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What are the useless things you have to do when making music or else it just won't go?


Chewing gum? Dancing in the room? Putting on a santa hat?



Drinking loads of tea here :)


I wish I friggen knew what it is for me to make decent music. I haven't found it yet, whatever it is. That is for sure. I suck at it.


I usually sit up at night having other things to do. That's when I find most inspiration in making music :D Schoolwork really helps me making music, but not the other way around. Ehhhhhh, so what I'm doing while making music? Nothing special really. :o Nothing at all :(


I chew gum now btw. *chew chew* (no taste left, chewing on anyway)


Don't really have one. I suppose if it would be anything, it would be nothing. Just to not think of composing, think of something else and ideas will come. :)


If I try and make music by thinking 'Right Ben, let's get some ideas flowing, and let's get this track finished tonight!', it won't happen. Playing around with ideas, testing out various things will eventually open up my creativity - though this is a slow process, I like to think I'm rewarded on occasion. :D


Coke... Lots of coke... (the drink not the drug you addicts!) :P

Oh and i also like to walk around when im stuck without ideas, and by walk around i mean walk around my house listening to the track in a loud volume trying to think of something..


Coke... Lots of coke... (the drink not the drug you addicts!) :P


Coke...lots of cock................ :blink:

worst than drug :o


I don't have a thing where its mostly producing at night...thats when I like to listen to it the most maybe, but I produce at all sorts of times, just whenever I'm in the mood, and I can tell because I'll have the itch to produce all day long and I'll get something in my head I won't want to forget.


But yeah what I usually will do is just loop a portion of a track and brainstorm, afterwhich I'll add maybe one or two elements to it, or one new melody and then if it clicks, the track takes off from there and it practically composes itself. I could spend 6 hours on the first minute of a song but once I find the spark it will only take a few more hours to finish the song (then another few to fill in effects and polish which I would do some other day)


As for useless rituals...they are afterall, useless and I don't believe I have any =) Except dimming the lights, eeek. I seem to do the water thing where I drink lots of ice cold water but I don't think that has anything to do with the music ;) Just you gotta have some snack and bevarage so you don't have to get up from that chair, hehehe

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