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Made on 08-26-00 with Hercules Dregas by Children


1) How & when did your Zillion Mental Anarchie adventure start ?


Well, the whole idea came while I was travelling two years ago in Germany.Here in Greece we have been into the scene since the early of 94.The first psychedelic parties started at that period and believe me, for the rest 4 years, Greece was one of the most beautiful places to party. Almost all the worldwide wellknown bands and DJs have been booked for an outdoor or indoor party. Two things were missing, there were no activity form Greek people to produce psychedelic trance music and a label based on Greek territory to release any kind of electronic music. Around 1997,there was a try from some people to do something but it ended to wrong direction. People started interested in fluffy cheesy stuff and a whole scene was borned, which somehow tried to suck the whole trance scene here. It was here where I thought that something should be done, at least from my side. So one night, a weird name came into my brain: Zillion Mental Anarchie.Off course, this came with the help of two good friends, Kostas and Stefanos who finally never joined this try.


2) Can you give us a brief history about the growth of your label during the last years?


So in the beginning, it was just me but then a very good friend named John with whom we had been on party organizing for several years joined to help me. The first thing we thought was with what we can start. We knew a lot of bands but almost all of them had previously released an album on other labels. This was the reason why we choose to contact Lotus Omega (the Italian band known for their collaborations with Etnica as Crop Circles and GMS as Systembusters). Besides they had released only a 12" on TIP and there were available a lot of material from them. So our first release (February 00) was the debut album of Lotus Omega with title RECYCLE BIN.After this, our second release MONARCHIE (April 00) a compilation with really strong names like Saiko pod (koxbox), Planet BEN., Quixotik (quirk) and some upcoming bands like Yumade, Paps, Tripiatrik hit the scene. The feedback from this release was great. This was what we really needed. From that time we started working even harder so that we achieve a worldwide recognition


3) Could you describe us the style of trance you want to favour to be released under your label? Do you favour a particular country in the musical orientation of your label?


Our aim is not to put ourselves into a boundary, that's why we always try to be in the middle. This is proved with our further release schedule.But to be honest I was always been into the techno scene. Anyway, we will always try to release innovative danceable music.


4) Could you give us a general survey of the main artists who currently release stuff under your label?


At the moment a new compilation is ready for release. With this compilation we tried to catch the mood of psy trance in nowdays. It's a little deep, techno, minimalistic, mettal but always trance. This CD contains new trax from Midi Miliz (Spirallianz), Kopfuss Resonator, Eargear, Paps, Paste, Dimo, Dat pirates on Dope, Logic Bomb and Wizzy Noise.As you can see there is a mix off all directions into trance.


5) Whose artists would you like to work with?


This is really difficult question, but honestly Stefan (Paps), Arne (Midi Miliz), Stefan (Paste), Pea (Yumade), Jens (Eargear), Micky & Uriel (Wizzy Noise) are really cool guys.


6) Is there another particular label you appreciate a lot for its musical orientation?


I really admire what the Rhino guys do.Also there are some new labels like Tatsu, Iboga, Sphastic Elastic, Naja, Digital Structures which had some awesome releases during this year.


7) Do you organize parties with your label?


Definetely, cause this is a good way for advertisement of our label. We had some good label parties around Europe including to the best trance club here in Europe-Natraj-Temple in Munich.We had cool time there and we really enjoy our sets (almost 10 hours), Lot's of time to check new material


8) Are you used to DJ in these parties? If so, what kind of stuff do you play as a DJ in these parties?


Yes I DJ in these parties with my partner. It always depends on the audience. We try to make happy all the people who come to listen music just what they really like but without forgetting that entire people who come to listen some new killer music


9) What do you think about the future of psychedelic trance (Infected Mushroom, Astral Projection, Hallucinogen, Cosmosis, Space Tribe, Sandman, and Space Cat...)? It seems one of your compilation titles says you think it's R.I.P ... And the one of minimal trance (Son Kite, Paps, Tripiatrik, Bus, Tarsis, Yumade, Logic Bomb...)?


During the last year we were witnesses of a phenomenon, the turn of the music from more melodic to darker, deep and minimal. Fewer sounds are used now to participate a track with more clear basses and no more acid lines like in the past. About R.I.P, I think that Matsuri identified this. What I think is that in the end they will survive all the people who will harmonize themselves with what it is really needed.


10) And what about the future of your label? What do you project to release in the next months?


Well for beginning we have ZMA Cd003(mid September) :world techno alliance then we gonna release our first 12" with Wizzy Noise(they have produced some really killers stuff which will dominate the dancefloors)then a 12" with Eargear.By mid of October the debut album of Wizzy Noise will be ready for the market.Meanwhile we are thinking to co-operate with some cool bands like Midi Miliz,Paps-Droidlock,Paste,Opsis.


Thanks a lot :-)

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