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Contact me here or on my e-mail: yoman001@gmail.com




12" inch. vinyl






The Fireman : Rushes : White Label

A: Bison (Long One)

B1: Fluid

B2: Appletree Cinnabar Amber

Hydra Records


never played - as new


THE FIREMAN (PAUL McCARTNEY & Youth (Dragonfly Records owner)) Rushes (Very rare 1998 UK promotional white label 3-track 12" vinyl test pressing for the promo-only 12" featuring Fluid, Appletree Cinnabar Amber & Bison Long One. A very scarce item!



The Fireman : Rushes

A: Bison (Long One)

B1: Fluid

B2: Appletree Cinnabar Amber

Hydra Records


never played - as new



THE FIREMAN (PAUL McCARTNEY & Youth (Dragonfly Records owner)) Rushes (Rare 1998 UK release) including original poster, 3-track 12" vinyl.




100th Process

A: Illogical Digression : Version

B: Illogical Digression

10 Kilo


Never been played. As new.

Very special half size "12. release of the sublabel to T.I.P. Records runed by graham Wood from The Infinity project






A: Freefall : original Mix

B: Freefall : Abakus Remix

kamaflage Records


never played - as new



A: Indu

B: Indu : Shiloh Remix

LSD Records


never played - as new


Black Sun

A: Invissible Cities

B: Invissible Cities : Tristan remix

Dragonfly Records


never played - as new


Xerox & Freeman

Human race EP

A1: Extra Hard Sounds

A2: Karina (remix 98)

B1: Kayazulu

B2: Gravity Waves (Zombie Remix)

Hom-mega Productions / Balloonia Ltd.


never played - as new


Sandman : Nostradamus EP

A: Nostradamus (original Mix)

B. Nostrradamus (Remix)

Matsuri Productions


Played a few times. Good condition



Germinating Seeds Of Doda

A: Upside In

B: Ohh, Bitchy...

21-3 Productions

White Label promo

Played a few times. Good condition. Original Label Info inlay included.


The Green Nuns Of The Revolution : Green Nunions EP

A: Green Nunions

B: Ring Of Fire : Eats Static Remix)

Flying Rhino Records


never played - as new


Elysium vs WORM (3 copies)

A: Yemaya

B: Xanuba

Nova Zembla Records


never played - as new


Paul Van Dyk

Words Part 1 White Label

MFS Records

Ok condition - Cover is ripped a few places.


Chakra & Edi Mis : The X-file Remixes 99

A1: Quirk Remix

A2: Visitors remix

B1: p.cok remix

B2: Original Version

Krembo Records

never been played - as new



Panza EP

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 030

White Label promo

played once - almost as new


Subcouds : On Red EP (2 copies)

Globalistic Records

Globalistic Rec. 001

White label Promo

never been played - as new

Original label info inlay included.


Elyisum : Project One EP (5 COPIES)

Nova Zembla Records


White Label Promo

never been played - as new


ADODisc Records

Acid Lab

A: Happily Damaged

B: Neuroanarchy

ADO 003

White label Promo

never been played - as new

Original label info inlay included.



A: Rave Hard

B1: Triptonite

B2: Synthetic Djura

3rd Mind Records

3RD 003

White label Promo

never been played - as new

Original label info inlay included.


Eat Meater

A: Fartz Eater

B: Little Fleischig Meatballs

Hadshot Records


Played a few times. Good condition

Special cover design that look like a Pizza box



A: Murphy : Mrs. O'Leary's Mix

B: Murphy : Velocity Carport Mix

21-3 Records

played a few times. good condition


Ubar Tmar : Rhythmism EP

A: Rhythmism 6

B: Rhythmism 2 : Masa Remix

Matsuri Productions


played a few times. good condition


Kinetico : Yuletide EP

A: Kinetico

B: Jungle Bells

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 060

White label Promo

never been played - as new


Word Of Mouth : Fresh Perspective EP

A: Fresh Perspective

B: They're after Us

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 061

White label Promo

never been played - as new


4D : The Active EP

A: Invader

B: Active

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 062

White label Promo

never been played - as new


Charasmatix : The Root EP

A: Ruty

B1: Bum HOO2

B2: Delärium

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 063

White label Promo

never been played - as new


Symphaty In Chaos EP

A1: Prana - Geomantix Fire Dragon Mix)

A2: Ju Ju Space Jazz - Pizza

B1: Tripitaka - Monkey On A Cloud

B2: The Liquid Dub Connection : Floating Through The Air On Gossamer Wings

Matsuri Productions


Played a few times. Good Condition



A: Acfa Zon

B: Jungle

Balloonia Ltd.

Balloonia Ltd. 002

Played a few times. Good condition


Killing Joke

A: Love Like Blood : Live/Deedrah Mix

B: Intellect : Johan Mix

Dragonfly Records


Played once - Good condition

original label info inlay included.



A: Aoki Uru : Original Mix

B: Aoki Uru : Eat Static : El Pistolero Remix

Matsuri Productions


Played one time. Good condition




B: Cosmic Energy

POF Records


Played one time. Good condition



A: Space baby

B: Tellus Twin

MASH Records


Played one time. Good condition


Matsurhythm 1 EP

A: Manmademan : Feeler

B: Quirk : paradise Pills

Matsuri Productions


Played a few times. Good condition



A: Of The Essense

B: Zevel Boy

Dragonfly records


Played a few times. Good condition


Equilium / Cyberkrist

A: Archtype : Mental Phazer Mix

B: D.N.A. Explorer : Virtual Cortex Mix

Transient Records


White label Promo

been played a few times - good condition


Quirk : Shark Matter EP

A: Dark Matter

B: Shark Matter

Matsuri Productions


been played a few times - good condition



A: Triphased

B: Switch Off (v.2 - edit)

3D Vision

been played a few times - good condition


Systembusters (2 copies)

A: Godzilla

B: Mental Floss

T.I.P. Records


White Label promo

played a few times. Good condition

Some writing on the vinyl label.



A: Hypnotone

B1: Hypnotone : John 00 Fleming Mix

B2: Hypnotone : Cydonia Remake

Atomic Records

atom 007

never been played - as new


Cosmosis (Promo)

A: Pigs In Space

B: Inter Galactic Fluro Funkster

Transient Records


never been played - as new. original label info inlay included.


Chi A.D (Promo)

A: Beyound The Singularity

B: Exit Eternity

Transient Records


played a few times - Good condition


Atmos : Kelin Aber Doctor EP ( 2 copies)

Flying Rhino Records


White Label promo

played a few times. Good condition


Ree.k : Agaru To Sagaru EP

A: Agaru To Sagar

B: Subconscious Mind

Matsuri Productions


played a few times. Good condition




A: 4 Days Of madness

B: Aliencop

Krembo Records

played a few times. Good condition


System 7 : Ring Of Fire Remixes

A1: Troniq Mix

A2: Volcaniq Mix

B1: The Advent Touch III

B2: The Advent Touch I : Edit

B3: The Advent Touch II

Butterfly Records / Dragonfly


never been played. As New


Quirk : Dance With The Devil EP

A: Ping

B: dance With The Devil

Matsuri Productions


never been played. As New. Original label info inlay included.


Tristan : The Inside Out EP

A: Martian Arts

B1: far From Eye

B2: Space Sage : Process Remix

Twisted records

twst 4

played a few times. Good condition.

This is the version where the tracks play from the end to the start of the Vinyl.


A.M.P : Forever Now EP

A: Forever Now : Shakta Remix

B1: Forever Now : A.M.P Remix

B2: Forever Now : Dai Remix

Dragonfly Records


never been played. As New.


Saiko - Pod / Prometheus

A: Saiko - Pod : Silent Running

B: Prometheus : Snowblind

Dragonfly Records


never been played. As New.


Man With No Name

A: Reincarnation : Tripster Remix

B: revenge

Atomic Records

never been played. As New.


Stop & Fridget : The Mudless E.P

A: Mudless

B: Loop & Digit

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 027

played a few times. Good condition.


Mindfield & Baraka

A: V.D. Massacre : Manmademan Remix

B: V.D. Massacre

Phantasm Records


played a few times. Good condition.



A: cascades

B: Anoxic

Dragonfly Records


played a few times. Good condition.


Sonic Fusion

A1: Predator : Cinematic Version

A2: Lost Moments

B1: Emotions

B2: Predator : Tribal version

Hadshot Records


played a few times. Good condition.


Slinky Wizard : Jammy Mutants EP

A: Slinky Wizard : Fridgefull Of Mutants : Remix

B: Jammy Wizard : AngstRom Dispidooshan

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 024

played a few times. Good condition.


Chi A.D.

A: Astral Warrior : Rmx

B1: Awakenings

B2: After Eveer : Live

Medium Records


played a few times. Good condition.

White Label



A: Metalizer

B: Indigo

3D Vision

never been played. As New.



A: Twilight World

B: U.V. Nation

Phantasm Records


played a few times. Good condition.


Digitalis : Soma junkies EP

A1: Telepresence

A2: The Improbable Voyage

B1: Soma Junkies

B2: dr Sembei

Matsuri Productions


played a few times. Good condition.


Subsonic Meltdown EP

A1: Semsis : Border Hash

A2: M-Sphere : Dynamic Mouse

B1: Semsis : Basso Profundo

B2: The Experiment

Medium Records


played a few times. Good condition.



A: halloween

B: Sinai

3D Vision Records

never been played. As New.



A: Sleepless nation

B: The Gurningpoint

Spiral Trax


The first release from Spiraltrax in 1997.

played a few times. Good condition.



A: Waterworld

B1: A Trip back

B2: Flurotronik

Spiral Trax

spit 009

played a few times. Good condition.


Human Blue

A: Funkix

B: Tellus salvation

Spiral Trax

spit 005

played a few times. Good condition.


Drop & Dash

A: Global Split

B1: Cloned

B2: Mutated

High Society

HS 017

played a few times. Good condition.


Goodfellas E.P

A1: Amorphus : Return Of Shalam

A2: Amorphus : Voices

B1: Tim Schuldt vs. Space Cat : Something Weird

B2: Evolution : The Experimence Of taking A Step into Someone's Dream

Medium Records

played a few times. Good condition.


Pleadians : Headspin E.P : White Label Promo

Dragonfly Records

played a few times. Good condition.


Slinky Wizard : Money Comes Cheap EP : Whitel Label Promo

A: Sodom Like There's No Gomorrah

B: Beautiful People

Flying Rhino Records


played a few times. Good condition. Original label info inlay included.


Children Of The Doc

A: Impossible Vortex

B: Creatures From Outerspace

3D Vision

3DV EP004

Never been played. As good as new.



A: Digital Damage

B: Freaky Frequency

Dragonfly Records


Never been played. As good as new.


Voodoo People

A: Chronic

B: Reach Out

Atomic Records

atom 005

played a few times. Good condition.


Vibrasphere / In-Sect

A: Vibrasphere : The Open Sphere

B: In-Sect : Hinterland

Psychic Deli Records


Never been played. As good as new.


Somaton : Future Memories

A1: Alpha Rhythms : Mutate And Survive

A2: Infinite Reality : Future Memories

B1: Eclosion : Future Memories : Digitalis Chilled Remix

B2: Sphere Of Sensation : Radionics

Phantasm Records


played a few times - Good condition. Cover is a bit used on the side.



A: Spyke

B: Regenerate

21-3 Productions

TO3 007

played a few times - Good condition.



A: Talamasca : Alien Tribe

B: Front Line Assenbly : Evil Playground : Tim Schuldt Rmx)



never Been played. As new.


Free Form EP

A1: Eath : Sunai

A2: Space Safari : Pink Forest

B : Thee Engineer presents KlanGForm : Yumbirrigu

Free Form Records

never Been played. As new. DJ reactionSheet and Party information included.


Intact Instinct

A: When Woodworm Works Worse

B: Zymotic Zest

POF Records

POF 041

Played a few times. Good condition.


Shiva Space Technology present Infected Mushroom

A: Intelligate

B: Small Moves

Shiva Space Technology


Played a few times. Good condition.


Psychaos : Promo

A: Investigating Eternity

B: Acidica

Atomic Records

atom 001

Played a few times. Good condition. First "12. release from Uk Label Atomic.


Solaris (aka Oforia)

A: Out There

B: Extra Mundane

Atomic Records

atom 003

Played a few times. Good condition.



A: Dark Horse

B: Spooked

Atomic Records

atom 004

Played a few times. Good condition.


Organic Noise : White Label

A: Spastic Elastic

B: Polaris

T.I.P. Records


Played a few times. Good condition. Some handwriting on the vinyl label.



A: Confusional State : Slipstream Original

B: Confusional State : Danny Howells' Squelch Mix

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 028

Played a few times. Good condition.


Freak Disciple : Freedom Engine EP

A: Freedom Engine

B: Free Dimension

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 025

Played a few times. Good condition.


Kopfuss Resonator : Holy Water EP : White Label

Flying Rhino Records


Played a few times. Good condition.


Psychaos : White Label

A: Chaos To order

B: Mindwash

Transient Records


Played a few times. Good condition.


Lumen : White Label

A: Way Up In The Air

B: To 1

Phantasm Records

Played a few times. Good condition.


Plasma Pleasure

A: Photon Tribe

B: Viper island



Played a few times. Good condition. original label Info inlay included.

The two tracks were recorded in Goa, India. An atypical hadshot release.


Bumbling loons : Rumbling Toon EP

A: Bumbling Loons : Rumbeling Toon : 101 Extravaganza Mix

B: Bumbeling Loons : Rumbeling Toon : Evolution Remix

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 032

Played a few times. Good condition.


Double Dragon

A: Crunch

B: Shudder

Phantasm Records


Played a few times. Good condition.



A: Floor : Sonic Shakedown

B: Floor : Auratone Mix

Dragonfly Records


Played a few times. Good condition.Original label info inlay included.


Blue Planet Corporation : Micromega Remix EP

A: Micromega : Bumbling Loond Remix

B: Micromega: Choo-Choo Remix

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 031

Played a few times. Good condition.


Darshan : Beast EP

A: The Beast

B: Rapid Flight

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 026

Played a few times. Good condition.


Spies : Promo Release

A: Ceremoniak

B: Backwash

Transient Records


Played a few times. Good condition.


Laughing Buddah : Promo release

A: Astral Traveller

B: Acid rain

Transient Records


Played a few times. Good condition.



A: Storm In A Test Tube

B: Panic

Atomic Records

atom 002

Played a few times. Good condition.



A: Twisted Tale

B: Pure Illusion

Psychic Deli


Played a few times. Good condition. Cover is a bit worn.



Vinyl Albums


Quirk : Machina Electrica & Fornax Chemica

Matsuri Productions


played once - almost as new


Space cat : Beam Me Up

BNE Records/Balloonia Ltd.



Ubar Tmar : True

Matsuri Productions


played a few times - Good condition


Psychaos : Cause And Effect (Promo)

Atomic Records

atom 004 lp

played a few times - Good condition


Zodiacyouth : Devils Circus

Dragonfly Records


played a few times - Good condition. Cover is a bit used.


Sandman : Witchcraft

Matsuri Productions


played a few times - Good condition. Cover is a bit used.


P.cok : Acid Trooper

krembo Records

never been played. As New


Digitalis : The Third State

Matsuri Productions


played a few times - Good condition. Cover is a bit used.


Semsis : Letting Go

Atomic Records

atom 002

played a few times - Good condition. Cover is a bit used on the side.


Sonic Fusion : Confused

A1: Satisfaction

XXtatikk Ritual

A2: U Can't Fade me

Error 44

B1: Synergy

Robots Round My Coc

B2: Tribal Warrior : Live Recording



played a few times - Good condition. Cover is a bit used on the side.




Vinyl Compilations


Psychedelic Electronica 2

Psyche Deli


played a few times - Good condition


Psychedelic Krembo : Selected Tunes Part 3

Krembo Records

played a few times - Good condition


Various Artists : First Flight

Flying Rhino Records


played a few times - Good condition.


Various Artists : Kiss The Future

Atomic Records

atom 001 lp

played a few times - ok condition.


Various Artists : Beyond Colour

T.I.P. Records


played a few times - ok condition. One side of the cover is a bit worn.


Various Artists : Forever Psychedelic

Matsuri Productions


Played a few times. Good condition. The cover is a bit ripped on the sides.

Posted (edited)

Updated list after sales:




Contact me here or on my e-mail: yoman001@gmail.com




12" inch. vinyl




A: Freefall : original Mix

B: Freefall : Abakus Remix

kamaflage Records


never played - as new



A: Indu

B: Indu : Shiloh Remix

LSD Records


never played - as new


Black Sun

A: Invissible Cities

B: Invissible Cities : Tristan remix

Dragonfly Records


never played - as new


Xerox & Freeman

Human race EP

A1: Extra Hard Sounds

A2: Karina (remix 98)

B1: Kayazulu

B2: Gravity Waves (Zombie Remix)

Hom-mega Productions / Balloonia Ltd.


never played - as new


Sandman : Nostradamus EP

A: Nostradamus (original Mix)

B. Nostrradamus (Remix)

Matsuri Productions


Played a few times. Good condition


Germinating Seeds Of Doda

A: Upside In

B: Ohh, Bitchy...

21-3 Productions

White Label promo

Played a few times. Good condition. Original Label Info inlay included.


The Green Nuns Of The Revolution : Green Nunions EP

A: Green Nunions

B: Ring Of Fire : Eats Static Remix)

Flying Rhino Records


never played - as new


Elysium vs WORM (3 copies)

A: Yemaya

B: Xanuba

Nova Zembla Records


never played - as new


Paul Van Dyk

Words Part 1 White Label

MFS Records

Ok condition - Cover is ripped a few places.



Panza EP

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 030

White Label promo

played once - almost as new


Subcouds : On Red EP

Globalistic Records

Globalistic Rec. 001

White label Promo

never been played - as new

Original label info inlay included.


Elyisum : Project One EP (4 COPIES)

Nova Zembla Records


White Label Promo

never been played - as new


ADODisc Records

Acid Lab

A: Happily Damaged

B: Neuroanarchy

ADO 003

White label Promo

never been played - as new

Original label info inlay included.


Eat Meater

A: Fartz Eater

B: Little Fleischig Meatballs

Hadshot Records


Played a few times. Good condition

Special cover design that look like a Pizza box



A: Murphy : Mrs. O'Leary's Mix

B: Murphy : Velocity Carport Mix

21-3 Records

played a few times. good condition


Ubar Tmar : Rhythmism EP

A: Rhythmism 6

B: Rhythmism 2 : Masa Remix

Matsuri Productions


played a few times. good condition


Kinetico : Yuletide EP

A: Kinetico

B: Jungle Bells

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 060

White label Promo

never been played - as new


Word Of Mouth : Fresh Perspective EP

A: Fresh Perspective

B: They're after Us

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 061

White label Promo

never been played - as new


4D : The Active EP

A: Invader

B: Active

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 062

White label Promo

never been played - as new


Charasmatix : The Root EP

A: Ruty

B1: Bum HOO2

B2: Delärium

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 063

White label Promo

never been played - as new


Killing Joke

A: Love Like Blood : Live/Deedrah Mix

B: Intellect : Johan Mix

Dragonfly Records


Played once - Good condition

original label info inlay included.



A: Aoki Uru : Original Mix

B: Aoki Uru : Eat Static : El Pistolero Remix

Matsuri Productions


Played one time. Good condition




B: Cosmic Energy

POF Records


Played one time. Good condition



A: Space baby

B: Tellus Twin

MASH Records


Played one time. Good condition



A: Of The Essense

B: Zevel Boy

Dragonfly records


Played a few times. Good condition


Equilium / Cyberkrist

A: Archtype : Mental Phazer Mix

B: D.N.A. Explorer : Virtual Cortex Mix

Transient Records


White label Promo

been played a few times - good condition


Quirk : Shark Matter EP

A: Dark Matter

B: Shark Matter

Matsuri Productions


been played a few times - good condition



A: Hypnotone

B1: Hypnotone : John 00 Fleming Mix

B2: Hypnotone : Cydonia Remake

Atomic Records

atom 007

never been played - as new


Cosmosis (Promo)

A: Pigs In Space

B: Inter Galactic Fluro Funkster

Transient Records


never been played - as new. original label info inlay included.


Chi A.D (Promo)

A: Beyound The Singularity

B: Exit Eternity

Transient Records


played a few times - Good condition


Atmos : Kelin Aber Doctor EP

Flying Rhino Records


White Label promo

played a few times. Good condition


Ree.k : Agaru To Sagaru EP

A: Agaru To Sagar

B: Subconscious Mind

Matsuri Productions


played a few times. Good condition




A: 4 Days Of madness

B: Aliencop

Krembo Records

played a few times. Good condition


System 7 : Ring Of Fire Remixes

A1: Troniq Mix

A2: Volcaniq Mix

B1: The Advent Touch III

B2: The Advent Touch I : Edit

B3: The Advent Touch II

Butterfly Records / Dragonfly


never been played. As New


Quirk : Dance With The Devil EP

A: Ping

B: dance With The Devil

Matsuri Productions


never been played. As New. Original label info inlay included.


Tristan : The Inside Out EP

A: Martian Arts

B1: far From Eye

B2: Space Sage : Process Remix

Twisted records

twst 4

played a few times. Good condition.

This is the version where the tracks play from the end to the start of the Vinyl.


A.M.P : Forever Now EP

A: Forever Now : Shakta Remix

B1: Forever Now : A.M.P Remix

B2: Forever Now : Dai Remix

Dragonfly Records


never been played. As New.


Saiko - Pod / Prometheus

A: Saiko - Pod : Silent Running

B: Prometheus : Snowblind

Dragonfly Records


never been played. As New.


Man With No Name

A: Reincarnation : Tripster Remix

B: revenge

Atomic Records

never been played. As New.


Stop & Fridget : The Mudless E.P

A: Mudless

B: Loop & Digit

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 027

played a few times. Good condition.


Mindfield & Baraka

A: V.D. Massacre : Manmademan Remix

B: V.D. Massacre

Phantasm Records


played a few times. Good condition.



A: cascades

B: Anoxic

Dragonfly Records


played a few times. Good condition.


Slinky Wizard : Jammy Mutants EP

A: Slinky Wizard : Fridgefull Of Mutants : Remix

B: Jammy Wizard : AngstRom Dispidooshan

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 024

played a few times. Good condition.



A: Metalizer

B: Indigo

3D Vision

never been played. As New.



A: Twilight World

B: U.V. Nation

Phantasm Records


played a few times. Good condition.


Digitalis : Soma junkies EP

A1: Telepresence

A2: The Improbable Voyage

B1: Soma Junkies

B2: dr Sembei

Matsuri Productions


played a few times. Good condition.


Subsonic Meltdown EP

A1: Semsis : Border Hash

A2: M-Sphere : Dynamic Mouse

B1: Semsis : Basso Profundo

B2: The Experiment

Medium Records


played a few times. Good condition.



A: halloween

B: Sinai

3D Vision Records

never been played. As New.



A: Sleepless nation

B: The Gurningpoint

Spiral Trax


The first release from Spiraltrax in 1997.

played a few times. Good condition.



A: Waterworld

B1: A Trip back

B2: Flurotronik

Spiral Trax

spit 009

played a few times. Good condition.


Human Blue

A: Funkix

B: Tellus salvation

Spiral Trax

spit 005

played a few times. Good condition.


Drop & Dash

A: Global Split

B1: Cloned

B2: Mutated

High Society

HS 017

played a few times. Good condition.


Goodfellas E.P

A1: Amorphus : Return Of Shalam

A2: Amorphus : Voices

B1: Tim Schuldt vs. Space Cat : Something Weird

B2: Evolution : The Experimence Of taking A Step into Someone's Dream

Medium Records

played a few times. Good condition.


Pleadians : Headspin E.P : White Label Promo

Dragonfly Records

played a few times. Good condition.


Slinky Wizard : Money Comes Cheap EP : Whitel Label Promo

A: Sodom Like There's No Gomorrah

B: Beautiful People

Flying Rhino Records


played a few times. Good condition. Original label info inlay included.


Children Of The Doc

A: Impossible Vortex

B: Creatures From Outerspace

3D Vision

3DV EP004

Never been played. As good as new.



A: Digital Damage

B: Freaky Frequency

Dragonfly Records


Never been played. As good as new.


Voodoo People

A: Chronic

B: Reach Out

Atomic Records

atom 005

played a few times. Good condition.


Vibrasphere / In-Sect

A: Vibrasphere : The Open Sphere

B: In-Sect : Hinterland

Psychic Deli Records


Never been played. As good as new.


Somaton : Future Memories

A1: Alpha Rhythms : Mutate And Survive

A2: Infinite Reality : Future Memories

B1: Eclosion : Future Memories : Digitalis Chilled Remix

B2: Sphere Of Sensation : Radionics

Phantasm Records


played a few times - Good condition. Cover is a bit used on the side.



A: Spyke

B: Regenerate

21-3 Productions

TO3 007

played a few times - Good condition.


Free Form EP

A1: Eath : Sunai

A2: Space Safari : Pink Forest

B : Thee Engineer presents KlanGForm : Yumbirrigu

Free Form Records

never Been played. As new. DJ reactionSheet and Party information included.


Intact Instinct

A: When Woodworm Works Worse

B: Zymotic Zest

POF Records

POF 041

Played a few times. Good condition.


Solaris (aka Oforia)

A: Out There

B: Extra Mundane

Atomic Records

atom 003

Played a few times. Good condition.



A: Dark Horse

B: Spooked

Atomic Records

atom 004

Played a few times. Good condition.


Organic Noise : White Label

A: Spastic Elastic

B: Polaris

T.I.P. Records


Played a few times. Good condition. Some handwriting on the vinyl label.



A: Confusional State : Slipstream Original

B: Confusional State : Danny Howells' Squelch Mix

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 028

Played a few times. Good condition.


Freak Disciple : Freedom Engine EP

A: Freedom Engine

B: Free Dimension

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 025

Played a few times. Good condition.


Kopfuss Resonator : Holy Water EP : White Label

Flying Rhino Records


Played a few times. Good condition.


Psychaos : White Label

A: Chaos To order

B: Mindwash

Transient Records


Played a few times. Good condition.


Lumen : White Label

A: Way Up In The Air

B: To 1

Phantasm Records

Played a few times. Good condition.


Plasma Pleasure

A: Photon Tribe

B: Viper island



Played a few times. Good condition. original label Info inlay included.

The two tracks were recorded in Goa, India. An atypical hadshot release.


Bumbling loons : Rumbling Toon EP

A: Bumbling Loons : Rumbeling Toon : 101 Extravaganza Mix

B: Bumbeling Loons : Rumbeling Toon : Evolution Remix

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 032

Played a few times. Good condition.


Double Dragon

A: Crunch

B: Shudder

Phantasm Records


Played a few times. Good condition.



A: Floor : Sonic Shakedown

B: Floor : Auratone Mix

Dragonfly Records


Played a few times. Good condition.Original label info inlay included.


Blue Planet Corporation : Micromega Remix EP

A: Micromega : Bumbling Loond Remix

B: Micromega: Choo-Choo Remix

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 031

Played a few times. Good condition.


Darshan : Beast EP

A: The Beast

B: Rapid Flight

Flying Rhino Records

AFR 026

Played a few times. Good condition.


Spies : Promo Release

A: Ceremoniak

B: Backwash

Transient Records


Played a few times. Good condition.


Laughing Buddah : Promo release

A: Astral Traveller

B: Acid rain

Transient Records


Played a few times. Good condition.



A: Storm In A Test Tube

B: Panic

Atomic Records

atom 002

Played a few times. Good condition.



A: Twisted Tale

B: Pure Illusion

Psychic Deli


Played a few times. Good condition. Cover is a bit worn.



Vinyl Albums


Quirk : Machina Electrica & Fornax Chemica

Matsuri Productions


played once - almost as new


Space cat : Beam Me Up

BNE Records/Balloonia Ltd.



Ubar Tmar : True

Matsuri Productions


played a few times - Good condition


Psychaos : Cause And Effect (Promo)

Atomic Records

atom 004 lp

played a few times - Good condition


Zodiacyouth : Devils Circus

Dragonfly Records


played a few times - Good condition. Cover is a bit used.


Sandman : Witchcraft

Matsuri Productions


played a few times - Good condition. Cover is a bit used.


Digitalis : The Third State

Matsuri Productions


played a few times - Good condition. Cover is a bit used.


Semsis : Letting Go

Atomic Records

atom 002

played a few times - Good condition. Cover is a bit used on the side.


Sonic Fusion : Confused

A1: Satisfaction

XXtatikk Ritual

A2: U Can't Fade me

Error 44

B1: Synergy

Robots Round My Coc

B2: Tribal Warrior : Live Recording



played a few times - Good condition. Cover is a bit used on the side.




Vinyl Compilations


Psychedelic Krembo : Selected Tunes Part 3

Krembo Records

played a few times - Good condition


Various Artists : First Flight

Flying Rhino Records


played a few times - Good condition.


Various Artists : Kiss The Future

Atomic Records

atom 001 lp

played a few times - ok condition.


Various Artists : Beyond Colour

T.I.P. Records


played a few times - ok condition. One side of the cover is a bit worn.


Various Artists : Forever Psychedelic

Matsuri Productions


Played a few times. Good condition. The cover is a bit ripped on the sides.

Edited by Yoman

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