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Wow, i've never seen such a ruckus! where is elysiums orig.

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Guest Spectral Collapse

wow, everyone is fighting over something, where is the origonal thread... i wanna read it so i know whats going on?

Guest Elysium Project

it's actually not my original thread. I just made a statement that it's wrong to steal mp3's and BANG out came the mp3 mafia defending their criminal behaviour with their lives at stake :-)

Guest bugbread

Yep, Spectral, it's an old and LONG running discussion, and due to the fact that EP, bless him, has a tendency to express himself strongly, he gets put at the center of the maelstrom.


stop the childish name calling for one...

if someone calls you a flying pulsating malaformed bloated festering slug just agree with them and move on... don't waste your energy. EP, you being a veteran in the scene should know the effects of negative and positive vibes on the mind and how to deal with them. ;-]


Peace and love!


Guest spacemonkey - 604

" as far back as i can remember i always wanting to be a ganster"


Geez, just leave E/P alone. He is a great guy and maybe a little strong headed, but he is only trying to improve the buying os artists can make a living soley out of music. How's you like some big work project you've been working on to get leaked before it is released or stolen and distributed by your opposition?? This music is the artist's life, their job and their committment, and I whole heartedly agree that mp3 trading just because you are to cheap is for a bunch of wankers! Ok, maybe if you are sriouslsy dirt poor, and want to enjoy your music it is ok, but I'fd say that seeing ass you all can afford ther bloody internet, you can buy an album or two once a month, get off you sorry arse and support the scnen, you hypocrits.


Ok, this has palyed out long enough. Leave it be.. Know what i find funny before mp3 the artists were fighting with the labels for " stealing " there money.. Now the artists are fighting with there own fans.

Guest Elysium Project

you just needed to express your last words of wisdom didn't you Tomer? ...LMAO

Guest bugbread

I dunno, I suppose the last Tomer comment was intended to be an indictment of artists, but I read it the other way.


"In the old days the record companies ripped off the artists.

Now they still do, but their fans rip them off more."


Bugbread has more of the right idea then elysium.. Elysium just seems to be an old cynical bitter person.. and i get that impression from reading all your posts..

Guest Elysium Project

Well Tomer I know what you meant and you know it too. Just look at your other postings. An old cynical person...lol ...Funny things do hapen in people's heads when they incounter people that "dare" to have another opinion.


well, Elysium, i love how you think you've got me all figured out.. You know what though, i don't really care..




this is so boooooooooooorring.


however, for some probably voyeuristic reason i chose to read this page when it was obvious what would happen. So i have only myself to blame.


Never mind me thinks no matter what is said the outcome will be the same. I just wish that it could be kept PRIVATE. Other peoples ugliness brings out the worst in everyone.

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