Lemmiwinks Posted May 15, 2006 Posted May 15, 2006 1. Save yourselves 2. For the future of mankind 3. Shining faces 4. Positive energy 5. In search of truth 6. The world is a narrow bridge 7. Enlightment 8. Life is a strange journey 9. Shma Israel So here are psytrance veterans MFG with their long awated comeback album... first of all, FORGET everything you knew about MFG's old style or else you'll be VERY dissapointed here. A part from a few trademark synthlines here and there, this sounds like a different (full-on...) project all together. This is a pretty odd album to rate since most of the tracks are made up of some very nice parts and also some very bad (stupid/ random) ones. For example track no. 1 starts with a very stupid melody and some sounds sampled from Microsoft's Pinball game you get standard with Windows... WTF??? BUT starting from 4:30 the whole feeling of the track changes, giving us THEEE best 303 melody I've heard in years and some nice atmospheres. Then it all breaks up into some african tribe chanting, then it all comes back (including the 303 melody), the end result is dreamy! Tribal full-on... sounds like one of those "how come noone has thought of this before??" ideas, but it's very effective. I would've hoped to have the whole album to be in the same style but alas it's the only track like this one here Then track no. 2 starts off with a nice filtered djembé line but then all the "tribalism" is sucked out of the track and we're left with some pretty boring conventional full-on... ok, the djembé comes back around the end of the track but it's not enough for my taste. Shining Faces has a bit more "old" MFG elements, kindof sounds like old MFG with a full-on bassline. One of the better tracks on this album Now again with the "really bad part mixed with a really good part" thing in Positive Energy . It starts out sounding as just another generic, interchangeable full-on track but then at 3:40 there's a KILLER catchy tune that just makes you turn up the volume and nod you head to the music... but then the melody is gone and replaced with this totally random synthline starting from around 5:00 leaving you wonder what the hell were they thinking... In Search for the Truth is the most oldschoolish track on the album (of course we're still miles away from THE oldschool MFG sound but anyway...). Then in the end we get one of those melodies reminding of 70s' alien invasion movies. The World is a Narrow Bridge is a pretty nice track and the climax around 7:10 makes you think it's one of those tracks specifically made for the dancefloors. You can just close your eyes and imagine everyone dancing faster one that part comes. Enlightment is yet another example of the good part followed by a really crappy part: KILLER melody starting around 2:10, followed by some really random stuff... interestingly enough the end tune sounds like some old Dark Soho Life is a Strange Journey is full-on bordering on eurotrance... yes it has on of those sugar-coated melodies in the end. I don't like it much but can imagine it can do wonders on the dancefloors. Shma Israel is a pretty mediocre tune... again, there are some interesing parts (especially the dreamy slowed-down part in the middle) followed by some pretty random stuff. Conclusion I said it before and I'll say it again: do NOT buy this expecting to find some good ol' oldschool cause you'll be utterly dissapointed. Now if you're looking for some interesting crossblend between full-on and tribal and some oldschoolish elements here and there this might be the one for you As I said, this is hard to rate cause some parts are very good and some are very bad (within the same track). So if you focus on the bad parts it's not worth more than 6/10, if you focus only on the good it's like 9/10. So maybe I'll make an average of both grades and give this a 7,5/10? Quote
psydmt Posted May 18, 2006 Posted May 18, 2006 If you liked MFG from the old days YOU WON'T BE DISAPOINTED. I like it cause it still has a lot of that nice rich analogue sounding goodness, does away with the trashy generic melodies, carries enough of the old school feel to it and embraces the new production levels. A worthwhile release particulary when there is mountains and mountains of full on cheesy and dark industrial nonsense around. Also has the same structure to there songs the way they used to make them. Also some really good peaks in a couple of the tracks buy it! 9/10 Quote
el brujo Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 I ve gave it a listen a few times but it looks like it wont be a disc that I d play at home I love listening old MFG at home not only at the parties BUT I ll definetly pplay the world is a narrow bridge on the coming up of a party Quote
abasio Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 I listened to this today for the first time. On Headphones. I think that it's pretty fucking awesome. I don't think that many of you will be dissapointed. If you actually listen to this (and I don't mean this in the normal people don't really listen to minimal way) instead if just not listening and slagging it off based on NOTHING!!!! you might like it. It really is good. It's energetic and it's full on (in the 1998 sense). At least give this one a listen before you slate it please Quote
WizKaz Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 i agree!!!! i really like it, too!!! especially track 2, i played it on a party two weeks ago... it was blasting!!!! Quote
Nirver Posted May 20, 2006 Posted May 20, 2006 I Like the review of lemmiwinks it describes the sensation of this album. in some points its amazing and in some others is not enough for me too... I like song 3 Shining Faces Quote
goaway Posted May 26, 2006 Posted May 26, 2006 In this album it is all about the expectations...as it is is in every other things in life. Some EXPECT sequel to their earlier work, some EXPECT this one not to be full on, others EXPECT unexpectable... Indeed these guys changed from '95-'96 period. It is natural. They cannot produce same tunes from their first period (before Aharon left). That is natural too. But they are still here. Their marks are still all around this tracks. I listened to this without any expectations and I really like this album. I like Life is a strange journey the most, Positive energy not so much but it doesn't matter. I agree that this one is very versatile, but it realized that it all have sense somewhere. To conclude.... the best way to hear this one is not to know that this is MFG (regarding high standards). It really gave me some contemplation. Quote
psylove Posted May 31, 2006 Posted May 31, 2006 The more a listen, the more I'm actually going back on my first view that this album sucks. It grows on you... I think we have to come to grips with the fact that there with never be another New Kind Of World Quote
khogg Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 I thought their last one was bland. Underworked. Lacking spark. This one I got for old times sake with no expecations. I was pleasantly surprised. Over the last while, I have grown to like elements of the newer styles but mixed with tweaked out effects. Now to be fair, this album treads dangerously close to that Israeli fullon line in parts, but it still has a little something more in my opinion. Overall, I quite liked it. A good blend of some full on elements but with a bit of oldschool touch to it. I imagine that certain tracks would go over well as parties too. I give this one a solid 7.5 (maybe 8?) out of 10. No regrets on buying it. Quote
Jon Cocco Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 MFG's 2006 album is a cross between psy-influenced trance, psytrance, and full on with some experimental/tribal influence at times. Notice how I didn't say Goa-Trance. Sure there's old MFG here sprinkled all around. Without half as much Goa influence however, the songs sound less imaginative, elaborate, and visionary compared to their first 4 albums. Overall though, the album is supririsngly not bad and A LOT better than the full (turned attempts from) Pleiadians, Transwave, etc., that makes me shake my head, wondering what happened to such talented artists?! 1. SAVE YOURSELVES gets catchy in the last act -- with the tribal sound and voices of partying to the music. I wish the album had more fun elements like that. 2. For the Future of Mankind starts off with a SUPER catchy tune. Wow. Just stick with what's fantastic! The second act is less gripping. I hear remnants of old MFG but they're set to a world that's far less developed and interesting. The music has lost its sense of and purpose to some degree (at least in the second act). The last act brings back the accent melody from the first act. All in all, it's pretty good. I don't like the brief echoed voices at the end. Everything else works though save Act 2 (not sure why the song dipped there). 3. Shining Faces has a stronger bass line, synths, and direction. It's more consistent and engaging from start to finish. Again this isn't Goa music! The music's good though. A bit predictable maybe. The Goa influenced synth lead here without the Goa layers to support it makes the song feel less immersive. One of the better songs here. 4. Positive Energy is a mixed bag, combining good melodies (later on) with a contrived, almost more club friendly approach. Why make anything sound generic? Oh wait, Full On is not exactly a sub genre known for expanding the perimeters of electronic music. 5. In Search of Truth is very good! The song's catchy! Doing full on, I'd hope that every song is this catchy throughout. That said, it's not close to the memorable melodies associated with their Goa albums. 8. Life is a strange journey is like a big trance, psy-influenced club song. It's energetic but extremely generic sounding outside of mixing some chaotic sounds in the second act. A VERY nice melody appears towards the end. Warm that the music is by this point, the formulaic (Full On) approach feels as though we're going through the motions, a little too contrived and familiar. CONCLUSION It's MFG doing Full On Psytrance and it's not entirely bad. Some of it works. Some doesn't. In the general sense, for entertaining Full On-- they hit their target more than they miss it. But hard is it to not make something fantastic being MFG, the guys that created some of the best albums in electronic music? I'm a little lost there. Compared to their previous FOUR albums, this is disappointing. For an electronic album released by MFG doing Psytrance-influenced Full On in 2006 though, it's better than a lot of Full On thanks to some of their identity being invested in it. I won't sugar coat though. I feel that MFG sounds like a shadow of its former self. This is in essence, a Full On psytrance album and I have trouble forgetting how much I love their Goa albums. The perimeters in Full On are so limiting compared to Goa Trance (where they excel and are amazing!!!) My problem with the great older goatrance artists returning 5-10 years later with a Full On album is that their hands are tied to some degree. It's like Picaso if someone took away his paint brushes and told him to draw with crayons. It's just not the same! If one can look past that however and enjoy the album for what it is.. there's some good to be had here. As Lemmi said, some tracks have good and not so good on the same track. I suppose you gotta hear it and decide for yourself. Quote
Jeller Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 I'm not that familiar with the old MFG, so i didn't have any prejudice and i think it is pretty decent, not cheesy, some nice melodies.. overaal a good morning album 7/10 Quote
Sideffect... Posted October 23, 2006 Posted October 23, 2006 HOM-MEGA PRODUCTIONS MFG: Message From God (CD) 1. Save yourselves 2. For the future of mankind 3. Shining faces 4. Positive energy 5. In search of truth 6. The world is a narrow bridge 7. Enlightment 8. Life is a strange journey 9. Shma Israel http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/hom/hom1cd047.html review: Well here we are, one of our own gods from the past has released a new album called ‘message from god’, first time I listened to it the idea of yes we already heard this thousand times before came up and felt disappointed… now some weeks later and more time to listen it I took back one of the old skool classics from MFG and suddenly another point off perspective went through my brain when I listened to ‘message of God again’. Ok we already heard this before but this album is 100% pure mfg , the only difference is it’s evolved with the new evolution and the baseline is morning fullon. Well what should you expect, mfg was one of my first artist when I entered the world of goa and back then there’s nothing more melodic on the market then MFG, together with astral projection they actually created the most euphoria goatrance. So why change pattern… Their vision of making fits perfectly in the wave of morning fullon… Euphoria, motivating baselines and from one climax to the other… Problem is a bit mfg isn’t alone anymore… the period we had 100 albums in one year released is over, I think 5 a week are being released at this moment so time has changed, but mfg hasn’t… There goal is still to make people smile with there euphoria climaxes and advancements, and that is perfectly what they are providing is here right now… Their sound is more crystal clear what is off course also because of the evolution of technology… Comparing to other melodic morning fullon artist MFG isn’t better or worse imo. But to me it is still MFG and they were one of THE FIRST to provide the euphoria feeling on the dance floor for me, the tracks that make you smile dancing on an open air festival with sweat dripping all over your face. So if you like morning fullon this release will give you the same satisfaction as it has given back in the days, The album itself contains a certain main sound, what I experience as the mfg sound (not like al there past albums) but you know which ones J… and that’s a good sound, they doesn’t use it over and over but subtle let it flow over the baselines and use it at the right time… The advancement goes slowly but keeps you busy… the level of psychedelic isn’t that high, but the fact is what is psychedelic has changed so many times and is so individual it’s almost impossible to say that without describing, so I’ll describe , it’s not like you hear little psy sound coming from everywhere, this is actual one layer trance, or fat layer trance… based on the euphoria concept… the real concept of morning trance an old sub genre of old skool… Well you have to give this release some time, each tracks it gets more melodic, more interesting and the baselines more motivating and harder… little hint, at track 6 ‘message of god’ explodes in a pure illusion of climaxes and surfing on mfg waves… I like it, it’s not that I experience it as a super album cause so many other artist have already released this concept the competition is huge but I still respect one of my first gods (well I don’t see goa artist as gods anymore) but when I was 16 I did and think many will remember that…. So still MFG keep up the good work, you’re a stayer and with your experience I think we can expect some smashing albums in the past J Let’s hope so, Thanks for this one (and specially track 6 and the last ) Grtz koen Quote
Trance2MoveU Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 I liked it. It was a solid 7.5/10 for me alos like another poster said. Some tracks made my mind drift and some I couldn't wait until they were over. I was pleasantly surprised. For me Positive Energy is an absolute crushing tune. Love that one. Mdk Quote
Aeros Posted November 19, 2006 Posted November 19, 2006 Track 6 - Life is a Strange Journey... I heard it a long time ago in this vid at psysurfeur - MFG Live 11.2004 (Belgium) Been trying to find it ever since, no wonder I had no success, it wasn't released yet, haha. It plays around 4:00 in the vid, along with some other tracks from their new album. Somehow...maybe due to the quality the versions in their live acts sounds more old school...or maybe its just due to the messed up sound quality. Quote
Mindphilux Posted January 29, 2007 Posted January 29, 2007 takes a while for this one to grow on you. but after several listens i now find this one to be pretty enjoyable Quote
Trance2MoveU Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 Listening to this one again, and people are right, it does grow on you. Their "sound" is still there, and the weave it well. Shining Faces, Postive Energy(for its pure danceability), In Search of Truth, and Life Is a Strange Journey are really great. Wouldn't it be cool if their next album would bring back more of that Goa feel? I think it would. And they are just the guys to do it. Boom. Mdk Quote
goaway Posted August 22, 2007 Posted August 22, 2007 Well how the things are developing somewhere around 2016 we will be looking behind to this one as one one of the best albums released in 2006. Like this Message has some special power to grow on people,very slowly but persistently.Life is really a strange journey Quote
Sideffect... Posted August 22, 2007 Posted August 22, 2007 Well how the things are developing somewhere around 2016 we will be looking behind to this one as one one of the best albums released in 2006. Like this Message has some special power to grow on people,very slowly but persistently.Life is really a strange journey exactly, not 100% how I see it (perspective offcourse) , but good thinking.... Quote
Trance2MoveU Posted February 11, 2013 Posted February 11, 2013 For 2006 I suppose this wasn't bad. It's full-on ish, and is best listened to in a vacuum, because it's nowhere representative of their past. But now that Etnica, Dimension 5, and Crop Circles have all released old school tracks that never saw the light of day, expectations have been raised. The next time I want to hear from this project is when Draeke tells us that he has an old-school double album of stuff that needs to be heard. Mdk Quote
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