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Cwithe - Seas of Pitche

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Guest transphere

I have this track (Cwithe - Seas of Pitche) on Distance To Goa 3, but it's mixed together with other tracks. And I would really like to have the full length version. Where can I find it? Such a good track must be availble somewhere... preferably on CD.


Yes I have it (full length and unmixed) on Advanced Technologies Of Amsterdam compilation.

Guest AutoMath

where did the oldschool master jens valdebäck go?


anyone heard of him lately. Just loved (and still do) his illegal album on blueroom.

Highly underrated imho.


And yes the "seas of pitch" is a great different tune..

Guest transphere

r2d2, I haven't found that compilation in any (online)/stores near me (I live in sweden). I guess it's difficult to find since it isn't even reviewed here on psynews. But, do you know any place where I could find that CD?

Guest Skeletor

transphere that was my fave trak 4 a while.... and i have same problem as you. I have seen that cd in 2ndhand shops for lowlow prices.... i hope karma gives me another chance to find it.


A friend of mine has had a Cwithe cd for quite some time - how's that supposed to be pronounced?

Guest Skeletor

I have the cd. it doesnt have "seas of pitch" but there are some gems on it.

Guest woutski

I have it on 12" (M-Track recs) One of my most cherished EP's! It's amazing.

Automath is right. What happened to these guys?


Skeletor I think you got something mixed up. Maybe you were talking about Cwithe-Illegal album and yes then you're right Seas Of Pitch is not on it but it is featured on Advanced Technologies Of Amsterdam compilation so here is the link for you transphere again so you can hear it yourself and then buy it:



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