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how is the psytrance scene in Romania ?

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Guest shaman

Someone must come in Romania and raise the psytrance scene ! we need just one damn step , help us !

Guest Protex Midget

"if you build it, they will come"


How do you think the psy scene started out in other countries? it all starts when a couple of freaks bring some good music, and throw a nice nature party - that way psytrance get's more expusore... Organise a party, a nice psychedelic gathering. Let the people know that our wonderful music and culture exists! Let the be free! Let them fly like birds! let them Eat Cake!


Well, not always the formula goes : couple of freaks bring some good music.

It pretty much depends on the country and people's mentality.

I have a huge problem doin something here in albania. Tried out so many times in the last 4-5 years and I can tell very few good parties, but regular partys with psy, jeez I can forget it for at least 10 years.

Now I do partys only for with my closest friends. :(

Sad but true


wow, llazi and shaman, it ssems so touchingly weird to me, someone trying to have psy-parties in albania and rumenia...i really wish u won't have to wait another ten years...just curious: how did you discover psy music over there?


My first contact with psy was late 1997 with the track

Psychobabs - Trancelestial Psychobabas (from Elesium Project :)

From that on I was very focused on psy.

Then i was lucky working in a foreign foundation with a satellite

internet connection. So my only source durin the whole time was the Internet, either for news or downloads. If I want to purchase something

I have to order it to friends that go in foreign countries.

Guest shaman

oh ... you don't know the big secret .. i am 14 almost 15 :P hehe ... and many people think that i am not to big to listen to psytrance , goatrance and ambient ... and i started listen this kind of music from 98 when i saw on MTV the video of people can fly from astral projection. So... Romania needs someone to push all of us into the real scene of psytrance ( i've allways dream to a big party with the best artist i know. (toi doi , huxflux , x-dream etc.) There are some "freaks" here to but there are not in the position to make a big party ,we have partys in the woods , home but that is not enough .



Wanna chat with me :P try #dark-goa on undernet ( shaman ) :)


shaman i can't chat now cuz i'm at work :(


lucky u u got to discover psy-trance so young. when i was

your age there was a dark new-wave trend...people dressed in black

dancing alone avoiding eye-contact avoiding smiling...but then

maybe cuz i've had that experience now i get to appreciate

the psy-scene all the more...


llazi i will think of u next time i am at a party in masterdam

(this weekend or next)...i will dance my soul out and

send good vibes to the people trying to get parties togetehr

in albania and roumania...PEACE LOVE AND LIGHT


llazi, this doesn't have to do with psy- but i'm just so

tremendously curiouss - albania seems like such a

bizarrely poor and mysteriously sad country -

what do young people do in albania to have fun

and enjoy themselves? do u have clubs, movie

theatres, internet cafes? ? or what?


1. I appriciate that edu :)

2. The situation in albania comparing to all other east states is pretty

FUCKED UP. Don't wanna go into the reasons caus it would take too long but the youth in albania has only 1 hobby sitting in normal club

and chatting all day long. It seems that everyone prefers sitting around than goin to a party. I realize that you can't imagine that, but that's how it goes.


back from work :)


can't imagine what it's like to live in such a poor country but can imagine what it is like to have only bad music clubs and to be surrounded by people who do not party but juts sit in pubs and get drunk for that's what it used to be like in my environment...and mostly it still is...

but luckily now i can escape to psy-parties in amsterdam...hope u get an escape route some day...

funny - at the parties in a'dam i meet people from ukraine and kazakstan and russia and roemmenia but never from albania...

wish u get yr scene started and brighten up albania! some day it will happen.

Guest shaman

HELLO! this is a subject about ROMANIA not Albania !!!!


sorry i drifted off...i wish u make it happen in roumania too... long live roumania. long live the east. long live the psy people!


hey edu ! it`s ROMANIA . NOT roumania or roemmenia or whatever . got it ?

Guest sudh1r

wtf???astral projection on mtv?? btw im puremdma from undernet, nice to see you here shaman :)

Guest shaman

moahahah ... hello puremda :) yea astral p on mtv.. but in 98 !

Guest implant

Well You can always come accross here in Serbia.....Scene is great for YEARS........well from the 94-95.....and my first party was in 97...I think....

  • 17 years later...

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