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Label: Schlabbaduerst (David)

Date: 08-26-00

By: Anoebis


Q: Hey David and thanks for doing this interview... First of all... Why did you start with your own label called Schlabbaduerst ReKkords??

A: Well since our latest release on BooM! Records we had no releases for awhile. We were rejected by some labels because our sound was too heavy. So we decided to release something on our own. People had been asking for music and we had none to offer, but now we do. And we felt we had a lot of good music that we wanted people to hear! * We are having a new release soon on BooM! Records though, Scandosound 2, its gonna be great I think. And a reason to release our own music is to hopefully get a major label interested.


Q: Can you give us a brief history about your label??

A: Well we started planning last year and went through mastering in the winter and starting selling the CD on the internet a few months ago. It has been great so far, we have reached quite a number of new people that have been positively surprised when they heard the music. So after a year now things are rolling and its good fun


Q: What kind of music do you release on the label??

A: Swedish music only, or rather music from our hometown Uppsala only. We have a certain sound here that we want to promote. We were »raised» in the parties in Örebro in Sweden. They were run by Örebro Underground, a few guys who has been to Goa since 88-89. They know how to make a good psychedelic party and there is always a clear distinction of night and morning music. Thats where we learned everything we know about psychedelic trance and after a while the DJs in Örebro played our music which was great. Most people call our music dark, as in the case of Schlab 001 this is probably true, but we also know the importance of morning music, in fact there can be no morning without night and vice versa. They are equally important, and thats why we released Schlab 002. The thought behind the music is the classic psychedelic trance theme, the journey from night to day, from darkness to light. It has to end in a positive way or its not worth anything. We feel that this kind of feeling has been lost in trance music lately, and we listen to old records such as First Flight from Flying Rhino and realise this music isnt made anymore. Its very hard, very techno, very little strong melodies nowadays. Check »Mr. Fantastic» on Schlab 002 (it can be downloaded from mp3.com/Battlebuddhas for free) it is classic morning music the way its supposed to be.


Q: Just because of curiosity... What means "Schlabbaduerst"??

A: Nothing....it is just a weird sound in swedish that doesnt mean anything. It's a power noice word though, like »blam», »slam», »slabbadam» »schlabbaduerst»… I hope this makes sense… :) Its onomatopoetic. Its the same with »jadoorst», looks a bit dutch * but doesnt mean anything. Ka-SoL is calling their studio Dungeon Jadoorst sometimes…its just a game of words and sounds.


Q: Your label is still véry underground, do you want to change that or do you want to keep it there??

A: No, we want to expand. Considering how well the 2 compilations were received and considering we only made a few copies to start with we would like to distribute the CDs to some major distributor. We´re making 500 copies of Schlab 002 right now and I think we can sell them all if we get a good distributor. I think we could probably sell 5000 copies if we were a famous label…


Q: How were the selling of your first release? And what are the expected sellings of the second Schlabbaduerst-release??

A: We sold about 50 copies so far of Schlab 001 and about 30 of Schlab 002, and the goal was to sell 100 copies for both compilations through the website. When we sell it through our website we get all the cash ourselves, if we sell to shops we dont get so much. But we expect to sell the 500 copies of Schlab 002 if we give it away for distributing. Its much more fun selling through the website cause you get personal contact with everyone ordering the CDs.


Q: Did you already had a label-party or do you have plans in that direction??

A: Not really considering that the club-scene in Sweden is really down, bad and struggling at the moment. We had a nice outdoor party in july, but it wasnt like a label-party. But there was a hell of a lot of Uppsala-music played though. Our parties are free parties. They dont cost much and its not much organising but it's a lot of planning and contacting people so we make one each year, we are too lazy to make more and as soon as we try to make an indoor party the cops would try and stop it.


Q: What else can we expect from Schlabbaduerst in the future??

A: There will be a 3rd, red compilation with "horrormusic". Some industrial stuff and some great stuff from a guy from Uppsala called Marchaos. Also some new hard Buddha-tracks that kick ass, and some more Church of the Dead Dog that are really industrial. The Marchaos tracks always work really well with the crowd and people are having fun at the silly »horror» samples from the movie Evil Dead 2. * And after that there will probably be a 4th blue compilation with "dawn-music", more stuff in between night and morning, some excellent stuff from Lulle in Ka-SoL. That will be soft but monotonous yet melodic music, really trancey stuff. Music that just goes on forever and you dont wish it should stop. I think we will wait with releasing any full-length CDs from Buddhas and Ka-SoL to see if we can get some more copies printed of the other compilations first. We want to make good covers then and that costs a lot. The red compilation could possibly be released in the beginning of next year and the blue a few months after that.


Thanks for doing the interview!! :o))

Thank you, and keep up the good work with the website! :-)


You can have more infos about Schlabbaduerst label at http://m1.182.telia.com/~u18200010/Schlab.html !

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