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This is beautiful space chillout, much like Distant System - Spiral Empire. Where Spiral Empire depicts space as vast lonely wastes, separate and ultimately in control of Man, Endless Universe views space as a playground for humans far evolved; or as their true home in some strange future. To me, this is one of those albums that I cannot imagine not cherishing for ever, since it succeeds so well in being music, what ever that might mean.

+1 in everything you wrote.

This album is CLASSIC.


+1 in everything you wrote.

This album is CLASSIC.



When I got this album years ago I thought it sounded so old-skool with it's own psyfactor twist.

It felt like real space ambient from the early 90's. A album with a real spirit. It was Classic in sound and feel back then,

now it is turning out to become a real classic!!


So whats the prospect on the follow up ,,chill" album, I hear it will have less ambience and more drumworks'n'stuff, something like the release on A Magical Journey.


I don't see how he would be able to top this album though :unsure: - might become a total planker :( *preassure*



anyway music will be like this :drama:



well this music is not going to top of the something. its just my inspirations of different times and if it will be not like it was(endless universe) i cannot do nothing with it)) sorry if anything


Я тоже обожаю этот альбом, словами не передашь всю его прелесть) Дмитрий, с нетерпением жду твой следущий амбиент альбом.


I still love this album... :wub: I think it will grow old with beauty :D


It's fantastic how has lots energy while still completely relaxed, and filed with emotions! :drama:


btw the sample sounds nice :)

  • 3 months later...

if everythng goes well

"futurised" will be released in december this year

more infos coming very soon at ajana-records web


11 tracks of a bit unusual(for chill) but still melanholic and spacey.


Yeah, good luck on the Futurised release, its going to be interesting to hear its story of mortal glory :D


Я тоже обожаю этот альбом, словами не передашь всю его прелесть) Дмитрий, с нетерпением жду твой следущий амбиент альбом.


Jeg elsker dette albumet, kan ord ikke formidles all sjarmen hans), Dmitri, ser frem til din sledushchej ambient album.

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