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does somebody know how they do the gateeffect that comes at about 4:42?

my vst gates all have 16 steps, this is not enough, im looking for a gate with 32 or more

smbody know one?


and at 2:23 at montoya rmx is a sound that is rushing into a kickdrum

i dunno how this is done, they use it sometimes, it is really a good, you know how this can be done?


thx for help


You could do it ghetto style and automate the volume instead of using a gater-thingie. :)

(I'm of course saying this because I don't know of a gate with more than 16 steps, but it can be done ghetto style.)


And for the second one, sounds like a noise sample that fades in? Kinda like a reverse cymbal?


yes great its a reverse cymbal thx

i dont use cymbals that much so i didnt hear it.


yes i could do the gate manually but i like to build whole tracks on gates

3 or 4 good gate rythms that change thru the leads and vocals

with filters..

i want to play live plugin would be best


and by the way, what about the kickdrum, how is it kickin so hot?

im new into psytrance but i got some experience from other music.

im using rebirth for my drums (think the best software 909)

but i got my own rebirth mod with the kickdrum from drumatic.

it comes close to a psykick but what effects do they use, i have a only a compressor.

dont think i want to copy them, i just want to understand the psytrance.



for the kicks the main thing is EQ and compressors... u can also try to put some distortion...

pitch bend also gives some nice result... i know i can do it in battery but i dunno about rebirth...


thanks, midigate is exactly what i was searching for.

think i will have much fun

also i think this is a really good forum, people know what they talkin about, thanks guys


is midigate comes with cubase. i didnt find it


Yes, its one of the standard plug-ins in Cubase and is located in one of the dynamics folders.


And regarding kicks, I find that it is best to make my own. Just create a sine wave in your audio editor and pitchbend it untill you think it sounds neat. Then if you want more juice, add some EQ and perhaps compressor. I seldom put compressors on my kicks though, unless I smash them togheter with the bassline when I am making the track. But seldom on the bassdrum sample itself.


If I may hijack the thread for a moment, what do you feel are the weaknesses with Cubase's Midigate? I only ask since I have never had a problem with it in any form since VST5.


well Jikkenteki,


the main weakness is the fact that the hold time is fixed by the envelope generator of the gate, i find this a real drawback. imo the hold time should be triggerd an held as long as the midi note.


im using rebirth for my drums (think the best software 909)


try waldorf attack B)

well Jikkenteki,


the main weakness is the fact that the hold time is fixed by the envelope generator of the gate, i find this a real drawback. imo the hold time should be triggerd an held as long as the midi note.


If you have the settings correct the hold time IS the length of the midi note. I used to have a link to an old Steinberg help article that shows how to use it properly this way, but after being sold basically twice now that link has gone missing. I should probably just make a tutorial myself on this since I've been thinking about it for awhile anyways.


If you have the settings correct the hold time IS the length of the midi note. I used to have a link to an old Steinberg help article that shows how to use it properly this way, but after being sold basically twice now that link has gone missing. I should probably just make a tutorial myself on this since I've been thinking about it for awhile anyways.



Hey Jikkenteki,


i phoned a friend today and we discoverd that my midi gate is buggy, works for him... the only setting according to him to get the "midi note lenth" = "gate hold time" is "hold mode" set to "note-off" . this doesnt work with my version. another funny thing is, and i find this very weird, that when i click the steinberg icon on the gate to get infos, the release time gets even longer...???


i guess its just a bug...


my version of the gate is 1.0 2001.



is waldorf attack really that good?

perhaps i should try it... there were so many reviews about sayin its the best



is waldorf attack really that good?

perhaps i should try it... there were so many reviews about sayin its the best


it kicks ass... BIGTIME!!!!!


you can make a gnocchi (miranda) kick it with for example.


I can send you a try-before-you-buy version if you like ;)

just pm me

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