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The result(for the ptevious test)

is that sound from FL6 is a bit quitter

than in Ableton Live5 :( .

When exporting from Ableton Live5,

you'll get a bit better(higher quality :) )

sound and it will be a bit louder(which is good :) ).

So there you go! :D


My opinion on all of this is that when you finish

your project in FL6, export it again in some

better programs(for example Ableton Live5,

Reason etc.)! :D


Anyone else has a better idea, or opinion :blink: ?


and i would say, the differences are very little.

if there are any, i think its more urban myth.


but if you think, the sound of your host needs more punch, you need to master, for sure, no need to change the host.


I've tried logic(but the Logic v5 :( ), and haven't managed to do anything.

Some options aren't working and the others don't know to use :( .

So I gave up, and continued to work in FL :D .

As for the Cubebase, I haven't used it(I mean I know that it exists,

but I don't know to use it :blink: ).


Anyway thanks for mentioning those two benf52. :)


try ableton live.

it is intuitive and sounds good, has also built in tutorials.

download the demo, its fully functional, without that you can save.

:) www.ableton.com :)


Yeah, I'm using Ableton too!

It's very good! You get better sound with it

than in FL!


I've mentioned that one b4, but :D anyway thanks Reznik!


As for the Cubebase, I haven't used it(I mean I know that it exists,

but I don't know to use it :blink: ).


I dont know but I used before FL and moved to the Cubase cause FL is kinda limiting when its about the sequencing.. Those buttons in FL can be fun and quick way to do the song but u got more precision in cubase..

somehow, i think you are joking on me



...but u got more precision in cubase..

Hm, I'm not sure about that. You can also zoom

and move the patterns in FL with big precision,

but again, maybe I'm wrong :( . I can't evaluate

something that I haven'y used at all! :D:D:D


I dont know but I used before FL and moved to the Cubase cause FL is kinda limiting when its about the sequencing.. Those buttons in FL can be fun and quick way to do the song but u got more precision in cubase..


hay thats not correct dude. both of them gives same precition. only thing is that u get it fast n easy in fls piano roll but cubase piano roll is not as good as fls. cos u gotta select arrow to move it up n to draw u have to take pen tool again. i hate that.


the difference between cubase n fl is like difference between car n a bike. like if u want to reach home u can use any one of them. if u use the car u will have some extra features inside the car which is not necessary for reaching ur destination. if u take bike u will not have that much of features which a car gives . but ur bike has the things to take u home so faster n easier through traffic. anyway in the end u will reach home.

like this cubase got some extra features which only effects the way u work nothing else. eg. 5.1 channel bus, marker tracks, grup tracks, folder tracks etc.


Ableton is a different stuff indeed.very nice. very good lessons, easy to learn n it got one synth called operator which is good for making pads n strings. n ofcource its very fun to use for live playings.


i think the problem u have with exporting in fl loop is bcos its need a good mastering <_<



the most powerfull n easy music making set i ever seen is reason rewired with fl.

especially if u want to have some thick sounds in the mix. reasons graintable synth can give u good thick dark sounds. n u know that vsts use lot of processing power where reason uses soundcard. by using reason n vsts u get a balance there.


i think the problem u have with exporting in fl loop is bcos its need a good mastering

You're thinking very good m8! I'm trying to learn some basis of

mastering and this forum is just the place for it!!! :D:D


hay thats not correct dude. both of them gives same precition. only thing is that u get it fast n easy in fls piano roll but cubase piano roll is not as good as fls. cos u gotta select arrow to move it up n to draw u have to take pen tool again. i hate that.


the difference between cubase n fl is like difference between car n a bike. like if u want to reach home u can use any one of them. if u use the car u will have some extra features inside the car which is not necessary for reaching ur destination. if  u take bike u will not have that much of features which a car gives . but ur bike has the things to take u home so faster n easier through traffic. anyway in the end u will reach home.

like this cubase got some extra features which only effects the way u work nothing else. eg. 5.1 channel bus, marker tracks, grup tracks, folder tracks etc.


Ableton is a different stuff indeed.very nice. very good lessons, easy to learn n it got one synth called operator which is good for making pads n strings. n ofcource its very fun to use for live playings.


i think the problem u have with exporting in fl loop is bcos its need a good mastering <_<





cubase doesnt have a piano roll. that sounds like a kids toy. it has a midi editor, and if u say thats a feature i dont need to use or any other in cubase then u got no idea how i make my music. i wouldnt use fruity, even for a simple loop. the mixer sucks, the arrenger looks like a toy dj thing and its fine for starting out, but ull get to the point ull wanna grow. then u get logic or cubase. for psy at least...

carefeul when riding a bike u might just get run over!


So is there any way of getting better sound with FL? :(


And btw, I'll post soon my new track which is made in

FL with a couple of VSTs!!! :D


People I'm curios.

How do they make those nice percursion

rythms. I tried, and tried, and tried,

and nothing. Is there a sample of that type of perc,

cause I heard it in a great number of songs,

for example Bizzare C.Vs Phanatic-7 Days?

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance!!! :)


So the final conclusion is that:

It is posible to make psy trance with FL,

but you need a lot of VSTs, knowledge and time!


I want to leave this thread open for other people

(begginers) to learn in a easier way how to use

this program, and as a place where you can post more

questions about this subject!


I want to thank you all for the help!!!

Peace! :):):)


So the final conclusion is that:

It is posible to make psy trance with FL,

but you need a lot of VSTs, knowledge and time!


I want leave this thread open for other people

(begginers) to learn in a easier way how to use

this program, and as a place where you can post more

questions about this subject!


I want to thank you all for the help!!!

Peace! :)  :)  :)


how many tracks u have made in fl till now.

i am really impressed by ur latest track.the breaks r inspiring :)


Kalki, I've made two whole tracks and two more are curently

in progress, I don't know when I'll finsih those two.

Thats all what I made.

am really impressed by ur latest track

Thanks! :)

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