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V /A – Neverending Story


Artist: Various

Title: Neverending Story

Format: CD

Label: Zaikadelic Records (Israel)

Cat. #: ZAICD01

Distribution: Wirikuta

Date: 08 June 2006


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Track listing:

1. Sprinter - All midi inputs

2. Mutant Star - Jumping frogs

3. Psycobeat - Marcian values

4. Xyla - Texas hate

5. Tsabeat - Coloring the night

6. Ocelot - Sirius logistics Inc

7. Para Halu - Neverending story

8. Zaikabeat - Local mushrooms

9. Kindzadzaika - White midgets


Review by El Terrible Don Miguelito:


The first release of the Israeli label Zaikadelic Records was one of the few CDs I had on repeat for quite a few days - a rare occurrence for someone as jaded as yours truly, especially considering that I happen to be more of a proggy head, by and large. Nevertheless, the combination of freshness and phatness is what really matters, and the differences between genres be damned - one hardly hears any releases that linger in one's memory these days, and this one is definitely bound to tattoo the label's logo on your eardrums. It's not Day-Glo - it's bloody fluorescent!


#01: Sprinter - All midi inputs [143 BPM]

#02: Mutant Star - Jumping frogs [145 BPM]

The very first track, "All Midi Inputs" by Sprinter, instantly propels you into the stratosphere and beyond; by the time the second number comes on ("Jumping Frogs" by Mutant Star), you're already exchanging mental glyphs with an extra-terrestrial reptilian life form and enjoying yourself immensely.


#03: Psycobeat - Marcian values [146 BPM]

The third track brings you back to Earth, possibly a touch too hastily - the bassline is dense and rubbery enough to make the comet you were riding a few seconds ago gallop further along the Milky Way, with all the screechy bits in the right place, but I have found the spoken sample to be a bit of a wet blanket - it features some American shrink

pontificating on the differences between sexes using mind-bogglingly original terminology: "Martian and Venusian". Oh, like, wow! Gag me with a spoon! Totally! Open mind, for sure, for sure. That said, I would probably enjoy the same track quite a bit if it reincarnated as an instrumental in a better world - it has all the oomph it needs.


#04: Xyla - Texas hate [146 BPM]

After a more than promising prelude, we enter the part of the CD that makes my ears bleed pure nectar and ecstasy every time I hear it - each track is pure genius. "Texas Hate" by Xyla - a relentless driving stream of exquisite sonic phenomena with an elegant yet abrasive surface masterfully arranged around the kind of beat that has you pumping your fists, banging your head and twitching your buttocks to it in the most manic manner imaginable, even if you happen to be plodding through a perilous terrain infested by uniformed (non)entities with alien artifacts in your pocket… Texas, perhaps? Could I have another go at that cactus?


#05: Tsabeat - Coloring the night [146 BPM]

Onwards to the Discordian Five. "Colouring the Night" by Tsabeat. An epiphany in bass and those adorable little sounds that make you go "waaaaaaaah" and try to catch them with your hands. The bassline is so solid it literally sweeps your socks off; the artist is clearly a rising star, and the track shall yet provoke that collective dance floor frenzy when everyone begins to channel deities at once many a time.


#06: Ocelot - Sirius logistics Inc [148 BPM]

Ocelot comes next with "Sirius Logistics Inc", telling us all about his sources of inspiration. I wonder what he gets from Sirius apart from the sounds…I was definitely having visuals, speak of long-distance contact high. Impeccable logistics indeed. FedEx doesn't come close.


#07: Para Halu - Neverending story [147 BPM]

"Neverending Story" by Para Halu is an epic track, to put it bluntly, or a diamond wrought with infinite skill if we're to allow ourselves a lapse into a sentimental tone. It doesn't merely have a distinctly narrative side to it, like each of my favorite tracks - you know, the ones that really linger in your memory for years and never tire you.

It is also exceptionally musical - unbelievably so for the genre in question. Beautiful enough to bring you to tears.


#08: Zaikabeat - Local mushrooms [148 BPM]

We have reached "Local Mushrooms" by Zaikabeat to discover the base of

our spines transform into psychoactive jellyunder the steamhammer blows of the kick; a fish in the percolator, you say? Felt more like a hallucinogenic toad. My aural circuits became detached from the synapses by this point and departed to whatever dimensions the giggling hihats and the slinky synths took them; they returned disoriented, as if they had a Divine Moment of Truth en route.


#09: Kindzadzaika - White midgets [149 BPM]

Number nine. Number nine. Nothing short of revolutionary - the scouser quartet didn't even dream of such sounds back in the epoch of Sandoz, Prague Spring and reels of analogue tape hacked at with glue and scissors. The White Midgets unleashed upon us by the Kindzadzaika duo (KinDzaDza and Psyco Zaika) translate as pure insanity - however, unlike the lacklustre madness of certain Finns and Aussies with their propensity to go for the bulk of "weird sounds" with the grim deliberation of a drooling soapdodger who drives nail after nail into his own skull, the Kindzadzaikian brand of whackiness is jolly, vivacious, scintillating and more amusing than a nitrous balloon on honeycomb. The spoken samples are really outrageously entertaining to the ones in the know. This stuff is for the real heads exclusively. Needless to say, the track is also infinitely danceable - after all, "if I can't dance to it, it isn't my revolution", right?


Pity it's a single CD and not a double or triple package - but, apparently, tracks of this quality are even harder to encounter than the legendary Moroccan White Midgets. On the whole, 23 out of 10 and a standing ovation. If you miss this one, you might as well start listening to either Merzbow or Barry Manilow.


Favourites: 4, 5, 7, 9



External links:

Saiko Sounds




Chaos Unlimited



Zaikadelic Records


Not that I doubt that this cd is as great as you say... but did you just review your own compilation? :blink:


*edit* I just realized you pasted someone elses review :)


hmm not a highly recommended va here.. the quality of the tracks vary quite alot imo. some are well produced others not (happens often on the first release of a label).

some tracks are decent (1 to 5) though (but not good).

Maybe a nice compi if you are into dark.. otherwise dont bother.

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