Anoebis Posted December 16, 2000 Posted December 16, 2000 GMS And Amigos - Tri-Ball University Artist: GMS And Amigos Title: Tri-Ball University Label: TIP World Date: 2000 Track listing: 01. 06'33" GMS Feat Chicago : On A Mission From God 02. 06'57" Soundaholics : Beast Guy 03. 07'59" CRMB : We're Having A Party 04. 06'31" GMS : Bubble And Squeak 05. 08'14" GMS : Medievil Times 06. 06'50" Soundaholics : Doberman 07. 06'43" GMS Feat Chicago : The Gimp 08. 05'57" GMS : The Burp 09. 06'43" Frequency Surfers : Ride The Wave Review: Once again a new CD from GMS...!! It's a good one but I like this CD not as much as "the GMS vs Systembusters" one...! There are some true killers on it, but some songs leave me completely cold... The whole CD is in typical GMS-style and véry psychedelic!! Song 1 isn't my cup of tea, to bass-orientated... Luckely song 2 is much better... Specially that break-part at minut 3!! )) Then we have the 2 Soundaholics songs, and I must say, I don't really like them... i'm sure they would work on a party, but they don't work on my stereo!! (( Anyway, the CD start to begin good at song 5... good fast rhytm and many psychedelic layers!! Song 6 is too slow and noisy in my opinion... It shouldn't be on that place on the CD... Medievil times (7) is véry good... Typical GMS style...!! Song 8 is probably a good party-track, but once again not my stereo's cup of tea... And then... When you almost finished the CD you have a FANTASTIC killer!! Fast, psychedelic and an insane killer end!! Yes, this is how I like GMS!!! )) Anyway, all together mediocre CD, and probably not good to listen in it's whole!! But a few songs (2,5,7,9(!!)) make worth this CD!!! 7/10 Bom Shankar Quote
mars Posted December 16, 2000 Posted December 16, 2000 Those tracks must be listened to in a party. They'd be just part of the deliria. Each time those tracks were played in a party, everyone would dance without trying to understand. Yes, at home this wonderful mass-effect isn't there, as Anoebis said. But do you think Ricktam & Bansi prefer seeing people dancing in their flat? eheheh nooo! Party is part of their mescalined-DNA. Anyway what we have here is a set of true killers. don't expect anything else than GMS GMS GMS & GMS style. So if you don"t like GMS, please stop reading. Every track was probably done out of hallucinations...Los amigos han probablemente traido unas pequeñas ideas. Everything is very fast with vibrating rabbit sounds on several layers, and those killer breaks & re-entries! My favs: 2,3,5,7,8,9. party mark: 9/10 & home mark:7/10 Quote
Guest viasoo4[at]yahoo[dot]com Posted December 27, 2000 Posted December 27, 2000 Gms is one of my killer ones..... here in mexico they prove that they are able to do what they want .they show us that they are very able to use their equipment and make any sound that they want..... this cd is excellent i only would said 10/10..... by____Psychebias Quote
Guest Tripiatr Posted January 12, 2001 Posted January 12, 2001 Boring??!! I think not! 8/10 sober 9/10 when high 10/10 at a party... Quote
freak51 Posted January 18, 2001 Posted January 18, 2001 Excellent. Last time I checked out GMS was around 1997, and I hated their stuff then. Whatever aliens abducted this crew between then and now, many thanks and keep the crop circles coming. I must check out GMS vs. Systembusters. Quote
Guest AlexG Posted January 19, 2001 Posted January 19, 2001 nice work, every track is a party killer. feels like gms have set themselves this goal: "whatever happens, people must dance!" =) and they achieve it better then anyone else. the depth and creativity of their music can be argued, but this cannot be denied: when you hear a gms track at a party, your feet will start stomping even before your head has realized what happened! so, for the sake of good, pure, old-fashioned FUN, this album deserves an 8.5/10...favorite track: "medievil times", but i HATE that "cable guy" sample! oh yea, and the track listing's all f*cked up Quote
Guest Goa Spirit Posted January 29, 2001 Posted January 29, 2001 Another dose of Riktam and Bansi... well i am a fan of this sound and as a result the album rocks according to me.. this is the kind of music i like to listen to on the dancefloor... the typical gms kickdrum is as pounding as ever.. my favorites here are 1, 3, 4,5 (this one is really nice) and 7... good job guys. an 8/10 in my book. tizlam.... Quote
Guest Gregory SADIUS Posted January 30, 2001 Posted January 30, 2001 !!!PARTY ONLY ALBUM!!!, 8 track is the best thing GMS have ever made, rocks Quote
Guest smokeBuddha Posted February 8, 2001 Posted February 8, 2001 This is da shiznit! Get this album now! 10/10 Quote
Guest Zoltar Posted February 21, 2001 Posted February 21, 2001 Another happy G.M.S. injection, and I still need more. Those fat freaky non-sense psychedelic breaks masters are everywhere these times. TIP World rules - hihi. I'm generous: [ 9/10 ] Quote
Guest Mado Posted March 16, 2001 Posted March 16, 2001 This is insane but not as good as the last one. Not every track caught my attention but definitely great for parties. Quote
Guest Roopak Posted March 28, 2001 Posted March 28, 2001 I'd say GMSvsSYS was probably a 'deeper' (for lack of a better word) album- more mind twisting, psychedelic- but I have to say I have never ever heard a better party album than AMIGOS. Each and every track is sheer wizardry. This shit is just insane. I mean jumpy, flying, full-on to the max. Riktam & Bansi, you've done it again. Just keep on twisting those knobs & letting the shit flow. There is one thing though: What the fuck were you guys thinking with that Cable Guy sample on Midievil Times?? I mean the track's great but I really think we could have done without that sample. But, for all the amazing shit that you've produced in the past 18 months, I'm sure we can let that go...In spite of that sample, this album is still a SOLID 10/10...GET IT NOW, GUARANTEED BIG SMILE!! PS- The last 3 minutes of "We're Having a Party" could possibly be the most full-on, stimulating, dance inducing sequence ever...I challenge anyone to sit still whie it's playing. Quote
Guest Gibra Posted April 24, 2001 Posted April 24, 2001 GMS are one of the best although this album is not as good as the Systembuster album but it is a lot better than a lot of the shit that is coming out lately. Quote
Guest xerox_22se[at]yahoo[dot]se Posted May 31, 2001 Posted May 31, 2001 once again Gms bring us the ultimate bomb cd i love this cd and i think i will never stop listen to it.. It goes down good whit the E and the A so keep up party people and freak it!!! were having a party is best,,Ithink,,10/10.. Quote
Guest manicmagicmmushroomman[at]hotmai Posted June 1, 2001 Posted June 1, 2001 Just got this one the other day - I have to say I DID NOT KNOW TRANCE MUSIC COULD BE THIS GOOD!!!! Finally I find a couple of guys outside of 3D Vision who know how to party!!! These are some sick melodies they have down. More like this please! Quote
Guest orangemann[at]hotmail[dot]com Posted July 2, 2001 Posted July 2, 2001 This album is too much repetitive...I think GMS have to change his formula.Please,do music,not just noises... These guys have to learn about Do Re Mi... Quote
Guest mike k Posted December 18, 2001 Posted December 18, 2001 This is killer! GMS make twisting grinding pounding songs that really move you. Lots of noises that fit well, unlike a lot of other artists who suck at this. I cant believe I missed them when they came to Canada, I'm pissed! Quote
Guest [Anonymous] Posted December 23, 2001 Posted December 23, 2001 GMS is one of the most killers in all the scene they really make dance all the people i dont know why many people say stupid things about gms for me this album is fucking great and in general all the gms stuff Quote
Guest VBRunner Posted January 13, 2002 Posted January 13, 2002 Yes, the follow-up to GMS vs Systembusters delivers more of this wicked music and slightly evolved at that. A multitude of scraping, driving sounds will keep you jumping throughout the entire CD. I can't get enough of this! Astonishing. Quote
seraph Posted June 7, 2002 Posted June 7, 2002 Good album but nothing spectacular here too...It more sounds the same but it has some very good songs...I liked GMS in the beginning, less pretentious and less unserious...Now they are just making music for a sake of making music actually...Very good songs are : ON A MISSION FROM GOD ( brilliant stomper ), WE ARE HAVING A PARTY ( very cute party song ), BUBBLE AND SQUEAK, MEDIEVIL TIMES, THE GIMP...7.5/10 Quote
Guest since 93 Posted July 17, 2002 Posted July 17, 2002 All the time the same tunes...GMS, try something new for a change Quote
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