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V/A - Tryptamin

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This album was my favourite compilation of the summer when it came out. All

tracks are very, very, good and my favourite one is No.2, really slow at

something like 126 bpm, but really trippy. There are no bad tracks on this

one, there is no track that would be below a 8/10 on my scale, so i can only

recommend it. I'll give it 10/10, just because its very rare to find a

compilation that has 8 tracks that could all be singles. Iboga is one of my

favourite labels right now, get this CD, it's really worth it.This CD is much

better than the earlier two Iboga Compilations.

Guest Acidhive

V/A - Tryptamin


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Artist: Various

Title: Tryptamin

Label: Iboga

Date: 2000


Track listing:


01. 07'26" Bitmonx Vs Fabio : Erdbeer Kiwi

02. 10'22" Audopile : Buoyancy

03. 09'07" Son Kite : Timeless

04. 07'13" Amphasis : Downhill

05. 09'18" Ticon : Teenage Witch Bitch

06. 08'08" Human Blue : Nebula

07. 07'05" Phony Orphants : Detector Dude

08. 06'55" Reefer Decree Vs Emok : Sewer Bomb




I never knew this label, and it's fairly new. I saw the reviews of the earlier

two comps though, and then decided this stuff could be right up my street. So,

I tried to order one of the earlier two comps. They were sold out however and

so I got to this one. I saw the tracklisting and thought: Great, Bitmonx and

Son Kite & Human Blue. At least three groups I know are good. And so I ordered

it at psyshop.com (with some other albums too) and got this fairly recently.

I've listened to it in it's entirety once now, and I must say I really like

it. This album is a bit slower in the bpm range and quite groovy. It's also

really dark and sometimes (very) minimal. So, people not into this kind of

stuff better steer well clear of this one. I like it very much however.

Especially track 2 and 5 are really great examples of this album's style. I

give this 8,5/10

Guest Zhoro

I'm really surprised neither of you guys mentioned the first track - Bitmonx v.

Fabio. Amazing grove - one of the coolest tracks I've ever heard. A great

compilation altogether.

Guest goa_2000[at]mail[dot]ru

The first track is the best. A dancefloor killer. As 4 the whole album --- too

minimalistic 4 me

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Tchankov I.V.

There's no filler here - original comp. with trippy feeling about it. Even

though it's truely minimalistic (the first time I listened to it left no

memorable moments in my head, but... the impression!), it doesn't lack the

spirit in it (as most other minimal stuff does) - there's something mystical

in every track. They fit together well. Music for travelling... I find it very

"soft" & absolutely not evil.

Standout tracks are: 1,2 and 8. Overall: 7,5/10

  • 1 month later...
Guest leon_funnell[at]hotmail[dot]com

I went to a backyard rave where they where playing this cd, I was blown away

(probably the drugs as well) with this music, it made me feel very spiritual.

I have since ordered it from psyshop, although I've waited a month and it has

not arrived!!!!

  • 1 month later...
Guest [Anonymous]

all the tracks are very very good

minimalistic style....

a good rythem & groove that cant let you sit down!

buy it you wont regret this :)

  • 6 months later...
Guest Tomvcarter

track 1 is the best progressive track ever in my opinon, bounce, bounce! New XV

Kilist remix rocks aswell!!!track 1, 10/10, album 6.5/10

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Rogue Scholar

I would buy this comp if you enjoy strange sounds and good grooves. The phony

orphants track is my favourite with lots of changes and a typical pro-drug

sample. I would definitely buy it over a spiritzone compilation such as

irresistable meltdown (series), same style but much more listenable. Bom.

  • 3 months later...

Good but nothing that interesting...There are 2 REAL songs that are worth the

CD and they are BUOYANCY and NEBULA...tHey are really good...DETECTOR DUDE is

pretty good too but the rest is pretty average....Erdbeer Kiwi and Teenage

Witch Bitch a bit unserious...So, compilation as a whole 6.5/10...BUOYANCY and

NEBULA 10/10

  • 2 months later...
Guest vortexian

I think this album can be a good cantidate for anyone not too sure what

minimalism is about, yet is open minded. I really enjoy that all the songs are

minimal in their own unique way.

My personal favorites are audiopile bouyancy with its pumping groove and

tripped out soundscapes, human blues nebula with the excitement that builds

towards the end of the song and Phony orphants detector dude with its

sequences of odd sounds.


Im very glad Iboga has opened a few more options to psychedelic music than

pounding 140bpm synth fury (not that i dont love it... I just like a little

variety =)

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