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The Playlist of my DARK compilation is Ready! Take a look!


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Hey all,


Thank you for the feedback! There are so many good tracks! :)

I finished my first compilation but it will probably have a disk 2 I guess eh? :)


Here's the tracklist, on the order it is on the disk, let me know what you think!


1) Infected Mushroom - Devil (Final Mix)

2) Hux Flux - Errorhead

3) Parasence - Matrix

4) Parasence - Napalm Death

5) Skazi - Chainsaw

6) Skazi - Stealing my Memories

7) Xenomorph - The Silimaki Muder Tool Kit

8) Droidsect - Supernatural

9) The Delta - Pop


Please everyone... gimme some feedback...let me know if you like it! :)

I'll start disk 2 tonight!


take care,



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Guest drops of madness

pretty nice...

but i'd take out the skazi ...and put some even darker sounds...not just the bass....

silimaki murder tool kit,...flips me out...


enjoy the disc

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Man nice selection.. but change atleast one skazi track, replace with a Droidsect.. compared to silimaki murder tool kit (what a track, the last break is a murder tool kit lkind of thing definitely).. skazi is way simple...... change one of them for either invasion from outer space, or ketamine... and since you like devil.. you might want to check out death killer./ and yes some dark soho .. tales of tragedy or depth of emotion would fit in nicely.....

anyway you decide....... just trying to help out,,,,


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you seem to think techno influence means dark (i'm not saying they are not dark) but what i'd call "dark" is somthing more deep and ominous, somthing like Chi AD - Moonart Chi AD - God Module, some of Cydonia's stuff, or Etnica - True Protoss Warrior. And i'd replace POP (which sounds like fuckin house with that massive ass bass) with THING an amzingly powerful track.... just pure power ... the baby crying... oh it gives me chills just thinking of it.


Skazi and parasence just suck hard fuckin core... IMHO

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allot of the house i've heard at raves.. sounds very similar. I think your refering to hard house with the vocals... But house has that super hard bassline, it sounds the same. I bet you could find some darker house that sounds allot like that track. It also reminded me of scarecore and terrorcore...

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Guest psydancer

hey bruno, i heard all the songs on your compilation. and thats exactly the kind of stuff im looking for .. so could you tell me some more songs like these ...

the best ones only that you know of : could you post them . or email me at mahima_kaul_75@yahoo.com


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Ae Bruno...gostei do seu chart..muito legal....eu sou Dj de Psy aqui em SP.....tipo, vamos nos comunicar e fazer um intercâmbio Psicodélico...hahahaha..me mande um email....daí eu te passo umas coisas legais aqui q eu tenho...

Obs * - Vc curte Full On né ?

Abraços !



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Como q uma dark psytrance compillation nao tem Dark soho??.. Essa Do IM é una bosta .. tipoo é o q eu ouvia dasantas e já achava uma merda!!

Here Goes My list(dark-fullon):

1-Dark Soho- Depth of emotion

2-Dark Soho- Supernova

3-GMS- lumberjack

4-Tristan- Over the Treshold

5-Talamasca- Come On


Tipo eu to mais into fullon mas é isso ae... Eu recomendo ainda Psycraft, Nomad, neuromotor , Bamboo Forest...

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