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hey guys, have just finished a new tune - was given a guitar riff my a friend about a month ago and he told me to do whatever i wanted to it - as i lidtened a huge smile fell upon my face - it was a heavy guitar track!!!! and i was sure i knew the bpm staright away -


turned out i was irght, didnt even need to timestrech the riff it to the dnb - amazing -


the track obviously has big psychedellc elements as i cant help but incoprporate them - it just has the ferocity of a big dancefloor drum and bass tune - and, well, would love you all to hear and tell me what you think!!!!!!!!!


its called dig it up and you can here it here - http://www.myspace.com/jlevel and its track 4


enjoy guys!





  j-level said:

hey guys, have just finished a new tune - was given a guitar riff my a friend about a month ago and he told me to do whatever i wanted to it - as i lidtened a huge smile fell upon my face - it was a heavy guitar track!!!! and i was sure i knew the bpm staright away -


turned out i was irght, didnt even need to timestrech the riff it to the dnb - amazing -


the track obviously has big psychedellc elements as i cant help but incoprporate them - it just has the ferocity of a big dancefloor drum and bass tune - and, well, would love you all to hear and tell me what you think!!!!!!!!!


its called dig it up and you can here it here - http://www.myspace.com/jlevel and its track 4


enjoy guys!






well, after 1st minute when the faster rhythm kicks in id like to hear some more bass, later when it kicks in its way too 'weak", at least i prefer some dnb with basslines :)

the work that you did on guitar sounds ok, especially at 1/3 of track, very nice and even more like some "pop" rock tune or smthn, add some marylin manson vocals and you have radio hit :P:)


well, some dnb is nice, id like to see some others posting their dnb works here if they have any :). it might turn out pretty interesting.


in general your track is ok, imo, it lacks little bit of bass here and there and where it is its too silent. as for psychedelic - well, i find it as usual as other non-psy dnb tracks, not much of a psy here, but it doesnt mean that its bad, not at all, just dont follow trends and do what you feel you like :).


verdict - you could work little bit on this track later, perhaps some good mix can come out of it.




my 2c


thanks for your comments man, not too sure what you mean about the bass - its mostly pure sub bass - 60khz exactly - and when i played it through my mates rig the bass nearly blew my teeth outa my head


its my first dnb track that i have written for maybe over a year so - but i guess its only really dnb because of the speed - i havent written it to be a dnb tune - i never usually stick to any tempo -


iguess i also said there are psy-elemennts not because its similar to psy trance but because in my music i try to create a psychedelic atmosphere - i wouldnt say my other tracks were 'psy' tracks - they are j-level tracks that just happen to be good to trip too!!!! :) trust me i dont follow trends at all the bpms for my last 5 tracks have been 152, 102, 176, 84, 120 and the only thing that links them is my sounds.


its an interesting point you make - not to follow trends - alot of music scenes try and promote non trend following but then are unwilling to give something that sounds a little different a chance - that pretty much why i stoppped writing drum and bass in the firstplace and concentrated on making my own style of music!!!!


anyways thanks again for the comment :):)


would really reall like to know what you think of the first track on my myspace too - i enjoy having feedback.



  j-level said:

would really reall like to know what you think of the first track on my myspace too - i enjoy having feedback.




hehe, who wouldnt :)

ok, beggining is pretty chilly and relaxed, peaceful even, perhaps percussion/drums [whatever its called :P] could be little bit louder, that ofcourse only is my opinion, since they seem little bit too silent. but that is a piece of cake ofcourse, small detail :).

ok, when the "modern" dnb'ish part kick in i like it, neat and not agressive at all.


looking at track in gereral imo perhaps it could have somehow shorter beggining or perhaps it could be smoother, you know, like kinda more packed with action yet staying where it is - down there before the faster part [the dnb'ish one] kicks in. Actually very relaxing and peacefull track B) . just like with previous - looks like there are no errors or some "omg wtf was that" parts, ie, nothing seems to be fucked up :D . perhaps the bpm could be little bit faster when at 6th minute those drums kick in again. but as i understand its not the first time when you make music etc, so what can i say - this track could be pretty solid downtempo/chill track with some minor improvements IMO :). those parts where the male voice sample is remind me a little bit of TIP. well, that is mine opinion, tastes differ as we know so whether something should be changed or not its up to you, im just telling what i feel about this track :)!


thanks again my friend - thats the thing about music - no two people hear the same thing in the same way - and i love the fact that people have strong enough opinions and have listened to my music enough to form those opinions


i really appreciate your honest and i am glad you enjoyed listening


i will definately take some of what you have said on board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



peace :)

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