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  cosmic_flower said:

well, etaZya is definitelly from Israel



he hu hi ha , you right B)

  cosmic_flower said:

Jaaah :)  yep


We want to release it as soon as possible, these tracks are not in 256 kbps,

so it's question, we convert it, but we need agree from author of track

here is list of these tracks -


Eleusene - Hammered

Extazya - Shamanas garden

Sparkunian - Idor nektar

Kodama Wat - Burn Cycle

Big bacterials - psy trauma

Cronodevir - Goa India

Chude - beta 05

Unk! - Sexcuse me

Otherwise, we can't add these tracks, let us know, we can do conversion

SatanicElectro: we would like to have Strike part 5 on compo, thanks to send us more good tracks



I agree ;)

Anyway I beleive that these days the CD will arrive at the adress that you gave me.There is also a bio inside.


Peace :D


*Final Track List*


Cybernetika - Greed /GERMANY

Faxi Nadu and Spka - The Others /ISRAEL,HOLLAND

Mentris - der kleiner Trip /GERMANY

Secret Side - Au dela du Réel /FRANCE

Sparkunian - Idor nektar /GREECE

Spacer - Suclick /CZECH

Mindcrawlers - Elixer /SWEDEN,USA

Nomis - Genie /DENMARK

Extazya - Shamanas garden /ISRAEL

Swan X-1 - White magik /PORTUGAL

StrezZ-Constantine /ISRAEL

Electromonk - Getting High /INDIA

big_bacterials_-_psy_trauma /HUNGARY

chaotic_synthetics_-_freaky_mutant /ESTONIA

Eleusene - Hammered /GERMANY

Specter - Trance Pulse /ESTONIA

Calamus at Mental Ballagan_-_Flower Of Life (RMX) /UKRAINE

Galaxia vs Seroquel - The Time Take All Away(dedicated to planet alfa) /CZECH

Tempestuous G & Electromonk - Lost In Space /USA,INDIA

Chatnik - Terror on tv /SERBIA

Nhjohyennro - XI /SOUTH KOREA

Kodama Wat - Burn Cycle /IRELAND

Gaffel aka Satanicelectro - Strike 5.mp3 /POLAND

Cronodevir - Goa India /USA

Pzyko - D-Ruvbakovitsj /BELGIUM

Double Miu - Beta 05 /POLAND

Unk! - Go To Hell /BELGIUM

Zeyon - Constructed /DENMARK

Yawning Master - Mind Illusion /SERBIA

Ancient - Sunrise /INDIA

Rudram - The Nature of Shiva /INDIA

Deus Ex Machina - Etnologic /HUNGARY


We will release our together compilation at 15th of August

  Kalki said:



FREE TRIPS......... <_<


Kalki: good idea :)



We received 31 tracks.

All these tracks will be on compo

We received hunderd mails

We were trying to answer for every email you sent


So, free as it is, we can say, all tracks we received will be on compo in original quantity free trippin' :D


hmmm, I have thought of some titles:=














lol, like any titles


What about "united nations of psychedelic" or "global trip" ?

I think i am very honored to be on this compilation with people from sooo many countries :D Boooooooooom to all of you and a very special booom to cosmic flower for doing this project....


heh, id settle with 'The Goa Compilation vol.1', don't want anything outragouse, or with an implied meaning.


Also, will our contact info be included? [i woudl want to give my email/website to thsoe that listen]


Yes. The contacts are very important for any artist on this compilation.

So I suggest that you have to place all infos about our contacts if you want to help us, Cosmic Flower.

We all have to eat and pay our bills. You know?

You have many work with this compo, I know. I offer to help.

If you need to make a contact page i will do it in .html.

In the case the code must be written in .php you have to ask on this forum.

I am sure you will find somebody.


My contact page on the web is:




Maybe we will sposor the host server for the compo some day. Who knows?

  cronodevir said:

heh, id settle with 'The Goa Compilation vol.1', don't want anything outragouse, or with an implied meaning.


Also, will our contact info be included? [i woudl want to give my email/website to thsoe that listen]





yeah finally logged in :)


im also very happy to be on this compo :) greetings to all of you :)


i think that global trip is nice title for it :)


and info for cosmic flower :

look your mailbox i gave you a contact to one very fine graphician he can make cover for cd (everybody could print it themselves) and logos for your site:)


thus is his works:



  double miu said:

and info for cosmic flower :

look your mailbox i gave you a contact to one very fine graphician he can make cover for cd (everybody could print it themselves) and logos for your site:)


thus is his works:





lets promote it , and global trip is a cool nickname for the cd




"cronodevir at gmail dot com"




that's my email and myspace page, that's the only real thing i need on it, id post my phone number, but some 80 year old man from these forums might call me


is this going on a CD or what? how will it get around?


ok sorry extazyaa i've never been in israel...i have only informations from tv , i didnt meen to hurt you :(


ok i saw there everybody put infos about them so i put mine :


Double miu is Woytek Sobczak born in 84 in Poland.Started makin music on ft2 on polish demoscene. Now using renoise and qwerty is trying to make original electronica with trancy vibe...but has damaged brain by listening too much music of aphex twin. I love this tiny winy sinus melodies :) contact i think you've got one :)


ok i think thats all :)


you take photos or sth ?? maybe semen probes :):lol:

  double miu said:

ok sorry extazyaa i've never been in israel...i have only informations from tv , i didnt meen to hurt you :(


ok i saw there everybody put infos about them so i put mine :


Double miu is Woytek Sobczak born in 84 in Poland.Started makin music on ft2 on polish demoscene. Now using renoise and qwerty is trying to make original electronica with trancy vibe...but has damaged brain by listening too much music of aphex twin. I love this tiny winy sinus melodies :) contact i think you've got one :)


ok i think thats all :)


you take photos or sth ?? maybe semen probes :)  :lol:


you dident hurt me dude :) its ok , i just told the trueth of what not telling on the TV.


Peace and love.


ok gaffel i also think that talk about war isnt a good place in this forum...


i had recently idea for a next compilation and im very very curious what you (especially cosmic flower think about this) :


-what about compilation with covers ?? but not psychedelic trance songs covers , but some mainstream song covers, eventually music from computer games covers ??


I also had an idea about puting on site a links or eventually if there would be a place dj mixes of guys who play on parties dj sets :) what do you think about it :)


and gaffel pozdro 600 :) check pm box :)

  double miu said:

ok gaffel i also think that talk about war isnt a good place in this forum...


i had recently idea for a next compilation and im very very curious what you (especially cosmic flower think about this) :


-what about compilation with covers ?? but not psychedelic trance songs covers , but some mainstream song covers, eventually music from computer games covers ??


I also had an idea about puting on site a links or eventually if there would be a place dj mixes of guys who play on parties dj sets :) what do you think about it :)


and gaffel pozdro 600 :) check pm box :)



Yes, it is a greate idea to make such covers, double.

A nice trick to approach the client and to publish the music on a wider scale.

Who say in the package have to be commercial or pop stuff.

Placing djs and live sets on this compo is nice, but to do categories like "U are playing and U not" is not opportune.

We are working hard on our tracks and mixes. So give the chance to ev'rybody. ;)





Ah, postunder! I am white. Sorry brother. :ph34r::D

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