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Notice: Requires 6 - 12 hours working on the same song.



1. In the last hour, the 13 changes you made to your track brought you back in a complete circle sounding exactly the same as when you started.


2. When anyone trys to talk to you thier voice sounds Phased, Flanged and reverbed out like the Voices off Hallucinogen's shakey snaker.


3. While out in public any sound that has the slightest rythm you are able create a song in your head and claim it is your ultimte masterpiece, then counting the moments til you get home.


4. You catch yourself walking everywhere at 145 Bpm.


5. Your girlfriend wakes you up in the middle of the night asking you to stop using her back as a Synth Keybord.



all i can think of for now.. please add if you have any.


Hehehe. Good ones. I have two from today, actually:


You know you've been working too long and hard on a track when you wake up after eight hours of sleep with your song still in your head from the night before. This happened to me today. It was freaky, as if all night long as I was sleeping my song played over and over in my head.


You know you've been working too long and hard on a track when you step into the shower and swear you can hear your melodies in the the rhythms of the spraying water.


You know you've been working too long and hard on a track when you wake up after eight hours of sleep with your song still in your head from the night before. This happened to me today. It was freaky, as if all night long as I was sleeping my song played over and over in my head.


You know you've been working too long and hard on a track when you step into the shower and swear you can hear your melodies in the the rhythms of the spraying water.


oh damn, i know that very well :P


you know you've been working on your track too long...

if you find youself tapping with your foot and shaking your head to the beat and repeating the same lead-line again and again in your head while you are sitting in the train, in the waiting-room, on the toilet... but there's no audible music...


I know I've been working on a track for too long when my head hurts and the air in my room smells like a dead fish's rectum.


oh damn, i know that very well  :P


you know you've been working on your track too long...

if you find youself tapping with your foot and shaking your head to the beat and repeating the same lead-line again and again in your head while you are sitting in the train, in the waiting-room, on the toilet... but there's no audible music...


Yes! Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...



I know I've been working on a track for too long when my head hurts and the air in my room smells like a dead fish's rectum.


And yes!!! I'm now keeping a store of aspirin next to my computer, and am keeping my windows open as much as possible.



Funny. :lol:


you know you've been working on your track for too long when you get out of the studio to take a piss,and you see that the rest of your family moved to another place 5 years ago


you know you've been working on your track for too long when you have nightmares with big modular synths chasing you,nord leads with vaginas (ok,not really a nightmare) and yourself drowning in a pool full of midi cables




You know you've been working too long and hard on a track when you step into the shower and swear you can hear your melodies in the the rhythms of the spraying water.



Yeah that shower one happens often. pretty funny stuff


Indeet, Otto Matta. When it won't get out of your fucking head anymore! It seems as if the melodies are presents in the subconscious of your mind for 10 hours or something. Especially if you've been working on something til at night and are going to sleep afterwards... it will keep playing in your head in the background all the time... and when you suddenly really notice it, it stops... then there's a very weird silence, because you suddenly realize all that noise that was going on in your head! But soon it continues again...and again.....


Yep do You find you begin to hear the voices calling you and questioning why you didnt believe them...what do you say? It was your fault afterall...

Or was it?





*continues stiring gravy*


Okay, I had another one last night, while I was in the immersed depths of finishing a track. I took a break to watch The Virgin Suicides, and at one point in the movie someone was humming something. It only lasted for about two seconds...But I could swear it was one of the main melodies in my track.


I was like, there we go again with the music-making madness! :D


Another one: You know you've been working too long and hard on a track when you haven't eaten or left the house/apartment in two days, and you don't care. But you've smoked like four packs of cigarettes!



Indeet, Otto Matta. When it won't get out of your fucking head anymore! It seems as if the melodies are presents in the subconscious of your mind for 10 hours or something. Especially if you've been working on something til at night and are going to sleep afterwards... it will keep playing in your head in the background all the time... and when you suddenly really notice it, it stops... then there's a very weird silence, because you suddenly realize all that noise that was going on in your head! But soon it continues again...and again.....


This is actually an interesting phenomenon to me. It doesn't only happen with music, it happens with anything - perhaps pattern-oriented - that we do for an extended period of time. Video games are a good example. Ever played Tetris for a few hours straight? When you're done the pieces just keep coming down in your brain...AND YOU STILL ROTATE THEM AND PUT THEM IN PLACE!!! :lol:


I think I've finally realized what meditation is and how to do it, and it relates to this phenomenon. If you focus on peace and nothingness for hours on end, doesn't that achieve the same effect? Like, you've programmed your mind to be empty and peaceful for a while. So instead of hearing your melody play over and over again, hearing it in everything from the sound of shower water to car traffic, or playing Tetris in your mind without actually having it on, you have quiet peacefulness repeating itself in everything. Makes sense to me, at least moreso than the typical yet misguided advice to simply "clear your mind."




You could have a point. But I think the effect is more related to sensory input. Because you've been hearing/watching the same sounds/images for over a long period.

But also when you've made a long distance flight for example. When you take a nap afterwards, it still feels a bit like you're flying on the airplaine, because you've been feeling the same vibrations etc. for such a long time.

So I think it comes from an external source. When meditating you must find silence and peace from the inside.


You could have a point. But I think the effect is more related to sensory input. Because you've been hearing/watching the same sounds/images for over a long period.

But also when you've made a long distance flight for example. When you take a nap afterwards, it still feels a bit like you're flying on the airplaine, because you've been feeling the same vibrations etc. for such a long time.

So I think it comes from an external source. When meditating you must find silence and peace from the inside.


Yes, but if silence and peace are still repeating themselves in your head, wouldn't it have the same effect?


You been workin on your track to long When:


you have smoked yourself into next tuesday and you are so stoned you dont realise you have been listening to the same 4 bar loop for 16 hours


you realise the track is now 45 mins long with 10 breakdowns, 20 change ups and a 17 minuite outro


you start intesely beatboxing rythms and basslines (badly in my case) in front of random strangers who blatantly think you have terrets or some kind of mental illness


you lose the ability to soialise. you go out and all you have in your head is "need to finish the tune, need to finish the tune, need to finish the tune"


When you snap out of it, and are:

- Cold, becuase you tried (in vain) to air out the cigarette smoke, and left the window open 6 hours ago.

- Hungry, because you haven't slept in 28 hours

- Having to pee desperately, because it's been 8 cups of coffe and just as many hours since you went the last time.

- Write stupid shit like "Hungry, because you haven't slept in 28 hours"... Hahaa! I'm going to bed!




When you snap out of it, and are:

- Cold, becuase you tried (in vain) to air out the cigarette smoke, and left the window open 6 hours ago.

- Hungry, because you haven't slept in 28 hours

- Having to pee desperately, because it's been 8 cups of coffe and just as many hours since you went the last time.

- Write stupid shit like "Hungry, because you haven't slept in 28 hours"... Hahaa! I'm going to bed!




Yes, yes, yes, and yes. :lol:


You know when youve been working on the same track too long when....


Everyone at your house knows its subtleties as well as you...


The dog begins to harmonize...


You say Noon and mean Midnight (happens to me a lot)...


You begin to hear the churning of the Cosmos in all the subtones....


When you take off the headphones you can still feel them on your head...


You have indentations in the skin in the shape of headphones....


You cant see clearly more than 50 cm in front of your face....


You hear dogs barking at a siren and it provides the one missing link to make the melody perfect...


You know when youve been working on the same track too long when....


Everyone at your house knows its subtleties as well as you...


The dog begins to harmonize...


You say Noon and mean Midnight (happens to me a lot)...


You begin to hear the churning of the Cosmos in all the subtones....


When you take off the headphones you can still feel them on your head...


You have indentations in the skin in the shape of headphones....


You cant see clearly more than 50 cm in front of your face....


You hear dogs barking at a siren and it provides the one missing link to make the melody perfect...


AHAHAHAHA!!! :lol: GREAT ones! Love the dog ones.


(Funny you say the cosmos one, as I'm a believer that - and I know this might sound ridiculous - that we're creating universes through our music, and that we ourselves exist in the music of other higher beings. Think of how all things function in waves. These are the melodies of the gods! :D )

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