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V/A - Twelve

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Guest Dreamer

V/A - Twelve


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Artist: Various

Title: Twelve

Label: TIP World

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. 05'55" Logic Bomb : A

02. 06'19" Bus And Siddartha : D

03. 06'13" Cyberbabas And Paul : G

04. 06'01" Process : C

05. 06'03" Total Eclipse : F

06. 05'55" Manmademan : B Flat

07. 06'05" Spacedrifters : E Flat

08. 05'31" Nick Doof : A Flat

09. 05'59" Synthetic : D Flat

10. 06'03" The Antidote : D Flat

11. 05'59" Earthling And Chicago : B

12. 05'52" Hallucinogen : E




Well THIS is ambient. No psychedelic ambient here, not even a single bassline -

but pure chilled relaxing tunes from the best trance artists in the world.

each track tells a different story, a 6 minutes long one. which overall creates

a sacred peaceful 72 minutes.

favorite tracks: 1, 6, 11, 12, and 10.

still the rest of the tracks are excellent and combined perfectly. I'll give it


Guest Kindgok

Um...where did this come from? I swear, no US online stores (Chaos/SPSY)have

so much as hinted at this or the new Green House Effect album.

Guest Schizo

TIP has been working on TWELVE for a long time, combined 12 tracks which were

made for this album from different artists! all these artist have very

different styles, yet all of them made a track especially for this album, and

you can see that TIP has really worked on this ! these are some really great

ambient tracks, i just got it recently so i'm still getting used to the tracks

! but this is one of those rare good ambient albums...


Brilliant, brilliant.... It's said that Raja Ram was inspired to make this

album with all the contributors when he was walking in the mountains and

rainforests of Brazil... Each artist got a certain tone and 6 minutes playing

time, and they've done it brilliantly... Definately the best chill-out album

of 2001... 9/10 Bom shankar!

Guest iNFiNiTi500

There apparantly was some studio time left for the artists that did Movers and

Groovers 2 (most are featured here) and so Raja came up with the briljant idea

of the 1 tone/note - 6 minute tracks (that is probably the scenario). Whereas

this could be of course an excerise in borism, the final result is quite

creative and satisfying. Whereas the end result is more ambient of the

wallpaper paradigm than say Shpongle, the whole ambiance and style eventually

appealed to me.

Just as with the Movers and Groovers series, TIPWORLD simply forces the

participating artist to do something different than 4/4 psytrance. Of course,

most artist album features an ambient/chillout tune or 2, but that cannot be

compared with the wicked soundscapes (no familiar Rhyth, no Bass) displayed

here. Well, there is currently an overflow of conventional psytrance compils

so a "now something completely different" album can only be applauded. So

8.5/10. I hope TIPWORLD continues these mystical experiences (a psy-metal

album, a psy-classical album e.g.)and given the -far out- character of the

Shpongle samples, Raja is ready for it.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Psylent Buddhi

It's hard to write a review when only a few words come to my mind when

listening to this. These words are Masterpiece, fantastic, unbelievable,

unreal and so on...

This album is definitely one of the candidates the best chill-out album of the

year (we still have the new Shpongle album to look forward to). But this is

brilliant. I can't help notice that on this album it is the English producers

that have come up with the most interesting results. Especially Manmademan

with that spaced/blissed out piece they did. The Hallucinogen track is also

among my favorites here, soooooo beautiful and melancholic. But what an

effort! Amazing! :)

Plurries... /Psylent Buddhi

  • 2 weeks later...

iiiiisss that this CD is very good! Even my parets likes this!

:) The Logic Bomb track rox.. and so does the sitar in the second.. hmm well

every single track rox in its own way! Interresting that Simon Posford made a

track so "not-him"! No flanged drumbeats and synths.. only a beautiful piano

with an even more beautiful violin (or cello.. or something like that). Go and

buy this CD. Plurries! (10/10) . . . . /sunsquid

  • 5 weeks later...
Guest SuttoXXX

I got this from Spectal Psy.... its dam good.. Not the absolute best ambient

out there, but it definitely holds it own with its very unique sound...8/10

  • 3 weeks later...

so so so fine

so inteligent


i have some sugestion for u:

try to find the track in random

it is fun to find it :):)


the style are so evident

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Evilben

Here comes one of the^purest chiled compilation i've ever heard. most of the

tracks have not any beat, be ready to get a beatless trip from reality to the

heaven & just relax yourself uppon those long stretched melodies

highlights : 2,3,4,6,12. 8.5/10 BoM !

  • 1 month later...

This is a VERY GOOD Cd. Nice and CHIILLLLLLLLL. Great for bedtime or after you

hit the BOng. Killer Atmospheres. Get it

Guest kunfuka

The antidote and hallucinogen's tracks are wonderfull !

Very good cd !


Am I the only one who doesn't get it? Do I need to play it over speakers

instead of headphones? Do I need to be stoned and/or doing something else?

Because this to me sounds way too monotone and slow. I withhold judgement for


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Acidhive

Just listening to it now, and this IS a true masterpiece as far as

ambient-chill Goa is concerned. Only comp. that comes close to this is

Fahrenheit Project Part 1.

All tracks on this are great, and it's nice to hear all these different artists

are all skilled at making this stuff in their own way. Great stuff to chill

to, and this will also appeal to those that don't like regular psytrance. I

give this 9/10!!

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Goa Spirit

What is this about? i don't understand this album at all... turned out quite

interesting, because we used it for a background when spinning a morning

set.... but i have listened to it and am totally bemused as to what simon and

gang are trying to do here,, nothing really happens in this cd... just some

abscure sounds... this gets me thinking, as to whether i might have missed the

point of the album/// is this minimal ambient? someone with some answers

please help me out here. I share Freak 51's views on this one, so out of

respect for simon and his crew, i will hold back my judgement..


People after hearing this album, i have only one piece of advice,.. DO NOT

SMOKE DMT, or you will start producing music like this... complete nonsense...

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Terence

So ???, you think that smoking DMT is wrong because it can make you understand

or like something you were to singleminded to understand before you had the

DMT experience? That is what you are saying. Now, you certainly don't have to

smoke DMT to like this cd, an open mind is enough. It's always nice to see

artists push their boundaries to create new soundscapes wich propells the

musical evolution into the future. Especially if it's done as well as on this


  • 2 weeks later...

Beautiful, sacred, soothing, inspiring, emotional, multidimensional journey

pieced together by many familiar, and obviously versatile psytrance

acts...best tracks are 1,3,4,5,6,7,11...but really nothing less than

good...the synthetic track is a little iffy because of its motion pictureish


Guest koirraaah

Fsckin excellent. Would work better as a double CD, with less shortened tracks.

Consistent in style and very relaxing. Intelligent and atmospheric. 10/10.


This is a great release. Often when there are ambient with almoust no beats, it

becomes almost boring to listen to. This is not boring at all! There are so

many beautiful sounds in this. My opinion: One of the very best releases this



This is fantastic.

HAllucinogen track was very different, Logic Bomb are a great start.

Guest Ehsanur

To Freak51: Of course its slow,its pure ambient (duh)! I think the concept is

interesting and the result is very good. Its fun to see artists take advantage

of other musical talents..going from usual full-on tracks to these ambient

pieces. Ny favorite are the Antidote and Total Eclipse tracks. Far out!


  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest st6[at]alphaoatmeal[dot]net

beautiful music

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