Alienatix Posted May 29, 2006 Posted May 29, 2006 Psyshine Records and Semi-Conductors Promo want to invite you to the greatest psychedelic event in Ukraine for this summer - second international psytrance festival "Sky Gravity"! 11-16 July 2006 Crimean Peninsula, Black See coast, clean blue sky and worm sun! Fotos from the past year: Line Up: Live Acts Already Maged (UA) Hyper Frequencies (FR) Hyper Synapse (RU) IKS Project (UA) Kadasarva (UA) Overdream (UA) Uminum (MK) * DJs Amistad (UA) Diagnoz (UA) Fuzzzylogic (RU) Isotop (UA) Jet (UA) Kolega Prul (UA) Liinad (UA) Luis (MX) M.A.G (UA) m413 (RU) Maket (UA) Manu (UA) Mara (UA) Meshok (UA) Mindwarp (UA) Mitra (UA) Ohmtranz (UA) Omsun (UA) Othervoice (UA) Psyrix (CZ) RedJay (UA) Sen-Sor (UA) * Shivaki (UA) Sneak (UA) Turo (SK) Quadrro (UA) Universal (TR) X-Pulse (UA) Chillout & Ethno Оle Lukkoye (RU) Alienatix (UA) Binghi (UA) Dunaewsky69 (UA) * Fuzzzylogic (RU) Humanoid (UA) Jet (UA) Lisipp (UA) Lorenzo (UA) Optimalist (RU) Psoi (UA) * RedJay (UA) S.F.E.R (UA) Sneak (UA) Stotyka (UA) Tzing (UA) L0ader (UA) Dron & Galacton (UA) Deco Pseudocilindroid Conusoids Paul Spider * Psy Quest Hurricane Team * Katyarik pro Proboscis Fire-show and performances included. (*) – waiting for confirmation UA - Ukraine, RU - Russia, FR - France, MX - Mexica, TR - Turkey, CZ - Czech Republic, MK - Macedonia Entrance fee: There are two ways to get tickets: 1. Buy multipass to have entrance for all days of the festival. Strongly recommended. 2. Buy 1-day ticket for each day at the festival place. Prices W/ flyer on 11-13.07: 10 USD, 14-15.07: 12 USD. Multipass – 35 USD. W/o flyer 11-13.07: 12 USD, 14-15.07: 15 USD. Multipass – 40 USD. You don't need to have flyer to buy multipass for special presale price - just 30 USD. Detailed info about multipases' presale will be available soon! More information -
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