DeathPosture Posted May 4, 2006 Posted May 4, 2006 Made on 01-03-02 with Eki and Marko by Jeto 1) How many members consist in Sienis and your names ? Eki: Sienis is Eki Jokisalo and Marko Peteri. Marko: Weee! Yes indeed. I agree totally! that makes 2 of us. ...or what I meant to say is that Sienis is two guys. 2) How old are you ? Eki: 20 ...trying to stay as young as possible in the mind tho... thinking too much usually makes people unhappy... heheh Marko: Weee! 21. 3) Where do you live ? Eki: We both live in Stockholm/Sweden but we´re both finns ´couse our parents are from Finland. Marko: Marko: Weee! ...we live really close to each other, about 3-5 minutes walking distance. 4) Where did u met and when ? Eki: Kindergarden, propably. Marko: Weee! Yeah, hard to remember, we've lived near each other since childhood and had some same friends. 5) Before you met, you made music alone ? Eki: Well, before we started making music together, I had worked on some instrumental hiphop... That was prolly the main reason we met, Marko heard one of my tunes and invited me to come over and work together on something more electronic... heheheh. Marko: Weee! Yup... I had been experimenting with acid influenced electronic music. 6) Where does the inspiration come from when building a track ? Eki: It comes from everywhere... our experiences, our past, our current state of mind and chocolate bars. Marko: Weee! I believe I get my inspiration from my life experiences. Everything that get caught in the net of my subconscious mind and sumhow grow and evolve into beatiful visions and create these dreams where my visions come to reality. Eki: That's deep, man. 7) What equipment are you using to make your music ? Eki: I use my heart mainly... and we got our precious Access Virus that works magic along with sounds I make with my armpit... it can be very mesmerizing... Marko: Weee! The main equipment is my conscious mind which is accompanied by the subconscious. Then we got other gear too like the Virus but most of the stuff we produce these days are sequenced in the computers with the use of lots of different software. 8) Do you plan on releasing more tracks on a Compilation? Album Soon Maybe ? Eki: Of course, we just played at the Exogenic 'VA - Custom File' release party which is coming out to all you spugedelic lovers in the near future. Also the release date on our EP on Koyote is set with two Sienidelicious tracks. We update our website at whenever there´s a new Sienis release. We are in no hurry for a full album yet, we want to take our time to make it a timeless album. Music is Life and Life is Music! Marko: Weee! Well... Eki said the most... The Custom File compilation was released in Finland December '01 and the International Release Date is yet to be announced. We're very proud to be part of the Finnish Spugedelic Revolution. 9) At a Party you do a DJ Set or a Live Act ? Eki: Right now we do both and we´re working towards more and more live. On our next set I´m gonna do my voodoo on you with a mic trough fx!!! Marko: Weee! Our current set involves Eki bouncing and smiling like a Duracell bunny on speed and mixing cd's and me infront the synth acting all cool and adding fx, noise and whatever other insanity I might get ideas of to spice the whole set with. Too bad I can't take a guitar and smash it like those cool rock people do to add to the coolness factor. That might get the arrangers all upset if their hired gear would be smashed straight down the trash-bin. Oh... and it might distract the people from their inner journeys...We wouldn't like that. Eki: True... and i don´t think we´re violent enough for that, hahaha we´re way too peaceful. 10) Which of your own tracks do you like the best ? Eki: I put so much time, soul and spirit to all of our tracks that it´s impossible to choose. They all got their own personality depending on mindstate. Marko: Weee! Indeed... They all sound good at a certain place at a certain time with certain people. Tho I must admit that usually the most recent track I think is the one that sounds the best directly after it is finished. This is probably because it's the most updated track to our mindset/state and our own technical advancement's. But when you listen to your own tracks a while after they were finished they are all like a blueprint of yourself. 11) Is there another artist you'd like to work with ? Eki: Simon Posford is a name that pops up in my mind immediately. Then there are so many others I´d love to work with, such as Squaremeat, Texas Faggott, Hux Flux, GMS... I want to work with every openminded talented artist out there... You´re all welcome to our humble studio! ...(very humble as a matter of fact) Marko: Weee! Yeah why not... I'd love to work with lots of innovative open-minded artists. 12) Do you have any TIP's or comments or suggestions to newer artists trying to make trance music ? Eki: Take a while to meditate and expand your mind by any means necessary, deciding what you want with your track before you start, it will boost your inspiration. Then sample your dog and put the sample trough so many fx that it won´t be able sue you for copyright issues and then put it on top of a hypnotizing beat until it starts to attract lifeforms from outher space. When they come ringing on your doorbell you´re on the right path!!!. Marko: Weee! I'm speechless... WOW! I believe in being open-minded and giving each sound, track and style a chance to fill you with inspiration. This open-mindness will make you grow as an artist and bring u enlightenment with which u will find your own sound much more easily. Eki: Hehehe I thought you said you were speechless. Marko: Ooops sorry... Eki: I forgive you... hehe. 13) Which was your best party, and your worst one ? Eki: In a way I think our first party opening for Hux Flux was amazing... it was a new feeling for both of us and to see 600 people jumping to our fullon, twisted party tracks made me feel almost as good as sex does... almost! hahhaha. I don´t think we´ve had a bad party and if there´s going to be a 'bad' party i bet it will teach us something new. Marko: Weee! The first gig we did was this 'Area 51' party in Docklands, Stockholm March 2000. We called ourselves Psychedelic Virus back then and the setup was amazing. HuxFlux, Masada, Trance][Control and I think that Logic Bomb did a gig that night too even tho they weren't listed on the flyer. The whole feeling of just standing infront a crowd of about 600 the first time we were about to play our tracks to a public really felt totally incredible. I must admit that I was really nervous because this was the first time we were going to get sum serious feedback on the music we were making. To see the people happy with or without drugs and enjoying the music and the party itself really touched me. This must have been the most strong experience so far in my musical career. We have had several awesome parties after this but this is still one of the most strong memories. Another highlight in our career was when we got this 'Exogenic Label Party' gig in Helsinki December 2001 and to meet the Finnish scene and get to play our tracks to them felt really strong too deep in the heart, another dream come true. 14) What do you think of the evolution of electronic music ? Good or bad or Ugly in you're opinion ? Eki: I believe it´s going to be the universal language. I also hope that more artists will come loose from this depressive period and start making music that makes people feel good, more enlightened, happy and excited... just put more soul into the music and not do it the easy way. I see more people all the time that reach this new openminded and enligheted state of mind so i hope the music will be more like that state. People need to be reminded that they´re supposed to have fun and not go to parties to show off. Stop thinking too much about what other people think... ...go your own way, make your own path in life!!! Marko: Weee! I believe it's all good. It's the invidual ideas and experimentation of the artists that make the electronic music evolve. Now it's almost like the psychedelic electronic music scene is becoming part acoustic and part electronic and I think this is really good. Taking the best of both worlds and experimenting with it to reach new heights in musical evolution in general. I believe the technological accomplishments that has been done since the first synthesizers that affect music production has come a long way and that it's been a healthy way because now the boundaries between different genres/styles are merging to become customizable to the invidual artistry. I believe we're reaching a new kind of awareness in the music- scene altogether. We're realising the potentional possibilities of the music itself to unite people and make people find strenght in it to continue evolving as inviduals and as a humanity in itself. This is all thanks to the new simpler ways of expressing yourself thru music which itself comes from the technical evolution that made it all possible and is making the way music is produced even easier and more powerful each day! 15) Thanks for the Interview and have a very Happy New Year!!! Spank you very much! It´s going to be an awesome 2002!!! Keep your ears, eyes and minds open for the Fungi Sapien Evolution!!! BoM!!!
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