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Shiwa 2000 - Runkmeditation & Perstantra

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1.Jazz Joo

2.Lääkitys kohallaan

3.Bluez like me







10.Rekkamiehen pastilli


12.Merkababa (Sienis rmx)

13.Didgie Hero (Egosentrifug rmx)

14.Hidden Track


Now here we have the sequel to "Final Truth 2020" on the new russian label Hippie Killer production. This is finnish trackertrance with a capital F and possibly a T also. For the purpouses of this album, Shiwa 2000 consists of Rick Timebeez and Tim Thick. The album covers a lot of ground and here`s my track by track breakdown of it


1. Jazz Joo

Dubby overtones and twisted melancholy melodies makeup this one, quite a chilled out song, a little like old Rip van Hippy


2.Lääkitys kohallaan:

Distorted vocals in russian?, the bassline and kickdrum welcome us back to the golden 8-bit era of video games, this is a more dancefloor friendly song, folk-songish melodies fused with something out of "The Gremlins"


3.Bluez Like Me: A steady burner, kinda Poisonmachineish, Male voice chants "Blues like me..." Oldschool rave keyboards and squelchy sounds.


4.Nenaeongelma:The intro gives a feeling of a stalactite cave, water dripping from the ceiling, soon to be introduced -bassline and drums reminescent of the Nephlim -era Texas faggott. A wailing chant in the background coupled with dramatic sounds.


5.Rofreggae:Like the name states, hazy vibes and lazy breakbeats, dub echoes and a mutant silver flute, though it is used more sparingly than I would`ve liked.


6.Kenguru: This one brings us back to the dancefloor, burping sounds and ticking, mechanical rhythms, female ohhhs and ahhs phase in and out of the track, subtle atmospheric melodies play in the background. Builds up in layers, goes breakbeat for a while, nice buzzing bassline.


7.Hansson: Epic intro, 80`s synthpop drum fills, soft kick, wistful melodies not unlike those of James Reipas`latest outing. Dawn music.


8.Indiaano: The fulcrum of Nintendo and Värttinä, slippery sounds with a pseudo-violin taking the lead and carrying the song, later on the rave keyboards make a comeback, the love child of folksongs and Dr.Alban


9.Zappapappa:Grumbling mumbling vocals, The backbone of this track is a housey piano.A muted sax in the background and echoed laughter. Videogame melodies and the hillbilly "violin" ,bassline and drums are classic suomisaundi.


10.Rekkamiehen Pastilli Best track on the album imo, no nonsense, straight to business.Desert planet -esque melodies over a tough bassline and kick and the rave organ , should work well on the dancefloor and send the "production quality" geeks running for cover, kickass.


11.Batargah This I`ve heard before, mutilated vocals tell the story of batargah, the greatest (evil?) warrior in the world, Bassline and drumwork reminescent of Mandalavandalz` "Kaunista" , yet another dancefloor stormer.


Next we have two remixes of songs from the 1st album.


12.Merkababa (Sienis rmx):Sweden´s fave finn opts for an all-out, powerful style. Vocal samples from a Finnish Tv Tampon ad. Banging tune, which preserves the original melody amidst bubbly, almost haltya -style aural disinformation, halfway through the chaos subsides, nice melodic run towards the end over an anticipatory bassline


13.Didgie Hero (Egosentrifug rmx): Huopis gives didgie the goa treatment, Intro reminds us of the original, a foreboading atmosphere with massive mid nineties´MWNN melodies and the orthodox goa snare rolls, buildups and breakdowns.

Nice, very intense without being overpowering, chopped chanting vocals, my 2nd fave from the album.


14.Hidden track:Bonus time with a guitar melody, tapping kick, jazzy percussion and congas, doesn´t seem to go anywhere, fades out of existence...


Verdict: Like I said this is specialist stuff, but to my taste it fits nicely, with this and "Uwaga" , I´d say suomisaundi got a much needed shot in the arm


8+/10 :)


This alpum. ..... TOTAL CRAP!!!!!!!!!! 1/10 !!!!!!!!



Just kidding. Absolut KILLAH! 1010101000000001001010/10!!!!!!!!!!!!




Get yours while you can or weep for the rest of your life.

  • 4 weeks later...

The album title might need some interpretation, in swedish "runkmeditation" means masturbation meditation, I'm not sure what to make of perstantra though, any ideas?

  • 4 weeks later...



Would be something like... I don't know how to explain "pers"... Something difficult to go through.


Funny title :)

  • 8 months later...

The album title might need some interpretation, in swedish "runkmeditation" means masturbation meditation, I'm not sure what to make of perstantra though, any ideas?

That'll explain the man on the cover :o


Yoink <_<

  • 2 months later...

This album is simply amazing.


So many cool and different ideas.


Best track is BLUES LIKE ME B)


Others are fun tracks to listen too.


Not a usual album definately/

  • 9 months later...

This album is simply amazing.


So many cool and different ideas.


Not a usual album definately/

Indeed B) Very interesting album.. Can't wait for a new album :)

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