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Oi Prosect ! I respect your choice !


Being creative is always better option than being inside THE MACHINE... :D;) GOOD LUCK !


In consequence of Elysium's topic or not, I want to write another 'quit' topic.


So, that's the deal:


I'm tired to watch all those faces, all those people, tired of the same music played everyday, tired to work for little money, tired not to find time for other things as... MUSIC.


Yes, I quit my daily job (the description above talks about hotel reception), so now it will be much much less money. Some say I'm brave, some say I'm fool, some say you did the right thing. Myself? I don't know. I wanna take a break, I don't have nothing to lose, I don't have kids to feed. I want to spend few of the forthcoming months for music. I know that the scene is fucked up and I will not have bigger income then from my daily job with my non-for-sale-with-glowstick-&-shiva-sticker music. Passion for music fed me with optimism - I can say I do belive in myself. (If all goes wrong, I go back to work and fuck this music thingy :P)


Our Sound Field album postponed because I couldn't find time and inspiration inside the daily mess. As you heard my partner Liron can't help me at the moment, but I'm happy he's into music with his alternative rock band now. As well as my taste for PsyTrance dissapeared almosut totally in this period, but now I'm recovering with some old CD's from my collection.


Ok, what's left now is to get INSPIRATION. If someone got some in spare it drop me a message ;)


Thanks for reading, wish me good luck or better send your support in form of USD to my bank account :D




P.S. Skazi you punk! Here I come to kick you with my funk!


good luck man

I hope you can make your earnings this way. mustn't have been an easy decision...


Mate leave this music business aside and go to a college or university and get a degree and fix your life.You can also work part time in the same time so you can support yourself.


This thing called psy trance market is falling down every day and in 4-5 years there will be nothing left,not to say even earlier than that.


Dont rely on this kind of music for a future career and way of life,you will unfortunately get very dissapointed in the very near future.


This is my humble opinion.


Supportive thoughts from most people.

A kick in the nuts from someone in the scene.


My signature says it all.

I admire your courage and wish you all the best.


Keep in mind that being a musician is a job. And as any job it require hours and hours of dedication, study, patience.


Go big. :)


Supportive thoughts from most people.

A kick in the nuts from someone in the scene.


My signature says it all.

I admire your courage and wish you all the best.


Keep in mind that being a musician is a job. And as any job it require hours and hours of dedication, study, patience.


Go big.  :)


Yes, and who is being most realistic? Only time will tell.


Well living your dreams is for sure great.


Who wouldnt like to be a world famous artist,actor,singer,athlete,a billionaire,whatever.


The thing is though that in reality things are very very difficult and when the fridge and your stomach is empty living your dreams is the last thing you care about.


When the bills and the rent are left unpaid noone cares if you are living your dream or not,they just care for their money and if you cant pay them they will just make your life more difficult.


Saying 'I challenge you to live your dreams' is very easy to say,same goes for global peace,love and respect,fight the system,dont play their game and many other things.


Me i say first organise and secure your life and then and only then feel free to fullfill your dreams.


Me i say first organise and secure your life and then and only then feel free to fullfill your dreams.


So, we have to be slaves to society in order to fulfill our dreams? I say, take a good shot at it, and if you fail, you go back to being a slave of society and hard labour.


I chose hard labour because I have a child now, but to be honest, before I got a child I was about to quit my technical career (which is a very good one, im super duper frikking good at what I am doing, and I have a CV that will stun most people, basically I can get any job I want at the moment... just to make it clear im no bum, and this is NOT to brag) and make music, JUST music for a year or 2. I could have made it, but then there came responsibility into my life.


On the other hand, at the moment (which is a very difficult period for me, since ive been diagnosed with diabetes type1, and have been very sick for a while) I find myself being more productive in the studio than ever. I have much more illusions about where I want to be in life....


I think its good to persue your dreams for a while to LEARN what life is really about.... you HAVE to fall, and learn from your mistakes... you can NEVER learn from others mistakes... because we all have that drive, that we want to make it diffrent than the ones we know that made mistakes.


Some of the people are as I said in another topic here on the forum "naturals" and they dont fail at the same thing as you, and just glide into something, and find themself comfortable with that.


I HOPE for Andy, that this will be the case, and I really respect his descision!


May all the forces of the universe be on his side, and may he conquer all the difficulties that his descoscion MAY bring!


Have a good one mates and matetes :D Im off to make some more music :)


EDIT: And Detox, this is not a bash towards you or anything. I just find a lot of people that dont dare doing what they love the most, may it be music or painting or whatever.


Another note: People dont always need to go to a school to learn to paint, or to make music, I think some of the most impressive painters and musicians I know, never studied anything of what they are doing (And im not only talkign about famous artists here) :)


Dear Nemo getting educated,having a proper job and organise your life priorities doesnt mean you are a 'slave of society',thats preety harsh dont you think?


For sure someone should have as a goal to realise some of his dreams.Dreams for someone can be an expensive car or motorcycle,vacation on a tropical island,learning many languages and getting very educated,being very good in arts,becoming very rich and many other things.


Like i say though first things first.First you get organised a little like having a place to stay,a daytime job that will provide you with the essentials,some proper education that can help you in the future,building a social circle including familly,friends,lover,business people that can help you and more.


After you get all these things then you can also at the same time start realising your dreams one step at a time.


Dropping school or your job to say that 'Today i decided to become a music producer or a painter or a footballer or whatever' can have a very negative impact for the rest of your life.


Sometimes you fall and can get up for sure,sometimes though you do fall and its very difficult to get up and sometimes even impossible to do so.


Many people while trying to realise their dreams lost contact with real life and when real life knocked their door it was really late for them to change things.


And to get back on the main topic we got a person here who wants to dedicate his life on music production on some specific styles of music and in order to do so he has decided to drop his daytime job.Thats not very wise in my opinion since the trance market is falling down everyday,if things were going well and sales were rising and bookings were easy to achieve and the money involved were big then i would for sure say to him to go ahead with his plan BUT at this specific moment ones dream to live out of the trance scene seems to me more like an illusion than a possibility.


Hey Detox, I know what you're saying. I live in reality, not another filled with dreams kid or something. I have all fixed for the next few months so I can pay the bills, nothing fancy, but still ok to survive. You don't have to tell me how much scene is fucked up, I know that. Let me fall, stand and go further. After 14 years of studyings, 23 years living in a poor, I know what's better for me. Yes I should get educated more, and that's a non breakable part of the plan as well.


Thanks for support.



Gotta agree with DETOX - I personally prefer my nice, stable income each month, but sometimes you have to make a choice in life, and I'm sure Andy have made the right decision for him at this point of his life.


Sometimes I wish I had the guts to pursue my dreams ;)


I know what the baba is going through. I had lots of dreams, the strongest one was studying sound engineering, which i did inspite many close people's valid objections. I could go for the easy choise and pursue a career in the electronics/computers field. I did work a couple of years in a hi-tech company only to realise that it's devil's work and it ate me from inside. So i've saved enough money to live well for a year and to finish my degree. Soon it will be over and i'll be in a crossroads again. I guess i'll have to sell my soul again to the devil, but i also plan to fulfill another dream and to study History or something like that. Something totally unpractical, only to redeem my soul from the devil.


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