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Tegma - Werewolf / What's Akabar

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Guest [Anonymous]

This release is quite diverse as these 2 tracks are totally different.

WEREWOLF is a bit monotonous to my taste but minimal followers will love it.

It reminds me of their older track SATANIC WARS.

a dark & simple track for the early stage of the evening.

WHAT'S AKABAR is a much better track,

moving towards the clubby sound,and features some nice rim shots and a steady




a decent release from TEGMA but stands out for WHAT'S AKABAR.



Guest Stormbringer

Tegma - Werewolf / What's Akabar


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Artist: Tegma

Title: Werewolf / What's Akabar

Label: Digital Structures

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. Werewolf

02. What's Akabar




Tegma comes from Sweden. Don´t be deceived by the names of the members,

Omar Chelly & Iason Orfanidis. This 12" is one of their first releases

but they´ve released several tracks on different compilations too. After

a couple of really nasty (in a good way!!!) ep´s by 12 Moons and Bigwigs

from Digital Structures comes something of a mix between the old (slow

and boring) Digital Structures-sound (which I don´t like) and the new

dark nasty hypnotic sound (which I love). "Werewolf" (5/10) got a creepy

atmosphere with lots of werewolfhowls in the backgroundand and a

grinding beat follows you from the beginning to the end. But to be

frank, it bores me to death if I don´t pitch it +2. Those of you who

have read my reviews before know that I don´t appreciate slow monotonous

zombietrance that much, and this track hasn´t got enough of that kind of

dark evil air that I like. It hasn´t got much of a hypnotic beat either.

"What´s Akabar" (3/10) has some similarities with the warm groovy sound

of Ticon but this track isn´t nearly as good as their music. I don´t

like the early releases from Digital Structures or Iboga for that

matter, but if you´re into that kind of trance don´t listen to me. To be

honest... I can´t judge if this is a good ep or not, but I can tell you

that I don´t like it that much and that it soon will fall into oblivion

as far as I´m concerned.

Guest edoardo[at]neurobiotic[dot]com

Guys, i'm not a lover of progressive monotone stuff as well, but Werewolf is a

real killer in my opinion, technoid paranoic sounds, killer for beginning a

good night set 9/10 for me....the other track is a good progressive one, not

boring at all 7.5/10.


Very very Good EP..If you like Swedish Progressive style, buy it ! What's

Akabar is a real jewel...A very good track for the dance floor.. 9/10

Hope one day they will release an album !


I think What's Akabar is a top single: it has a steady groove and nice feel to

it. I was suprised that the flip-side (Werewolf) could be so tacky.

Worth getting for "Whats Akabar" alone.


This is really two great tracks by my friend Omar(and Jason ;)). Keep up the

good work Tegma. What's Akabar is my favv here. *fo fo fo fo*

Guest budsjo[at]spray[dot]se

Werewolf is a real good song, What´s akabar is harder but a bit boring.......


but afterall tegma is great!

  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Guest Moog Spectral

Werewolf is scary. Pure Dancefloor stuff and as Stormbringer said, it has to be

pitched up. Have you guys heard of "mixing tunes"??:-) MIX YOUR MUSIC GUYS,

choose the best 4 minutes of the tune and skillfully fade it up with some

other bomb behind to create an AMBIENCE of your own!! I can insure you that no

good tune is boring when they are well mixed up!!!!

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