which is one of my all

time favourite from our Swedish hobgoblins. I have to admit that I haven´t

heard that much from Logic Bomb more then the album and some old stuff, but

they truly improves all the time. The BPM is, as always almost, very high

and al lot of the typical hux flux / logic bomb effects is there, very

trippy and "chemical". The kickdrum is hard as usual. You´re body is

starting to move and suddenly the soul is grabbed by this wonderful melody

which really makes you´re hole body smile (?) like the melody in "Errorhead"

by Hux Flux does, powerful but still very harmonic and beutiful! The track

is pure quality as always, every little sound on it´s right position. It

builds and when it has built to another more energetic level with some

melodies and a lot of trippy details you can hear the melody coming in again

and then the track dies out, terrific. There is also some samples about a

"remarkable incident in the Himalayas!", is it that Yeti again ? ;).

The B-side is at it says "Raw audio and it speaks for it self", that´s what

they say in the intro sample. This track has some ethno influences

(digeridoo) and has a more evil feel over it like "kilobyte bandit" from the

album. This is heavier than the A-Side and the melodies is more trippy and

mindbending, but they can really deliver pure energy from their tracks which

they do here aswell. The percussions (is it called that) sounds like a horse

galloping, and that´s what we call gallop-trance? Don´t we? :). This is a

true psychedelic nightstormer. As a whole this is one of the best releases

in 2001 in my opinion with The Pawn rmx as one of the highligt tracks from

this year. Peace and respect to the Logic guys and I´ll hope you´ll get

you´re woods for your own as you used to have. Keep up the good work & give

us some more shagadelicIous earcandy! Boom!

Guest Slidingtrancer

I just have 3 letters: WOW! Logic Bomb keeps on improving. Looking forward to

their new album very much. I haven't heard the tracks on vinyl but mp3.....

These are just killertracks!

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Mescalinium

I have to say, this is one of the best EP's I own. Both tracks are absolutely

mindblowing. While The Pawn Remix is stellar in every regard, Time Travelling

ET's is just shockingly good. The eponymous samples concern a man who claims

to have seen UFO's as he is being interviewed by a reporter. It actually

reminded me of something out of The Daily Show. Besides the wicked voice

samples, there are just layers and layers of sound being constantly added;

throw in a few amazing breaks and you have yourself a masterpiece. Although I

absolutely love Headware, I think TTET's is my new favorite Logic Bomb track.


  • 4 months later...

dieznyik: I´ve heard the original Pawn now .) and i AGREE!, it´s better, it

feels like they have cut the melodie a bit to much in the remix. To bad it

isn´t released as a track (just on a mix-cd) =/

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Guest Xymaths

Nice typical Logic Bomb stuff here-This is the sound that progressive producers

should aspire to-not too full on, subtle melodies, journey like and hypnotic

all of which these 2 tracks contain without that horrible techno sound or feel

to it.

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