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Lani - The Reincarnation of Jhonny Looloo

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[sideeffect aked me to post this one here]



Lani : The Reincarnation of Jhonny Looloo (CD)


1. The Reincarnation - A New Frontier

2. Silverbox

3. Ultraworld

4. Lost In Venice

5. The Seventh Sister

6. Lana's dream

7. Different Colour (Lani rmx)

8. The Waspdance

9. Destination


sorry for the bit long review but it just came, couldn't help it, but I made an appointment with my doctor tomorrow so let's hope they have medecine against long reviews (to be honest I shorted him LOL, this the short version, shit, well if you don't like long reviews, just only read the general, most important info is written there...)




This is it, the second release of our Belgian artist lani, their debut album was for me a blast, not because it was Belgian (I don’t like Belgian goa people so, kidding ), I just like happy melodies and that is like the main mark of lani…


I always say releasing a debut album is one thing but creating a second one and still keep your fans or create new ones is also a big challenge,

Well my imo is lani succeeded that with their second album,

I think the debut fans will still find the same satisfaction they got with the debut album and new fans who maybe experienced lani as a bit to cheesy or overloaded will maybe change their opinions hearing this one,

Well reviewing a second album is always nice cause you can compare how the artists are evolved, in which direction, what has changed ? those descriptions are often more objective minded…


So what changed or did not ?


Lani is still pure morning fullon, lots of artist are categorized as morning fullon but this is actually pure morning… lani provides you happy melodies, motivating baselines, this is 100% psychedelic trance when the sun is shining high at an open air festival…

Comparing to their first album lani uses less layers this time, consequence is that the atmosphere is more subtle and advancement is more at front… at their first album you had sometimes full climaxes and waves at 2 minutes but now lani likes to keep it more under the surface, the advancement is more a bit surfing on the morning sounds, who speak more and level ups the psychedelic percentage… The typical spirals are a bit gone and more synths are used in this one… Off course lani is famous for their powerful guitar riffs and yes again in this album you will be satisfied, in the first album the guitar riffs reminded me more of skazi, talamasca, now they remind me of sun project, but not the new sun project, the old skool sun project we all went crazy on like ‘dances of the witches’, out of my brain, 380 volt haaaaaa , what remarkable changed is the power of the bass lines and the speed, the factor bass line has become more important but I must say they managed to create a good drive together with those morning sounds…

And what is still present and I’m very glad, lani kept there detail for intro’s and outro’s, a basic element of goatrance that like suddenly disappeared and it’s super great to experience it again. Artist who like just directly use the baseline after the 10th second and end there climaxes in 2seconds give me the feeling it’s more routine trance and less thought trough, this is totally not the case here, each track has been thought through and smoothly and very friendly you enter each track, small, tiny and humble psychedelic sounds who introduce and subtle keep you floating after a climax has entered your speakers so you can still dream on a for a little bit… Well that main mark of old skool (which I like a lot) is one of the marks who made it possible that you had the feeling the trance songs were like telling a story and well this is a big imo but I like totally kick on that concept, that is what I like, if an artist reaches that certain level I believe they actually totally have control and idea what psychedelic trance is , goa, fullon name it what you want is about, ok that’s a very subjective expression influenced on the fact I kick on the telling trance concept so… but writing objective reviews is almost impossible and boring 

so general lani keeps you busy all the time, using the baseline, then again just pure the atmosphere and off course the synths, guitar riffs and waves…


Now some more detailed marks on each tracks, I won’t review every track in detail cause my general is like so detailed I would be repeating myself and reading this review would go direction boring… at each track I will just write a few lines what makes that track different from the others and the rest you just combine with the general… If you are unable do that just follow a goa lessons in India, goa gil is giving them for free and yés it’s allowed to touch him (before I get 100 pm’s)


1.lani – a new frontier

well as first track the intro is amazing, pure subtle, not direct satisfaction and not revealing all their secrets but still giving an idea which direction this album is going to take off…


2.lani – silverbox

this one provides us one hell of a motivating baseline, the drive is balanced and very good presented, the first guitar riffs are being used, again not as climax but subtle advancement style and then BAM full guitar climax , combination of two kind of sort of guitar riffs proves they actually are able to play guitar very good and not just some simple riffs like many morning fullon artist use but actual solo combinations…


3.lani – ultraworld

to be lani the bass line enters very quickly, announced subtle off course, don’t forget the general !!! , for the rest this track is pure like I described in general, it’s lani style but hasn’t got any differences, just the general lani stuff, what is good for me imo, contrast has to be made in an album, if all tracks are super good the end conclusion is that it’s just good cause there’s nothing to compare with, this track is more a time to breath a bit


4.lani – lost in Venice

hold on your buts cause to me this is like THE lani track ever, it’s already been released on EP so some will already know it… the drive is extremely motivating and has a funky touch comparing to their other drives… the women voice samples singing in the advancement makes you smile big time, well it make me smile, if it doesn’t make you smile, go see a shrink (kidding), the Latino guitars are perfectly subtle used together with guitar riffs, this is pure joy and a pleasure to predict, the full wave reminds me of old skool times and the crystal clearness of the sounds caresses my ears… this is very uplifting, extremely uplifting, how do you call that on isratrance, oh yeah I remember ‘ a dance floor killer’, lani keeps on playing with the sounds over and over and giving you the feeling they perfectly know what they are doing, what is nice, everything fits at the right place and each sound comes and goes when it has to be, the drive isn’t that straight anymore but goes up and down with the melodies and sounds what is typical for artist like audiotec, lamat ananda shake etc


5.lani – the seventh star

this is a bit of a surprise, direct baseline but then again after 2 seconds a morning tune arrives and the atmosphere goes from 0% to 100%, pure proof goa hasn’t always to be complicated to be good, the main synths used in this track is less attractive comparing to the rest of the cd, but that pure goatrance sound following is absolutely welcome , they use that typical 1200 mics whiiiiiiiiii to announce there climaxes which is nice but not the entire cd, but they don’t so pretty good, the reformed voice speaking is well done, not the typical hallucinogen/infected women singing stuff we heard a thousand times before….


6.lani – lana’s dream

the intro is a guitar solo which reminds me of mystica (what is like a very good artist to referent too, mystica rules ), the bass lines is again more straight and full power… again guitar riffs but we have heard them before already but the solo is different what makes it nice…. I think this track has the hardest guitar climax until now, short but pure power….


7.lani – different colour (lani rmx)

the intro reminds me of infected mushroom, don’t have to describe that I think we all have an idea what that means, if you don’t, go sit in the corner for 30 minutes and write down ‘I will listen to classical mushroom ever day for a whole month !!!!,

this baseline is tuff to be lani, a bit macho, not to fast but deep… the atmosphere is still morning but has some slight creepy morning touch cause they use violins, and violins always have that effect on me (so subjective 100 percent), I don’t know but this track is so different, hard to describe, it’s like created to reach a certain emotion, totally not focused on being fast or super melodic, but it sure does tell a story…


8.lani – the wascp dance

this baseline is the most typical fullon baseline we all have heard a thousand times and has been copycat, but for one track I don’t mind, it’s THE typical morning fullon baseline used by many artist, the pattern is very simple and repeating, also the psy sounds are so it all does fit together, they know how to reform their sounds by putting another baseline… this track doesn’t speaks to me, the solo at the end is good but it’s a bit too late, I had to wait to long, but what the heck with all the fullon coming out these days as a home listener you get spoiled imo…


9.lani – destination

no ambient track as last track, good, if I want to listen to ambient I’ll put an ambient cd in my player never got that concept… this track is a bit floating out, ending the release… but still motivating… I have the feeling this is the end but heeeeeel no at 4th minute a super smooth wave enters my world coming bigger, bigger, bigger, BIGGER and reminds me it’s middle of the night and my stereo is way to loud for this hour, what the heck is the last track, the end wave is a bit an end surprise and is very good, simple but unexpected what makes it so good… as usual lani doesn’t stop suddenly but smoothly surfs out the track enjoying the last sound…



end conclusion:

I have to admit the first time I heard it as a big fan of their debut album I was like noooo, they changed direction and after all this years I’m still that stupid to think an artist will release the same concept, off course not, like super boring for the artist creating the same patterns and loops over and over again, so I had to deal with the fact, high expectations on a certain level of satisfaction but not getting it, so I went back to zero and gave the album after a week a second change with no expectations anymore, and it’s good, I prefer subtle trance and this more subtle comparing to their debut album, the fact that they used sun project minded guitar riffs is nice if you were a big fan of them when they released their first tracks…

End note: the same note I always say, if you don’t like the lani sound this cd won’t satisfy you, but that counts for like any goa cd ever released so, if you don’t like some cheesy morning sounds, this is not your style, but I like cheesy, my first artist were mfg, astral projection, one man game/mystica and etc and that’s cheesy, it’s nice if goa makes you smile and that I guarantee lani offers you 100%...

So if you wanna smile this is the one, if you don’t want to smile, hahaha then you’ve got a problem (kidding)

enough written, not rating, don’t do that anymore, this review is highly subjective cause I like the concept a lot, it could be more objective but pfffff why do that if words pup into my head and just float down my finger,

keep up the good work lani, you have the technieque, just keep creative like you are being now and have a good time all the time

  • 3 months later...

After enjoying listening their first album, I have spent many hours listening "Reincarnation.." in my cd-walkman last summer during long walks in Montenegro. It gave me really strong happy, natural, danceable moments. I feel it is especially good for listening in moments when day and night are changing. Whole album has really positive note. Song architexture many people will find "simple" but it works very well for this kind of releases. People who like more dark, intelligent, complicated style of trance, and also have affiliations of speaking public what is good or bad, should skip listening to this one. In my opinion Tim and Tom delivered little part of themselves. Thank you :)


haven't heard both albums, only saw them like..er.. 4 , maybe 5 times playing live. And Lani is one of the few artists that tries to bring the music as live as you can bring electronic music live. guitars, a couple synths & live percussion.


Nowadays i would say their live acts are much like Sun projects, the full on version of sun project. If you don't like their musical style you will still be impressed by the skills and energy of the live acts.

  • 2 weeks later...



well they do play live gaetan, that's like 5% off all the goa artist comparing to the others,


allthough I understand, I love the music but experiencing them live it's not my cup of tea too,


can't have it all I guess :P


well they do play live gaetan, that's like 5% off all the goa artist comparing to the others,


allthough I understand, I love the music but experiencing them live it's not my cup of tea too,


can't have it all I guess  :P


no disrecpect to lani ... each to their own


it's just funny how ppl start kissing asses once they are on an international forum (not only this one) ....


btw I've done it myself but it didn't taste that good ....





who was kissing ass?

anyways ...

I liked the first cd more then te second, but still, some nice music on it.

and it's true, very nice live act.


no disrecpect to lani ... each to their own


it's just funny how ppl start kissing asses once they are on an international forum (not only this one) ....


btw I've done it myself but it didn't taste that good ....




yeah, you're the guy that likes live acts with their synths unplugged :lol:

  • 3 months later...

Lani - The Reincarnation of Jhonny Looloo


Short Review


1. The Reincarnation - A New Frontier ... B

2. Silverbox ... B-

3. Ultraworld ... B-

4. Lost In Venice ... B ... Has the most Lani melodies, feel, and sound since his debut.

5. The Seventh Sister ... C+

6. Lana's dream ... B-

7. Different Colour (Lani rmx) ... B / B+

8. The Waspdance ... B-

9. Destination ... B-



I previously thought more people reviewed LANI's 2nd album. :unsure:


This follow-up to Lani's first colorful, super melodic 2004 album has changed in style to Full On. At first I was disappointed when hearing the samples back in 2006. But oh *Blah* with all the Full On shit now days I actually don't mind something more pleasent sounding. Lani continues what he's good at. Melodies! Yes, there are some good melodies on this album. It isn't two-thirds as melody focused as the debut but the dance songs are melody driven.


My problem? Some tracks didn't/don't do anything for me. They're very plain and uneventful, they lack feeling and depth. They're just not all that dynamic and imaginative. Other tracks seem to make stronger contact with this artists ability to create more emotional melodies, feeling, (track 7 for starters) and mood. The melodies are generally warm and comfortable throughout his songs.


In conclusion, I was reluctant to getting this initially because of the Full On style. I enjoyed Lani's debut and eventually the samples won me over. I'm generally drawn to good melodies and while I don't consider every song here good, there are several good songs and melodies. This album is simply more danceable, more mainstream than his previous album. It isn't great IMO but for Full On (club trance) it's a pretty good and definitely a positive sounding, melodic dance album. No more. No less. If you like Lani or enjoy above average Full On with melodies, check this out (listen to samples) and decide for yourself.




HIGHLIGHTS: 1, 4, 7.



B- or 8/10.


More tracks with feeling, cool but minimal voice work like track 7, Different Colour (Lani rmx) please! :)

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