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V/A - The World Of Goa-Trance 2

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V/A - The World Of Goa-Trance 2


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Artist: Various

Title: The World Of Goa-Trance 2

Label: ZYX-Music

Date: 1999


Track listing:


CD 1

01. 07'47" Man With No Name Presents Yogi And Grey One : Big Troubles In Outer Space (Oforia Rmx)

02. 07'11" Psygone : Kashmir

03. 05'29" Astral Projection : Solid Electronics

04. 06'07" Bypass Unit : Spectral Collapse

05. 02'11" Analog Pussy : Psychobitch From Hell

06. 06'25" Colorbox : Kinky Pinky

07. 05'38" Solar Plexus : Organic Machine

08. 04'24" Purple Lotus : Unlimited Resources

09. 02'18" Ziax : Subconciousness

10. 03'17" Pergamon : Blue Filter

11. 07'00" Mach : Syncrosonix


CD 2

01. 05'55" Bypass Unit : Nanosphere Courier

02. 03'44" Hardcop : Insanity

03. 06'46" Colorbox : Grey Spook (Westside Mix)

04. 05'03" Paragon Of Virtue : No Evidence

05. 05'14" Psygone : Mentizm

06. 03'15" Man From Mantra : Nevertheless

07. 06'17" Solar Plexus : Assimilation

08. 04'26" Vectrolab : Tsunami

09. 05'25" Analog Pussy : Galactic Intercore

10. 11'05" Pergamon : Endorphin




CD with some very good songs!! Unfortunately it's mixed!

When I've bought this CD I immediately thought " this is great

stuff" but in the mean time I don't like mix-CD's anymore as

much as 1 year ago!! But even now I still listen this CD pretty

frequently!! (It's my favourite Mix-CD)!! Best tracks on CD1

are:1,2,3,4,6&8 on CD2 the best tracks are:1,2,3,4,5,9&10!!

And specially the last song (CD2 nr.10) is awesome!! It's one

of the best Psy-Trance songs I've ever heard!!! Bom Shankar

  • 1 month later...
Guest AtomikElf

i have this too - but it's called greatest goa colection - pretty cool name.

totally full-on, powerful songs, drenched with hecticness and hyperness. i

love it. where are these guys anyway??? i wish i could find out more about

them - are they swedish or scandinavian?? but anyway, a good buy of "pure" goa

songs mixed for partiness!! have massive fun!! total 8.5/10

  • 2 months later...
Guest clark_303

I got this one at a very low price so I didn't expect much but it's quite a

good compilation Feat some well-known and some completely unknown names. The

Man with No Name song(Oforia Rmx) is great and it really sounds like Oforia's

stuff, has nothing to do with MWNN's sound...AP's Solid Electronics is great,

of course, and all Bypass Unit/Colorbox songs are quite good too but

otherwise, the songs are pretty average. Most of the songs are by this one

Danish guy so they sound very much alike each other, especially on the first

CD. The last songs of the both CDs are very nice minimalistic and dark

goa-journeys though. So I'd recommend this one if you can get it at a low

price. Otherwise, it has too many average and boring songs(that are probably

composed in a couple of hours=) and you'll find the great songs on some other


  • 8 months later...

It's very nice and soft music... of coure there're some boring tracks but when

you hear the bests tracks you understand why you bougth it. Very good music in

a delicious mix! =) 9 of 10.

Guest NEXUS7[at]goatrance[dot]com

Worth Buying for Track 10:CD 2:Pergamon-Endorphin-Phenomenal

Full-On 11:05 Masterpiece-Must Have!

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
Guest Psycobalt

"Endorphin" is fuckin' amazing!!!!!

Nevertheless the best is "solid electronics" by Astral.

"big troubles in outer space" & "nanosphere courrier" kick ass!

Bad point : it's mixed.

  • 1 month later...
Guest [Anonymous]

Just listen to the lead melody in Psygone's "Kashmir"



  • 3 months later...

Very good collection of songs but the mix is really dreadful, cause they cut

such a good songs on embarassing lenghts...blah...so, I actually don't have

such an opinion and review about this compilation....8/10 for the choice of

songs, overall of compilation is 6/10 cause of mix...

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest niels_knigge[at]ofir[dot]dk

I don't like mixed cd's, but this one is still good. It was one of my first

cd's, and I bought on a to Paris, mainly because it contained Astral and MWNN

(some of the few Tranceacts I knew at that time). I was very surprised when i

discovered that most of the tracks were danish, that made me kinda proud :-).

Well the CD: Cd1: It starts off with three amazing tracks, I really love

Kashmir... rest of the cd is good, a bit average, with some highlights now and

then. CD2: Once again the start is great. 5 hard pumpin tracks, with great

melodies and so on. Track 2 is too short (all the tracks are actually, because

it's mixed, thats annoying) track 6,7,8,9 is average but the CD finish with a

very super nice track, I love that one!!


Best tracks: CD1: 1,2,3 and Cd2: 1,3,4,10


7.5/10 (8.5/10 if it wasn't mixed)

  • 3 months later...
Guest [Anonymous]

I would disagree with clark 303. CD 1 Track 1 sounds exactly like what it is -

an Oforia-Style Track based on Martin Freeland-Sounds ;)

I like this CD, I bought it yesterday.

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