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we are busy with compilation now.

We were spend whole weekend with all tracks and today at 0:00 we stop transfering.

Tomorrow we will start work on it, so we will be busy with it.

We are sorry for nonanswered questions, what we will not answer until compilation released, we go back underground to finish it and release on this pretty nice goia


This compilation will be released at 15.8. at our net side web page

Thanks you to contact us, we are glad to have this possibility to make something more.

I didn't see so big-groovy free compo before.. :D



If you want to tell more, here is place :)

We will back in 14 days and release it, so ghan ghan a pe mutta rhat :D


Apa cukka funde muka funde muka kave cuka hop cuk funde mukk funde kave kave cukk


What do you think about name of compo ? Any idea ?



Jah. BoM

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Live LucidSound (Oxygen records.HU)

Big Bacterials (cosmic_flower.IS/HU)

Maitreya (Independent.HU)

Deus Ex Machina (Independent.HU)psyelectro live act

Mutant Star (Blissbits Media Records)

Gyrro (Spectral Sound.SK)

Gondar (Trancedelic Family)

Shivanam (Shivatrance)

DJs Q.E.D/ Dj team (Turbo Trance rec., Nandan Prod. SWISS)

FOHAT (Psylonauten. GER)

ISH-TY (Transient records. RU/SK)

SMEAGOL (Bizzare Project. SK)

Rawe vs. GUBO(Psytropic records. Cz/ Working Pro. SK)

Psyla&Andy Warhol live flute (Mystical Waves&Zero Point)

Gulliwer Rush (Mystical Waves)

Zahrada (Mystical Waves)

Schwa (Beef records/Tribal Vision records)

Prenatal (HedoniX)

Filipsz (HedoniX)

Searcher (HedoniX)

Chill Schwa (Tribal Vision records)

Psyla (Mystical Waves)

Gulliwer Rush (Mystical Waves)

Zahrada (Mystical Waves)

Syrinx,Tamal,Les (Quadradelic Society. SK)

Rachetik (HedoniX)

Tranceformer (Yupisashi)

Jarin (Nervynatranz)


Ink Flo

and Friends:-)

AndyWarhol Live magic flute (Zero Point)

Deco Video Trip by Visual Division of Trancedelic Family, Jarin, Siggy

Back Drops&3D Instalations by ELEMENTAL, Alienjedna

Fire Show by Tribo Fuego

Location Village of Hute pod Tremsinem near the town of Pribram

Entry fee 2 Days - 7 EUR

1 Day - 5 EUR

Slovakia Freaks: 2 Days - 3 EUR

Organizer Mystical Waves

Infos 6Kw Filipsz sound

Space bar by Mithras Temple, Tea room by Tea BOOM, Fire show by Spiralka&Dron





The third year of an open air gathering Mystical Ritual 2006 is going to take place at the second weekend in August. We have found a great place near a village of Hut pod Rožmitálem (district of Píbram) in a camp DUHA. The new location of the open air offers a wide range of possibilities to enjoy a beatiful and placid weekend.

Be ready for 7 live acts, 14 dj, chill out, fire show, video trip, space bar and tea room.

The camp is surrounded by the woods and the dancefloor is grassy. Chillout will be in-door. The food will be provided for a friendly price of 50 Kc for the lunch or dinner and 35 Kc for breakfast; you can quench your thirst at two bars. The camp offers three possible types of accomodation - you will pay 50 Kc per night for a tent, 100Kc per night for a cabin or 180 Kc

per night for a bed in a boarding-house. Sanitary facilities are a matter of course.

You can also have a swim in a swimming-pool or in a pond which is 1,5 km away from the spot. There is a possibility of playing table tennis, billiards and darts.

You can get to the village by bus from Prague with one change in Pribram or you can travel by train. The route from the village to the camp will be marked.

You will find all info at the official website of the open air soon.


Ritual pOw wOw:cz 11.8.2006

A *pow-wow* (sometimes *powwow* or *pow wow* or *pau wau*) is a gathering of Native Americans.

It derives from the Narragansett *powwaw*, meaning shaman.

It has since come to be used to describe any gathering of Native Americans of any tribe.


Typically, a pow-wow consists of people (Native American and non-Native American alike) meeting in one particular area to dance, sing, socialize, and generally have a good time. Pow-wows can vary in length from a single session of about 5-6 hours to three days with one to three sessions a day.

Major pow-wows or pow-wows called for a special occasion can be up to one week long.Planning for a pow-wow generally begins months, perhaps even a year, in advance of the event.

Email mysticalwaves@centrum.cz

Url www.mysticalwaves.com


10th anniversary EARTHDANCE - Hungary / 2006. 09. 15-16.

Zirc Akli - Darud?l? Ökopark


Main Stage LIVEACT:

PROSPER (Exposure Prod.,Serbia)

GALACTIKA (Yellow Sunshine Explosion, GER)

Quantum State (BooM! Recs., HU)

Kalumet (Headoneast, HU)

Maitréya (Independent, HU)

Big Bacterials (cosmic_flower, HU)

Lucid Sound (Oxygen Recs./Rythm of Peace Recs., HU)

Captured Cage (Psysector.hu)

Datura Species (Independent, HU)


Main Stage DJSET:

Alex (NOK/Galactika/YSE, GER)

Dushan (Sonic Tribe, Serbia) - progressive set

Tom vs Avi (Groove Criminals, ISR) - progressive set

Danger (Procyon Recs./goa.hu, HU)

Danee (Cosmicord/goa.hu)

Nuon (Cosmicord/goa.hu)

Boohna (Procyon Rec., HU)

Oleg (Deepsmile, HU)

Oyle (party.[origo].hu)

Mack Moss (Beatspecialists, HU)

Justin Time (Beatspecialists, HU)

Tsubi (Chemicalien, HU)

Lamagra (Clendathu Project, HU)

Kami (Exostra Run, HU)

Mandrashee (Loading Zone, HU)

Clodo (Loading Zone, HU)

Be-tone (Loading Zone, HU)

Puff (Loading Zone, HU)


Mayahuel-Chill LIVEACT:

Baayint (protoneon.hu)

Deus Ex Machina (Independent,is HU)


Mayahuel-Chill DJSET:

Naga & Beta (Chi Recordings, HU)

Toybox (tbx.hu)

James B. Cage feat Natichek (Psysector.com)

Krinyo (Pumpui, Goa.hu)

Ulmo (Datura Species, HU)

Puff (Loading Zone, HU)

Be-tone (Loading Zone, HU)





i had a good line up until the arabs started the war in the north !


GOBLIN (psysex)


tactic mind

digital tribe

brain damage

Extazya (me)


on a full power productions.


very good tracks :)


Brain Damage, ... good tracks also whoa



"Bro, yap" "it goes to the underground little bit.. 14:42 .. last 8 hours to send your track, Bro" "..ogh..greenshit is coming up"


"Bro, what about compo?"


"it seems I sent it" "Wha" "send" "skith"




big: what is de rec ? :D


This compilation will be released at 15.8. at our net side web page


cool.... . good date. that day we indians(not red) celebrate our indipendance day ;)


so we need a grand party on that day :D



hehehe :) lets wait until the final disc line up is revel and than wait for the realese of the comp and than do out tea party :) (kalki have a spaicel tea that trpis your for 2 hours).



Whoa, so this is *Final Track List*


Cybernetika - Greed /GERMANY

Faxi Nadu and Spka - The Others /ISRAEL,HOLLAND

Mentris - der kleiner Trip /GERMANY

Secret Side - Au dela du Réel /FRANCE

Sparkunian - Idor nektar /GREECE

Spacer - Suclick /CZECH

Mindcrawlers - Elixer /SWEDEN,USA

Nomis - Genie /DENMARK

Extazya - Shamanas garden /ISRAEL

Swan X-1 - White magik /PORTUGAL

StrezZ-Constantine /ISRAEL

Electromonk - Getting High /INDIA

big_bacterials_-_psy_trauma /HUNGARY

chaotic_synthetics_-_freaky_mutant /ESTONIA

Eleusene - Hammered /GERMANY

Specter - Trance Pulse /ESTONIA

Calamus at Mental Ballagan_-_Flower Of Life (RMX) /UKRAINE

Galaxia vs Seroquel - The Time Take All Away(dedicated to planet alfa) /CZECH

Tempestuous G & Electromonk - Lost In Space /USA,INDIA

Chatnik - Terror on tv /SERBIA

Nhjohyennro - XI /SOUTH KOREA

Kodama Wat - Burn Cycle /IRELAND

Gaffel aka Satanicelectro - Strike 5.mp3 /POLAND

Cronodevir - Goa India /USA

Pzyko - D-Ruvbakovitsj /BELGIUM

Double Miu - Beta 05 /POLAND

Unk! - Go To Hell /BELGIUM

Zeyon - Constructed /DENMARK

Yawning Master - Mind Illusion /SERBIA

Ancient - Sunrise /INDIA

Rudram - The Nature of Shiva /INDIA

Deus Ex Machina - Etnologic /HUNGARY


We will release our together compilation at 15th of August


Ancient, Rudram

please tell from where are you



Here was one missunders..

extaZya is from Israel, so not Italy or Portugal :)


Chude was changed name to Double Miu,

Seroquel name of track updated

Nomis track Geenie Robots was changed to Genie


Damn, cause tripping celebration for new compo


Kalki, can you send example of tea, format is up to you :D


fuck......... don talk about tea now. i am sitting in office without getting a normal tea :angry:

i am from israel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not portugal !!!




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