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Guest Antic

Good comp, although it's better for home-headphones listening than in clubs I

think. There's so much quiet and delicate sounds you just can't hear on a

dancefloor. I also wish it had original Mescalito (tr #5) on it instead of

this sucky synthetic remis :( As it is however, the younger brother tracks

(both) and prometheus make this one worthy purchase :)

Guest sonic-groove

it´s the best, you must listen younger brother tracks, are really amazing

Guest guyjana[at]walla.co[dot]il

the best album of the year :) :) :) :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Not often u hear a track that so opens your mind like 'The Finger'!!


Although the inlay designs and concept looks pretty commercial (something like

WARP releases) the music is definitively MASSIVE !!! A high quality production

with great ideas and killer songs arranged by talented minds ! Buy this

release without thinking two times !


Tristan track sounds like full on music in rehab... very mediocre track this..

dude i do not like tristan's djing or his tracks themselves.. the whole

twisted crew is too much groupie thingy for me to appreciate..... the music is

good to decent as usual, but then we have the starfuckers who say that this is

the best out there etc... this is good, but not that good,,, tristan, fly

agaric suck .. don't get me started on fly... (how lousy is the track? even

the people who said it was killer said there was nothing exceprional in it)

tracks 3, 5 and 6 are very good.. and again the last one (twisted shouyld

thank serge)//// yb tracks sound like hallucinogen wierdo beat trance.....

track 2 is filler.. so this comp gets a 6/10 (8/ 10 but minus 2 for fly

agggggggairccccc (this is real cheese) and tristan (couldn't even spell

fouteen right)

Guest Agent Smith

i must say - I.M. are among my very fav acts, but this time they disappointed.

a lot of cheeze going on here - it's like: we've all heard their catchy

chopped-up melody-lines before. in a lot of trax, it meshes right in, but in

this case, it's like "whhooooa! where the fuck did that come from??"

(shpongle, i know). apart from that, i think the comp kikkkks ass!


Just a question tho - Mascok, mr ex-convict: what is it u hate so much about

Infected M? i agree that they've done better than this, but how much of their

stuff have u really heard? cos they are after all quite fukkin skilled.. and

btw: rid yourself (and the scene) of your bad vibes & whining - it sounds like

you're coming down after 2 weeks of hardcore speed abuse.. having opinions is

one thing, swearing between every word is another.

oh, and one more thing: you say you're an x-con.. u think that makes u a

hard-ass in any way? i mean - most of the ppl here have done illegal shit more

than twice, but the majority are not Stupid enough to get caught!

anyway man - take it easy!!


But all in all, this is a rather brilliant brick in my cd-wall... 9/10

Guest baboon

one of the best cds ever made... that's all you need to know...

Guest Goa Spirit

sounds a lot like a hallucinogen album, and that in my book is a good thing....

so lets start the review, the finger is good but sounds like old hallucinogen

stuff, the sample is really cool 'the feeengerrrr' the melody is also cool, so

the track overall is cool. dsp very similar style andits much stronger than

the finger... track three again simialar style and an awesome melody in this

one.. this track is very cool. tristan - i don't really like it, sounds too

restrained... mescalito is an amazing track, hard pounding beats and gbu is on

its way to becoming a modern trance icon... prometheous also provides an

amazing track, it has a lot of old school influences and an awesome baslline

groove... prometheus is getting better and better with every releaase... fly

agaric (i don't want to talk about this), lets just say i would never play

it/.. the last two tracks are great.. more in the older cool hallunigen

style... so what is the end result? this compilation is nice, but one thing i

dodn't like apart from 4 and 6, was the fact that the first couple of tracks

sound too formulistic hallucinogen style... i for one would like to see the

hallucinogen bassline incur a drastic change, the tin drum kind of kick to me

is very uninspiring... so if i had to give advice to the shpongle gang, then

it would be that they need to seriously work on their basslines... the

melodies are great as always, they should take a page out of the prometheus

book,,, that apart, this album is definitely the strongest comp since mystery

of the thirteen crystal skulls (which is still the best i have heard in the

lat year and a half,., ) so this gets a 7.5/10...

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

cool cover fantastic music.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Acidhive

Well, this disc DOES only contain scorchers in my humble opinion. It starts off

great and ends great. In between the tracks are nicely varied and some of them

are real brain burners. I especially like that synthetic remix from

Mescalito... Once Dado breaks it up at around 3:30 it's just totally crazy

shit!! Fortean Times also whips up a great atmosphere from the word go(a)!! :-)

Actually, all tracks here are just cool! It's one of those comps that'll be

hunting my stereo for years to come... Great job from Twisted here! And

especially great to see Simon returning to his psy-kicking boots!

Definately a 9/10 here !!

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest PsiLoCyBe

Mmmm ... It's strange how many of you found this musically apealing ... No

doubt the production and engineering is SPOT FUCKIN ON (if you know anything

about it) ... what else do you expect from Simon P ...... but sadly I'm not so

keen on the music itself. 5.5/10

  • 1 month later...
Guest transphere

the Younger Brother tracks are awesome! worth buying just for them...

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Tomas

Theese days I find a lot of releases to be boring, monotounus and not at all my

flavor. Labels are looking more and more like the big corporate business you

find in other scenes. Ofcourse this is only natural. The thing is, that some

labels, like Twisted deal with this alot better than others. Sure, they have a

new "look" and perhaps a more "straight" image, but if you listen to the

music, which after all is the essence, it hasn't gone in that direction.


What twisted presents us with here is as allwasy massive quality. The King

Midas Touch of Simon Posford all over allmost every track does of course not

make things worse, either. My only negative comment to this album is made

regarding the tristan track. I have never been a great fan of his style. But

diversity is ofcourse important. Let him do his thing, plenty of people love



8/10 Bom!

  • 1 month later...

Very good psychedelic goodie that came out of Twisted...This compilation is

nuts with lots of psychedelia, crazyness and intelligence...Simon colaborated

with different people...Best on compilation : THE FINGER, BLUE SKY ON MARS ( !

), FORTEAN TIMES, MESCALITO, I SEE MYSELF, DWARVES ( ! ) and pretty good mix

by Total Eclipse to DORSET PERCEPTION....8/10

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