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hi everyone! :)


I have a analog mixer connected to my EMU-0404 soundcard.


Ive got everything setup correctly, im wanting to record using a microphone via a program like Cool edit pro, or Audcity?


The thing is im not exactly sure how to record yet?

Put it this way the microphone is setup in a sense that i can hear playback, but its not recording when im pressing record in Audcity.


So what do i need, or need to setup?

Thanks guys! B)


if you could describe to me exactly how yo have everything wired up i.e mic into mixing desk, mixing desk into line in on sound card etc


im not hugely familiar with cool edit, but if you are running windows i can sort you a version on wavelab :)




ok guys B)


My soundcard to mixer setup is very simple....


This is my mixer :)



And my soundcard :D



The Aux Send Outputs go into my soundcards Line In Inputs (Left and Right)

The Line In 3/4 Inputs go into my cards Line Out Outputs (Left And Right)

And my speakers are connected to the Ctrl Outputs to my Monitors B)


And my mic ( http://www.turnkey.co.uk/tkweb/stockdetail...7LC&context=WEB )

Its connected the the channel 1 mic input.


So am i missing some connection? :huh: or is there something i have to do in the software? I have Audacity and Cool Edit Pro.



Many thanks! B)


I have the same soundcard as you, buddy! So....


1. Hook up everything correctly. Read mixer manual, as well as soundcard manual to make sure you have the right setup.


2. Read your Soundcard manual VERY carefully! You need to load a certain recording template in the Patchmix DSP Mixer. Without the correct setup in Patchmix no audio will come into Cooledit/Wavelab etc. I think the manual gives a a tutorial on recording into Wavelab. This should also prove very usefull.


This is really tough bro. I feel your pain! But the best advice you already have in your hands! RTFM!


good luck.


have you connected the input of your audio card to aux 1 or 2, im asking this because only aux 2 seems to be prefade. if not then connect to aux 2 because this will prevent feedback while recording, meaning you can have the channel fader down while recording and you can monitor through your computer.


make sure that your audio card is configured right, i.e. that you have selected the right input for recording. you can do this by clicking on the sound card icon at the bottom right in the taskbar, select dropdown menu "options" them "preferences" then click on record. make sure that the right sound card is selected, mainboards with sound on board often have the on board card set as default device. then choose the right input of your audio card.


also make sure that you have chosen the right driver for the software you are using, again there are often problems with sound on board.


once you have cleared the above you should be ready to record. so again while recording or setting up to record make sure the channel fader is tuned down and the auxilary turned up. see if you can monitor through your computer, if so then it should work.


good luck.


Ive seemed to have worked it out now :)

BUT, now im having problems hearing the recording ive layed down in Wavelab.

Was able to record, its there, but i cant hear anything.

When i save the recording in Wav Format, i can only hear it when im listenening through Windows Media Player, or Recycle.


I have everything connected up corrected From Soundcard to Mixer, etc...

What the problem? :huh:


Ive seemed to have worked it out now :)

BUT, now im having problems hearing the recording ive layed down in Wavelab.

Was able to record, its there, but i cant hear anything.

When i save the recording in Wav Format, i can only hear it when im listenening through Windows Media Player, or Recycle.


I have everything connected up corrected From Soundcard to Mixer, etc...

What the problem? :huh:


And ive read the manual and everything, cant seem to find the problem? :huh:


And ive read the manual and everything, cant seem to find the problem? :huh:



well as far as i know wavelab is for post production and editing, try using a software that is made for multitracking, i.e. cubase, logic, cakewalk etc....


well as far as i know wavelab is for post production and editing, try using a software that is made for multitracking, i.e. cubase, logic, cakewalk etc....


Though the thing is this program does exactly what i want it to do. :)

And thats record something and saving it into Wav format, which i would then throw into the Sampling Devices in Reason.


The only thing that i cant figue out is why i cant get playback in Wavelab Lite?

Theirs a master volume window in the program, with two volume peaks, they move when i press play, so in otherwords it seems to reckonise my recording but wont play it back (cant hear anything)...

And when i save it into Wav format and play through something else, it works, but its a pain to do it this way, as i want to hear if the recording is worth saving...


Been on other forums, read the manual, double checked my cabling, etc.

And i just cant seem to find the solution :(

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