advance Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 It was the other way round for me. Thought it was okay on my first listen but by the fourth or fifth play I started contemplating suicide (something I hadn't previously considered since living in New York City over 5 years ago, where the New Yorker's oh-so-fucking-whiney voices and retarded look-we're-american-we're-so-fucking-great-flag-waving coupled with their stupid fake-smiling-faces led me to something of a violent and mental breakdown and I was arrested by the NYPD and threatened with deportation (true story by the way, I tell not a lie) but anyway I'm digressing). Basically when all's said and done I just didn't like it. No. Worse. I hated it. No. Worse still. I hated it and everything in the world when I had it. I even hated my poor mother who deserves nothing but love from the son who has served only to let her down. Felt much better once I sold it though. 615306[/snapback] I thought it was okay on my first listen, as well. I'm in my second listen thus far, hope I don't get threatened with deportation.. Quote
exotic Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 Ok so i got this baby about a week ago. Im not rushing this. I will see how it unfolds. Till now it has presented a very grim face. The psychedelic quotient is above par , groovy hmm lets wait a bit for that shall we , but its the instant likeability factor that lags behind. I'd say Skreno is in the lead coz thats the only track i could really really identify with . Im gonna give it some more time Quote
Trance2MoveU Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 I have liked all the Suntrip releases except this one. Hell, I bought it anyway because Suntrip deserves a blind buy. This music is like getting pummeled with a sledgehammer while someone is kicking you in the pills. I found that it didn't even come close to the melodic smoothness of the other releases. But that is ok. This is a different style that obviously has its following. For me, I don't like it when my music seems to be angry with me. Give me Filteria or give me death! Mdk Quote
advance Posted November 30, 2006 Posted November 30, 2006 Okay, after listening to it for quite a while, I can honestly say that this is my favourite night album of 2006, possibly my favourite night album since IFO (if that even counts as night). First time I heard it, it just sort of... went by. I didn't even notice it was over until Jaia suddenly started playing.. talk about a style change! Then I immediately played it again, from the start. Heard it so many times since then... Tecmorning is a good start, albeit hard-core night immediately. Still, it is oddly melodic.. in a non-obvious way. I just love it. Blogz is a nice track, more progressively rhythmic - but a bit more boring by my taste. Melodies are way more obvious here. Schlumpen is just... strange. Sort of south african melody, here. Skreno is the beginning of the "second half" of the album. Most people here love it for the melody playing in 05:32. As do I. Back Basic (Goa mix) is the best track on this album, in my opinion. Just love its odd... non-linear?... style. Oh, the energy at 04:50! Reminds me of the rush I get after listening to Artifakt's 6... just perfect. Matrix (Remix), like Back Basic, is very Goa. It's an interesting track, but it just sort of flows by as No Return starts, bringing back old-school Infected Mushroom style vibes - or so it seems to me. Reminds me of Blue Muppet for some reason... it ends in such a powerful manner, but before you can even breathe Sticky Web immediately starts. And what a wonderful track! Very old-school goa, but with an interesting didgeridoo back beat, and lovely melodies fading in and out... White Magic should be in the first half of the album, as it brings us back to terror filled night territory... which disappears by The Light which ends the album in a church organ sampled track that sort of reminds me of a certain classical piece I can't remember the name of. Erm, not a very quality review but I'm typing in the middle of the night, so forgive me :> Final words: awesome album. Go buy it. Can even be a dark-ambient album, if you're into "illbient" or whatever the hell they call it now. Quote
Jeller Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 Hope you enjoy it! This release grows on me every time I listen to it. I wasn't overly impressed at first but it got better & better with every listen 614668[/snapback] exactly the same situation as me.. it gets better and better all the time and the cool thing is that i allways have a new favorite track on the album.. forst it was sticky web, then skreno, then white magic, then tecmorning and now schlumpfen Quote
KAsolarium Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 Thanks for all the reviews and critics about Fairytale, It is nice to see that alot of peapole likes it. I have created a myspace profile with a cupple of new tracks on it. Check it out if you want to. /Christer (ka-sol) Quote
Otto Matta Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 Thanks for all the reviews and critics about Fairytale, It is nice to see that alot of peapole likes it. I have created a myspace profile with a cupple of new tracks on it. Check it out if you want to. /Christer (ka-sol) 655118[/snapback] Thanks, Christer. The Disney on Mushrooms track is wicked cool. You're my psy hero. Quote
advance Posted December 15, 2006 Posted December 15, 2006 exactly the same situation as me.. it gets better and better all the time and the cool thing is that i allways have a new favorite track on the album.. forst it was sticky web, then skreno, then white magic, then tecmorning and now schlumpfen I feel exactly the same! This is my best of 2006, without a doubt. Well, followed very closely by Jikkenteki's The Long Walk Home. BTW, IMO 2005 was Artifakts II, 2004 was The Art of Being Non. Thanks for the new tracks, Ka-Sol. Can't wait for your next release... Quote
Time_Trap Posted December 19, 2006 Posted December 19, 2006 Listen to Fairytale a while ago, after long time. Indeed it has still remained a very nice P§ÿÇħ3đêŀ!C album One of the highlight albums of 2006 for psytrance. from your new material, Tech Morning Goa ver 2 sounds decent, like a more trippy remix of the track on fairytale Disney On Mushrooms is even better, more similar to older Schlab compilations but maybe more melodic/morning music, KaSol -style psychedelia is still there though..! P.S. When should we expect Schlabbaduerst Rekkords Vol 8 ? ~ Nick ~ Quote
AkumaSama Posted December 24, 2006 Posted December 24, 2006 I loving the end of this album. 1st half is good, second half better but the last 2 tracks is Quote
stupidfatugly Posted August 3, 2007 Posted August 3, 2007 I loving the end of this album. 1st half is good, second half better but the last 2 tracks is +1 I totally agree, I love those last two tracks. Perfect way to end the album. I liked how it started with the harder nighttime tracks and ended with the more uplifting morning tracks. I liked that sample in The Light, does anyone know where its from? It sounds very similar to the sample on another Ka-sol track, Volap, on schlabbaduerst 004. Quote
Sawfly Posted August 4, 2007 Posted August 4, 2007 Took this with me to the forest today after almost months not even looking at it and must say it worked like a charm Seems to be one of those albums that need occational listen, but not too often. Quote
advance Posted December 1, 2007 Posted December 1, 2007 When's the next Ka-Sol album coming out? Is Ka-Sol coming to play in Israel? Quote
Gnome Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 Schlumpen,w-h-a-t-a-t-u-n-e.perfect.pure schlab majesty. Quote
Maden Posted December 28, 2007 Posted December 28, 2007 This album is the only suntrip release i can't succeed to go inside, i loved the Ka Sol track in Apsara, but there, i dunno, something hard, dark with forest influence, but i don't know ... maybe with the time .. Quote
Jon Cocco Posted December 28, 2007 Posted December 28, 2007 There is a very interesting combination of light and dark on this album. I agree with Time_Trap on page 2. To this very day cannot stand the opening track. It irritates me so much, the sounds and how they're used. An example of what I referred to as excellent repetition (general alterations included) is tracks 3 and 4 on BoTFB - Twin Sharkfins debut album. I prefer not to listen to this album straight through as several less catchy tracks make me less motivated to desire exploring deeper into the album. It doesn't help that the opening track is the way it is however I'm gradually captured more after it ends or I skip it completely. The first song simply stands out as a hardcore Psy song without melodies to me and in that sense, I find it totally out of place in relation to the quality, melodic Goa-influenced [light+dark] songs here. Also lacking on this album is more than a few super songs are ones that really grab my attention and pull me inside their deep, dark world. I really like track 4, Skreno. It's very good to say the least. Also, the main melody work in Matrix (Remix) is just . Ka-Sol is very talented when it comes to emotive Psy at times and it would be awesome if he continued to develop that aspect. The same goes for the melodies and other various sounds in track 8, Sticky Web which is a strong number, very gripping. The lasts two tracks are good and memorable too, especially track 10, The Light. Ka-Sol again creates a strong, emotive, Goatrace number. If this album followed in these songs [mentioned above] stronger, more catchy, melodic quality and vein, (where light and dark Goa/Psy >>*BOOOSH*<<< collide, it would have been amazing. This can still be possible [the concept of super light and super dark superb Goa songs] for a follow-up if Ka-Sol has the ability to take things to the next level. I don't know if it's possible but it certainly would be impressive. See my full review on page 2 for more. As it stands, Fairytale is my least favorite release from Suntrip Records to date, but I'm glad they released it. It gives the label some variety. If Ka-Sol were to release a follow I'd recommend more strong melodic songs as the best ones here (and beyond, taken to the next level) and some really outragious, badass climaxes and speed/tempo/key changes. While I did find his Scraqp song impress on V/A - Apsara I really enjoy his aggressive, dark and melodic style when it's at its best!! Tracy Snakecharmer is another song I really like by this artist. Quote
Sideffect... Posted December 28, 2007 Posted December 28, 2007 still the best suntrip release imo Quote
Jon Cocco Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 I like the aggression, darkness, and the melodies on this album. It's the one album I'd categorize being dark from all of the Suntrip Records releases to date. It's a very unique release and several tracks build and develop very well, regardless of their shortcomings.The songs lack evolution but they do develop well within one stretch as opposed to changing form via sound environment. I don't like the repetitive, uneventful opening track Tecmorning, and No Return is definitely not one of the album's finest. Nor is Back Basic (goa mix), though a strong climax or return to aggressive melody work around 4:50 may suggest otherwise to some degree. Furthermore, the introductions are weak, non existent at times.The strengths, if one likes this style, is in its rare and aggressive dark yet creatively melody-driven, psychedelic approach. Overall I like the album and feel that it does compliment Suntrip's library. It's definitely one of their most interesting and unexpected releases. I'm simply not in love with it nor find it great as a whole.- SKRENO- MATRIX (REMIX)- STICKY WEB- THE LIGHT Quote
GusSarcoffa Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 I try and try to like this one but I can never get myself to click Buy. It has some great tracks but stylistically it's all over the map, and not in a good way like Spectrogram or Earthshine. It just feels like a Bag o' Tracks to me. 2006 was a disappointing year for me. I own fewer 06 releases than any other year in this millenium. That fact alone keeps bringing me back to the samples of Fairytale but...meh. Not my cup of electric tea. Quote
Lemmiwinks Posted December 28, 2008 Posted December 28, 2008 After years and years of waiting, Ka-Sol FINALLY got his debut album released. I know that a lot of fans have been waiting for this one for a long time, and in my experience when people wait a long time for a release they get such high hopes that they almost inevitably get dissapointed when it's finally released. Luckily this is not the case here Some people used to Ka-Sol's sound on various scandinavian trance comps might be a little confused because this is morning trance, not really the dark stuff that we're used to hearing from him. I am explained that Ka-Sol always made morning music since the beginning of his project, just that the record lables he worked with prefered to release his dark stuff instead. Also people used to the Suntrip sound might be confused because this doesn't sound anything close to other Suntrip releases. This is because this album was never meant to be reseased on Suntrip, Anoebis and Mars just decided at the last minute to release it on their label because Christer couldn't find a label willing to release his stuff. So anyway, on to the tracks: Tecmorning is a pretty repetitive track with morning influences, not unlike what you could hear on Schlabbaduerst vol. 2. It is a nice intro track, but nothing to get too excited about. Blogz remains in darkish territory, but there is more variation in this one. Only Christer can find the audacity to mix in dark industrial sounds with djembés and even an oldschool goa-ish melody around 4:12. Shlumpen this is the track that sounds the most like the stuff people are used to hearing from Ka-Sol on Schlab comps. It is nice but doesn't really fit in with the rest of the album IMO. Skreno OMG this is IMO THE definition of trance music: a slow repetitive hypnotic melody and a crazy lead on top. The best track on the album IMO, absolutley genious. Back Basic (Goa Mix) I don't know about you, but personally I find it quite disturbing to see the word "Goa" specifically mentioned in a Ka-Sol track. And yeah, don't expect much oldschool here. I mean, there are oldschool elements (notably a 303 and an oldschoolih bassline melody), but interpreted by Christer's own rules Matrix Remix is an interesting morning track, it doesn't really sound like anything else out there. There are some VERY light melodies but also some dark typical sounds. It really feels like watching the sky during a very cloudy day and seeing some powerful rays of light come through from time to time. Near the end there is a buildup which sounds a bit wierd, like some tiny gnomes chanting in the forest and then some sounds that make me think of some alien replying to them. It is wierd, I know and Christer is one of the very few artists that manage to make me have such vivid images when listening to music without taking any drugs No Return again, transitioning from dark to light but I must say that this track inspires me less... I prefer skipping this one and moving forward. Sticky Web back into full morning territory with this one. This one actually makes me remember some old Eye Q stuff, there are some very raw and simple melodies, almost childish but they all work very nice in the end. White Magic this is an absolute dancefloor stormer. The kind of melody that just stays in your head for days and days. It also has the typical goa kick, an absolutly incredible track, it is a wonder how such a gem has been unreleased for such a long time. The Light yet another stormer and I must say that it fits in perfectly with White Magic, both these tracks sound like they should be one giant track. A lot of oldschool elements but again, interpreted in Christer's own way. It is absolute genious. Proof that there is still room for improvement in the genre. THE GOOD: creativity is skyhigh here. When you think that it is impossible to make morning trance that doesn't sound like a copy of everything that has been made in the past, think again THE BAD: pretty confusing at first when you are used to hearing Ka-Sol's and Suntrip's sound. Also some tracks are a bit too dark and don't really fit in this album. Conclusion: Hats off to this genious producer and hats of to the Suntrip crew for being crazy enough to release this. It is not a perfect album, but the originality more than compensates for any little inconvenients 9,5/10 Quote
Penzoline Posted March 16, 2009 Posted March 16, 2009 Holy shit this is amazing. I am loving the absolute psychedelic madness mixed with dark muddy atmosphere this album has. It's like I'm taken to another dimension while listening this. This one gets to your head. Quote
Time_Trap Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 Very good album but his album on Schlab, 2008, is better imo Quote
yerg Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 Top-notch release. I tried to avoid this album back in the days it was released - i was a bit of a skeptic considering forest or dark-influenced psy. But time flows and now i fully appreciate this atmospheric forest album. It's not as hard as most of dark releases out there and is more influenced by old goa sound - nice combo. Two thumbs up to Ka-Sol for creating it and Suntrip for releasing it. 9/10 Quote
eudaimonia Posted June 19, 2009 Posted June 19, 2009 I like this one very much , I have a hard time finding melodic darkish music like this... Quote
Nefarious Posted June 20, 2009 Posted June 20, 2009 Techmorning is one of the finest trax ever laid down. An absolute classic. The way those wet crackling sounds leap from the speakers makes me shiver every time. I will never forget the first time i ripped the plastic off the cd case and slid the disc into the cd player. Yeah i had acouple of winters finest fungi washed down, but the sounds that came from my speakers were absolutely brilliant. So alive and that driving tech influencce make this far from mediocre. I play this often and loud, and it still manages to astound and fuckin rock. Non believers astound me, even with their drawn out, one eye open, self indulgent "review" based whining veiled as opinion. :wank: Clearly this is more of a comp than a complete album. Trax have obviously come from various recording periods. The ranging styles reflect that. (I reckon.) Still some of the best stuff ever for true crustyforestactuallytrippypsymusic. Quote
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