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Guest Tentwins

Isn't it sad when the party ends???


Don't you have a feeling of nostalgy when remembering parties and want to go back in time and live it again???


It happens to me all the time. I would love to have the music played by the live acts I've seen.


Yes it`s very sad! What a nostalgia...when sounds get silence and lights dissapear in the dark. But tomorrow never dies and next parties coming soon. Tentwins CARPE DIEM > enjoy every day of your life as in fact it`s just a big party :)

Guest Tentwins

You're right!!!


PS: Yanik: Do you live were Wyborowa is made?

Guest spacemonkey - 604

but what dress will she wear????!!!!!!!


Yep!, it's very sad when the unity ends and every body have to go back to the "real world"...

The first time I had that feeling was at my first party. When I got in the car I just felt the music and the party as a global enery that is alway moveing from place to place, and felt nostalgy about leaving that place/people/music.

The only time I haven't felt that feeling was at the Kox Box party a year a go. When the party finished at 12 pm I just felt great, satisficed and happy




tentwins dont be nostalgic , we have a lot of parties are you ready for "tierra magica" ?



yes!!! I live in Poland and Wyborowa is made just here...but there are some different kinds of good vodka made in Poland. >> Zobrowka for example! Cheers!

If you are at the Boom in Portugal I bring a bootle for you!!!!

Guest Tentwins

Thanks Yanik, unfortunately I can't go to Portugal, as I live in Mexico.


Mijis, count me in for Tierra Magica. Maybe a little "rock" will help that night, maybe.


Tentwins: wow! Mexico that`s far away from here....this night-party I`ll drink Tequilla for all psy-fans from Mexico!!!

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