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I think i will buy this album, it´s as usual something different, but i miss a bit the hallucinogen influences.


Well doh we'll all buy this album :)


We didn't need samples to know that B)


I like the downtempoish YB touch a lot :)


Of course i voted, god´s toached me again, if it is simon GODFORD!!! i always will vote such an option if it´s about simon godford, fuck this man has given me so much good feelings while i had bad feelings because of fucking school and stuff.


Thanx for the samples Travellorgh. Killa stuff indeed. Simon for president


Thank benji.. I guess he is responsible for this place

Guest Cosmogenesis

Hey guys, I don't know you, but I'm looking forward for Hallucinogen's Twisted 2 in ................................................ 2035!!! :lol:

It's sure at 100% he will make it for paying his retirement! :P


Didn't impress me that highly.


There was nothing new or extraordinary.


I think Simon should have a cup of coffee and relax a bit to get new ideas.




The samples sound ok but I'm not really that much into downtempo. I liked the older YB tracks better. But I'll wait for the full tracks until I make my final judgement.


I adore the samples but then Posford and Prometheus are my two favourite artists so I expected nothing less. It's interesting how Benji's signature is the more prevalent on both samples.


Thanks for providing the samples


I think I do like this, especially sleepwalker. Chester sounds nice too but I don't like them vocal thingies, however musically I like it, makes me wanna hear a full length album...


Voted for "I feel.. like you know pandimensional omnipotent traveller.. you know"

I've no idea what it means, but it sounds fun :huh:




"Whaddawegoin' do Posford ma' maaan?"

"Dunno, mista' Prometheus. Le's jus' take these vocal's n' cuttemup an like... U kno dat effect make vocal go all 'krkkkkkahhhhhhkkrk' ye le's use dat wun."

"Great i de maan."

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