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I think it was Psycle I was talking to on AOL Instant Messenger about how hard it is to get people to pay attention to psytrance, and he said something like "we listen to it like those sounds are all the exists in the universe" and it didn't mean much when he first said it, but I've been thinking about that...


Whenever I'm listening to psytrance, even if there's other people around, I zone out and barely contribute to conversation, just get sucked into a world of swirling dancing sounds. Its like those sounds are all that exist in my universe!!


Anybody else experience this? Sometimes if I have people at my house I have to turn off the psytrance and put something else on just because I get too into the music and just sit there in silence. I even get annoyed when people start to talk or something during " a cool part" ya know (i don't tell 'em to shut up or anything, just get really annoyed and even more disconnected, as i try and listen to the music OVER people talking, instead of listening to the people talking!)?


Just wondering if I get way more into it than most people er what? oh, well it totally depends on what CDs playing as well - if its not as good, the effect is weaker, and I don't get sucked in as much.


And of course, it seems the longer I listen to psytrance, the stronger this phenomenon gets.


-=- Matt/Strumpling -=-

"ssshhh!! this part's cool"

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Guest stringtheory

I understand exactly what you are saying. I am the same way. I think it is because music is so important to us. It is in a sense, part of who we are. I could not imagine a life without music and books. As much as you say you are into Sphongle, I can imagine that you don't play that at a party....


Sets up the scene


Strumpling is dancing with some hot woman...puttin on his moves...and someone puts on Tales of The Inexpressible.....Strumpling starts zoning out...more and more...and slips away to sit in the corner and listen to the music. All of his friends are looking for him, but no one can find him. He has taken a trip to the Sphongle Zone....do do do do do do doooooo.....



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nice...i couldn't have said it better myself...however...i do tell people to shut up during a cool part...and if they don't...i rewind a couple of seconds and make THEM listen to it too..:)


same thing applies while driving...sometimes i zone out to the music and forget im on the road...and when i do realize im on the road...i just play the track again and turn the volume up just enough for the people around me (in other cars) to want to close their windows:)

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Guest --==MiLeS==--

In the good old early days I had some of my metal friends over...After some bongs I put on hallucinogens Twisted and the prime response as always was "Turn off that gay houseshit'... but when Dark Magus came on...they were quiet...slowly loosing themselves completely in the track, closing their eyes and occasionally saying 'heavy or evil shit, man..After the track was finished they were almost ashamed they understood the music for the first time....


Since then I knew Psytrance is no good for background music...Its 2 demanding, not only for me...also for the visitors hehehehe...

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lol miles!


It does feel cool when you and several people can actually just chill and listen to at least several tracks in a CD, especially if they're not really into psy, because you see them starting to grasp the magic :)


-=- Matt/Strumpling -=-

and they love to hate it, so it hurts them to fall in love with it.

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Guest Ciotera

It is very much the same way with me.. perhaps because I am also very very very fond of Shpongle land...


Every one of my friends, whom I've forced to listen to psytrance while high, has developed great respect if not love for it.. however I am the only one truly addicted to it.. (like I seriously get a withdrawal symptom if I can't listen to it).. which is strange because I got into it before I ever tried drugs..

I guess I'm just constantly psy-high :)


If you ever heard Shpongle while shrooming for example.. you just can't ignore it as background music anymore (that is if you could to begin with).. it litterally grabs me and takes me places.. that's why I have stopped listening to it while driving.. it's just not safe.. i have to close my eyes and concentrate.. and believe me, regardless of who is it that would try to interrupt me at that moment, be it my boss or my mother, i would definetely tell them to shut up.. (so as you can imagine, i don't listen to it at work either :)


There is a big hypnotic component to most psy music, so that may explain why it demands the listener's undivided attention.. but I think there is more to it.. I think it is possible to be addicted to this music, I really think that I am.. I really think that if they study me in a lab, they will find that "when subjected to audio stimulus labeled "divine moments of truth" by Shpongle, subject exhibits heightened serotonin levels and rapid eye movement :) maybe it's a conditioned response, i don't know.

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it's also a point of psytrance being music that really requires your attention, you need to follow everything that's going on. If you're trying to maintain a conversation while playing your newest most far-out psy track to a friend, you'll just end up not hearing the track, while the chaotic barrage of sound (which is usually what it sounds like when you're not following it) is not going to contribute much to a good conversation either!

Usually when my friends are over I just put on something that gives a good atmosphere and kind of blends in to the background.

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Guest lÿsërgïç

yep same here.


i often find i totally miss what someone has just said to me if there is a track playing that grabs my attention.


that can be pretty bad for someone who is already not very sociable.

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Guest lespagnol

you know man I really believe that music is a drug and i never listen to psytrance when i want to meet my friend and talk....I have two collections of cd:the first one is the real psy collection with all the psyke artist like mr peculiar ; delta ; neuromotor... and the second one with more breakbeat and ambient.The first one is only for me and the second for little party in my house when you drink and u want to tell your life ...Strumpling your not the only one

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Oh Strump i completly agree full heartedly. I'm not sure if it's just becuase it's psytrance/goa or if it's just becuase i like it so much but yes, i experience exactly what your talking about! I remember studying and i'd be reading somthing and suddenly i'd realize that for the past 5 minutes i've not been reading or studying or what not... but tranced out to the music inside my minds eye.

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me having a conversation with a friend ...


hmmm, yes, yes i see ...

*damn this song is good*

oh yes .. mhm, mhm ... i completely understand.

*jeezes, where the hell did they came up with this structure?*

yes, ok ... yep .. yep

*wohaaa, what a sound ... this shit rocks!*

hmm ... mhh... uhm ... what i think about what you said? ... uhm ... could you start over from the part where you said - "hey, i gotta tell you something man."


:) wooops ...

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Guest bugbread

Mine's more like:


"So my friend says, "let's get some coffee"...wait...I love this part...ok, so anyway, we get to the coffee shop and...That rocked!...we get to the coffee shop and...oh, this buildup is sweet...I SAID, we GET to the coffe shop and...This is the best part of the track!...Ok, let's turn off the music or give up on the coffee story."

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I guess it the same for anyone who is deep into some kind of music. Even Britney Spears. The difference is that psy is wery complex (and I meen only good psy, which is rare), and it takes good stereo and attention while listening. Anyway, that is my oppinion

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yeah fully, my girlfriends pretty good in that if im zoning to trance she'll kind of shut up, but sometimes when she does talk, like, its always right after a build or during the really insane powerful bits we all get off on, as opposed to the groovey or ambient bits that kind of sit in the background and rock along.. i've tried explaining the difference but it doesn't really work.


i find the same with other music, but by far the majority of this terrible habbit occurs when there's a nice bit of hallucinogen or tristan on :)

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I feel the same as you Matt. Nothing ask for my hears but psy when I'm gathered with my friends. I get so much into this music that sometimes I feel my feet are no longer in the grownd.




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I find it fascinating that I can gain more entertainment and be more captivated by good audio than a good movie!


-=- Matt/Strumpling -=-

And what captivates me about movies is usually the soundtracks ;-)

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