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Upcoming Open Air Spring Events Transylvania 2006:




1. Yellow Sun vs Black Moon 28 April - 2 May 2006 - entrance fee: 50 RON (for locals) / 25 EUR (for foreigners)

2. White Wizard Fullmoon 12 - 14 May 2006



We want to offer you two open air events this spring in this beautiful new location in Lotrioara Valley on private property 35 km from Sibiu!


About 500 meters from the dance floor on the other side of the river is a Scout camp facility with beds, toilets and showers and also a big kitchen for catering in case people have interest to cook! Here about 100 people could have warm beds for sleep and there is also much space for camping! The fees are 6 euro per night and bed so that's not too bad either! The access by car is also no problem! But we might have problems parking them if they get too many. We have a small river going right trough the space! We are sure you will enjoy your stay!



Campground for the Yellow Sun vs. Black Moon event will be open from 27 April- 3 May 2006! Please do not come earlier!



Ask before setting up your tent on site! If you want to stay longer as 3 May please also let us know! There is also the possibility to stay the two weeks in between the 2 open air events! On demand various Workshops are possible like Poi, Maya, Fire -Toys, Sacred Geometry, open air movies and Docus, a studio for Music Production and much more possible to feel good, share creativity and energy and also prepare for the edition nr 2 the White Wizard Full Moon weekend with TALPA LIVE from Serbia and ATMA LIVE from Sibiu. Aside we expect some surprise DJ´s to keep you grooving trough out the nights and days!





Line Up so far 28 April - 2 May 2006 Yellow Sun vs Black Moon









- Soundquest [israel]


- Dreamtime Enhancer [Germany]


- Damass [Germany]


- Penta Pan [Germany]


- Styx [Global]


- Mihail [Constanta]


- Jivatma [Constanta]


- Latam [bucuresti]


- Dimitrip [bucuresti]


- Option Zero [bucuresti]


- Ziazin Tan [bucuresti]


- Lygos [bucuresti/Sibiu]


- Atma Jedi [sibiu]


- Unit (ex Oniric) [Timisoara]


- Quezar [Cluj Napoca]


- Cooper [Cluj Napoca]


- Ulyse [iasi]


+ surprise DJs / acts




- Chaikovsky [sibiu]


- Latam [bucuresti]


- Mihail [Constanta]


- Starchild [bucuresti]


- Oniric [Timisoara]




Deco for both events by DMT, Purple Dragons & Spacesheep and more


Fireperformance by Raja [sibiu]




Expect also some more Dj´s and Acts turning up from Israel, Germany, Tchechia, Iasi & Timisoara (Romania) who know what comes up next? J we can not update it daily so just be sure you get the best entertainment in Romania on this weekends!


Expect to see a outdoor cinema with movies about international festivals and eclipses, interesting Documentarys etc.! We managed also to get quite some deco and lights, laser together.. lets see what we can do with this..



Line Up so far 12 May - 14 May 2006 White Wizard Full moon:







- Atma [Headroom Productions] Sibiu


- Talpa [sundance Records] Serbia




- Soundquest [israel]


- Dreamtime Enhancer [Germany]


- Damass [Germany]


- Penta Pan [Germany]


- Styx [Global]


- Mihail [Constanta]


- Jivatma [Constanta]


- Latam [bucuresti]


- Dimitrip [bucuresti]


- Option Zero [bucuresti]


- Ziazin Tan [bucuresti]


- Lygos [bucuresti/Sibiu]


- Atma Jedi [sibiu]


- Unit (ex Oniric) [Timisoara]


- Quezar [Cluj Napoca]


- Cooper [Cluj Napoca]


- Ulyse [iasi]


- djane Yade [Oradea]



+ surprise DJs / acts




- Chaikovsky [sibiu]


- Latam [bucuresti]


- Mihail [Constanta]


- Starchild [bucuresti]


- Oniric [Timisoara]


- djane Sister Candy [Oradea]



The Full Moon in May is the most Powerful of the year. This we could already feel in May 2004 at the first Transylvania calling Gathering which happened at Rasnov. Buddhas Birthday seems indeed to be a really good timeframe to celebrate! Everyone is getting this desire to dance and jump along with other Open minded souls! So here we go Lets get it on! We are welcoming you to Transylvania´s open air spring season 2006.


Please be aware that you are going to stay out in nature few days! Be prepared! Reserve your bed or come with your camping equipment! It might still be fresh in the nights so take some warm stuff with you! We will try to make it as cozy as possible!

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