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Hey everyone, i was hoping you guys could help me out a bit. I am wondering if there some sort of signal processor or software that can put rythmic slices or silences into audio signal. I am sick of manually cutting up audiofiles and was thinking there has to be a quicker way, anyway any info would be great on techniques on how to get around this.



for rythmic silence you can use stutterer. u can do this in soundforge. or using a vst stutterer in cubase or fl :)

u could use gate effect also


If you're using a sequencer, just use the mixer fader's automation track to draw in your silences, and keep copy/pasting them. That's how I do it in Reason.


There used to be an amazing piece of software a couple of years ago, Tuareg, available at either bambros.com or brambos.com or brambros.com or .org (I can't be arsed to check). I'd bought it, it was like a predecessor to the whole software studio thingie, and it had, among other things, a great gating unit for splicing, rearranging, silencing, cutting, etc etc of any sample/loop/song. Lost it in a crash.


Edit: checked anyway. It doesn't seem to be available on hitsquad.com/smm (Shareware Music Machine), which pretty much means it's dead. You could try p2p; I really think it's worth the 5 megs or so of download time.

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