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Made on 02-18-01 by Infected M@x


1) Who are you guys ?


Jonathan : We're Jonathan Dagan and Shay Raviv.


2) How old are you ?


Jonathan : 19 both of us.


3) Where do u live ?


Jonathan : We live in Haifa. Israel.


4) Where did u met and when ?


Jonathan : We met at school about a year and a half ago, but we weren't friend in school, just by accident one day, Shay came to my house and i wanted him to hear an industrial piece i made and then we worked on it a little and what came out in the end is our first track (which is also the first track in the album "First Sign of Communication") and from there things just flew the right way .


5) "First Sign of Communication" is your incoming album i guess ?


Jonathan : Yes this is the incoming album.


6) Before you met..You made music alone?


Jonathan : We were making music for a long long time before we met and we are still doing our own projects.


7) Did you learn music in a school? Or did u learn 100% by yourself ?


Jonathan : Shay learned piano about 11 years and Johnny learned piano for two years and guitar for the last 11 years. The computer thing we learned each one alone, and Erez also tought us some stuff that alone it could have taken few good years to figure out.


8) How would you define your music...if you can??


Jonathan : That's hard, and we alway sound like two stupid guys that don't know how to answer... Our basic lines are strange and twisted and psychedelic.


9) How comes your music is trancey if you began with industrial stuff ? How did u met trance? A brain accident again?


Jonathan : Shay is doing a lot of time Trance , and i (Jonathan) was working by the time we met, on soft industrial, Shay was also doing great Ambient pieces, so the "soft" industrial was not that far from Ambient, and it was a kind of a "give and take". Shay at the first place got well connected to that kind of industrial and we showed each other new horizons


10) How began the BNE adventure? How did they discover you?


Jonathan : One day me and Johnathan (Shay speaking) crashed into BNE office while they were on a meeting and we said that we want them to hear something. So Avi Brand (BNE's CEO) said to us to go away and leave the cd, then they would hear it later. But we said to him that we would stay there untill he would listen it. After the meeting was over, he sent one of his man to one room to listen to our stuff, and he said that we had two minutes to listen to it and after 45 minuts he started to be very nice to us.


11) How were u so sure they would like? U tested the tracks on your friends ?


Shay : We have a very unique and special music and we are very self confidented about our music.


12) People only know you throught the track Sense (Hommega Life Is) Can u tell me how did u do that track ? How did u had the idea to make a slow bpm thing.


Shay : Most of the tracks, in the upcoming album are kind of ambient/breakbeat and stuff like that (but not necessarly low tempo) i guess we just don't think in terms of doing music for trance parties, we do what ever goes at the same time of doing the track.


13) The voice, in Sense ? What is it ? A sample or someone who singed for u ?


Shay : The voice of sense is a great singer called avital sivan and this is the place to say thank you. After we recorded her we did a manipulation of her voice in several parts of the track. Our voice is also being heard in Sense and actuually the whole album is with our moans and growls and more few sounds that we didn't know that the human body can acomplish.


14) When in sense can we hear your voice ?


Shay : You can't tell that it is our voice on sense because it sounds like an effect because we had changed it using audio plugs and effects. If you listen carefully you hear a lot of Vbhhhhhhs and Ahhhhs. And if you play it backwards you hear "Paul is dead" and "MOM" "MOM '" Just kidding.


15) And the sample in the beginning ? Where does it comes from?


Shay : From a TV program on some kind of mushrooms...


16) Strange.


Shay : Why?


17) Because it sounds like a sample from a drug movie or something like that...


Shay : We don't see drug movies, the last movie we sampled was "Kermit the frog finds his testicles" and "Kermit finds Happiness"


18) I wish i saw the testicle episode


Shay : You missed it... It was a great episode, don't mention the episode when he finds out that he's a frog...buy a DVD man.


19) Do you plan to make more full on tracks ? Or u're not interested ?


Shay : We like a special kind of " full on " and we are doing all kinds of music also Rave/Techno stuff we are not the usual trance performance.


20) Avi Brand (BNE's CEO) defines you as a crossover between Eat Static and Hallucinogen. Do u feel the same or is it a marketing bullshit?


Shay : Avi Brand know something except Bob Dylan? I'm surprised !! Well, we are not connected to any specific band, but we do have a lot of inspiration from few... kind of a lot actually.


21) Who?


Jonathan & Shay : Well : you want names?


22) Yes... !


Jonathan & Shay : Front Line Assembly, Young Gods, Depeche Mode, Nine Inch Nails, Primus, Eat Static, Deviant Electronics, Anne Clarck, Dream Theatre, Process, Tristan, Ozric, Kox Box, and much more...


23) Have you ever performed a live?


Jonathan & Shay : Together no .


24) Erez Aizen is producing you album..What does it means technically and how did u meet him ?


Jonathan & Shay : Two days after we were in BNE office, someone called from BNE and told us that there is someone that he thought he could help us a lot and he thought we'll get along…and that was Erez.


25) So producing means helping ?


Jonathan & Shay : He no no, he didn't interfeared in the music, he only did the master, and that was producing.


26) I see. Did u knowed him from Infected Mushroom or it was the first time u heard from him.


Jonathan & Shay : It was the first time.


27) How was it to work with him ?


Jonathan & Shay : Well , Erez is a great guy, and with no ego problems like the other artists (and like US?) and he was and is so willing to help us and he gave us so much feedback !!!. We actually thought that if we would work with any other artist on production it would be worse than working with a producer because the producer (which is not a musician) is always objective. and we thought that a musician will not be , and some things would make him not wanting to do his best... But Erez was so professional and was a really supportive guy, and he changed us a lot in the way we work now and the way we see other musicians…we couldn't think about any one that could have done it better but Erez !


28) Then, would you like to work with some artists ?


Jonathan & Shay : Our dream is to work with Depeche Mode. But we're too busy we don't have time for that, and Madonna also calling every day, and you know how does it feels to say 5 times a day : "LISTEN , WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THAT !!!" But if you are asking about a trance band, so i guess we would like to work with Ben from Juno Reactor or Eat static .


29) What is your equipment? What software/hardware do u like the most ?


Jonathan & Shay : Behringer Monitors (TRUTH B2031), Waldorf Microwave XT, Kurzweil K2000, Intelligate, Two channel Compressor , E-Mu Planet Phatt, Korg Prophecy, E-Mu Sampler 6400, Nord Lead, Ensoniq Ts-10 Keyboard, MC - 303 (Roland), Yamaha SY, Mackie console, Behringer console, Peavey Keyboard, Gibson Guitar, Zoom 9050 effect, Metal Zone Disto, and Peavey Special 112 Amp, and lot's of wav samples. We mainly use Cubase VST and also Wav Lab, Cool Edit, Sound Forge and few more...


30) What can u say to people who wanna make music? any advises?


Jonathan & Shay : Always think different from other people. Don't imitate, innovate and always think "perfection". Don't admire your tracks and never give up ! Violins !!!


31) How much time do u spend in making a track ?


Jonathan & Shay : It depends, some tracks are with singers or other musicians and these tracks are more like songs. We write them first on a paper with the other musicians and practice. But most of the tracks are just poping out from us when we are alone, and then it takes something like 4 days. The other tracks that i wrote above take at least one week.


32) So you don't work like other trance artists.


Jonathan & Shay : Usually we do work like trance artists…but when other people are involved or when we want to do something less more complicated we really sit and think and write on a piano or guitar and then we "translate" it to beats and sequences ofcourse, it almost always doesn't come out as we planned, but it's mostly because we got carried away by the track, which is really important to be carried away, let the track lead us and give us something we didn't expect.


33) Do u have a clue why so many israeli artists (Infected, Darksoho, Psycraft, Domestic and so on ) come from Haifa city? Any nuclear powerplant there?


Jonathan & Shay : That is exactly what i wanted to write, between our house and Erez's there are many reasons... i mean many power plants and that is the reason ...


34) Wanna thank someone?


Jonathan & Shay : Our thanks will be on the CD's booklet, and i think that's all. Bye and thanks for your support.

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